When the time is ripe, it is indeed time for this big fish to close the net.

The open struggle between the Zheng family and the big men of the Central Central Court has begun, not only the Zheng family, but also the entire Yan family.

During this period, the Zheng family lacked skills.

Even Zheng Ruzhu is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect himself.

Zheng Ruzhu, the woman, immediately broke off contact with Chen Luo after the accident in the Zheng family, and she was unable to take care of herself. Chen Luo only heard what happened to the Zheng family, and he knew that things were not good.

How can this be?

It turned out to be a strange coincidence.

Chen Luo had only been in the Zheng family for a few days, and even in order to surrender to the Zheng family, he betrayed himself unceasingly, and forcibly endured the disgust to serve Zheng Ruzhu’s woman.

Thinking of Zheng Ruzhu, he felt a pang of nausea in his heart.

Zheng Ruzhu, as his name suggests, is like a pig!

Can bear the burden of humiliation, Chen Luo endured!

But he couldn’t have imagined that after he had just joined the Zheng family, he would have this incident!

How could it be such a coincidence?

Could it be Ye Fei again?

No, Ye Fei didn’t have that much energy, and I heard that this time it was a big guy from the Central Court who attacked the Zheng family.

Chen Luo subconsciously suspected Ye Fei, but in the end he dispelled his doubts about Ye Fei.

Although it was determined that it was not Ye Fei’s doing, Chen Luo was so angry that he was about to vomit blood again.

He tried his best, even abandoned his dignity, and hooked up with Zheng Ruzhu, but in the blink of an eye, the Zheng family had no time to take care of him, which really made him vomit blood.

But Chen Luo had no way, and he even had to take the initiative to draw a line with the Zheng family so as not to be affected when he got it.

Chen Luo had a deep sense of powerlessness and despair.

In a private villa in Chenluo.

Chen Luo sat paralyzed on the ground, and both he and Duan Qizheng were livid.

Duan Qi was sitting in the room with Chen Luo smoking a cigarette, their faces were as black as the bottom of the pot, and neither of them paid attention to the other.

Chen Luo had just had a fight with Duan Qizheng.

This was not the first time that Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng had quarreled with Chen Luo during this time, the recent quarrels between the two had occurred from time to time, all because Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo disagreed with each other.

Chen Luo hooked up with Zheng Ruzhu, and Duan Qizheng was opposed.

Because Duan Qizheng thought that Chen Luo’s move was insulting to Shimen, Chen Luo’s hooking up with Zheng Ruzhu simply humiliated Wu Shen Doctor, and he was even more reduced to the laughing stock of Yan Du.

In fact, Chen Luo was also a face-saving person, of course, he knew what kind of consequences he would cause by doing so, but he was desperate, and he hated Ye Fei to the bone, and wanted to fly last, so he embarked on this road.

Who knew that the Zheng family was an iceberg at all, not his backer

Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng had several small frictions and disputes over this matter.

A few times it wasn’t even pleasant

The two brothers finally gradually had a grudge.

Some people are like this, they can share wealth and wealth, but they cannot share suffering.

Chen Luo’s ambition was extremely great, and his sense of revenge was also very strong, he always had a strong hostility towards Ye Fei and hated Ye Fei to the bone.

Duan Qizheng’s thoughts were more inclined to self-preservation, he knew Ye Fei’s terribleness and was unwilling to take the initiative to deal with Ye Fei.

Although Duan Qi is in the Qizheng Group, although there is no chairman seat, but there is still equity and cash, as long as it does not provoke Ye Fei, it is still no problem to be a rich man with peace of mind.

Therefore, Chen Luo and Duan Qi were arguing.

After these several disputes, Chen Luo and Duan Qi were gradually centrifugal.

This quarrel between Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng was even more so!

After Chen Luo learned that the Zheng family had an accident, he was angry and corrupt, and Duan Qizheng persuaded a few words, and even persuaded Chen Luo to put down his body and apologize to Ye Fei, perhaps there was a chance to redeem himself.

This sentence immediately made Chen Luo angry.

Take the initiative to apologize to Ye Fei and compromise with Ye Fei?

No way is that possible!

This was really worse than killing Chen Luo.

Chen Luo immediately turned his face, Duan Qi was arguing with Chen Luo, and the two of them broke up at this time.

Duan Qi was sullenly smoking a cigarette, and for a long time he got up, but his mind kept thinking about what Ye Fei had said last time.

Ye Fei reminded Duan Qizheng last time not to confuse Wu Shenyi with Chen Luo, and it was Wu Shenyi who was kind to Duan Qizheng, not Chen Luo.

Although Duan Qizheng said that he wanted to repay the favor, he should not repay this favor on Chen Luo’s body!

These few words have often echoed in Duan Qizheng’s ears recently.

Duan Qi was looking at Chen Luo, who was not far away with a black face and did not speak, thinking about what Chen Luo had done in these days, he sighed, and he slowly said, “Little Master, I still advise you.” ”

“If you still persuade me to apologize to Ye Fei, then you don’t have to talk about it.” Chen Luo said coldly that the title he used for Duan Qi was no longer ‘Master Brother’.

Duan Qizheng also sensed the coldness in Chen Luo’s words, he sighed, and walked out of the villa alone.

Walking out of the villa, Duan Qizheng shook his head and casually threw away his cigarette, he felt that it was time to part ways with Chen Luo.

Duan Qizheng did not drive, he was walking on the road, just ten minutes away, he heard the roar of a locomotive, a white Lamborghini slowly stopped in front of him.

Immediately after, a man stepped out of the car.


Ye Fei was wearing a customized handmade suit, with a clear appearance, an extraordinary temperament, and a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, looking at Duan Qizheng.

“Mr. Duan, we are meeting again.” Ye Fei stepped out of the car, smiling kindly.

Duan Qizheng frowned slightly: “Ye Fei, are you spying on me?” ”

What was so coincidental, he had just come out of Chen Luo’s villa, and Ye Fei came to the door?

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, not denying it at all: “Of course, I have to keep an eye on your actions.” However, Mr. Duan and Chen Luo seem to have a lot of disputes recently, I don’t know if Mr. Duan has changed your mind, but I am always welcome. ”

Ye Fei had been arranging for people to monitor Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng, and when he learned of the feud between Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo, Ye Fei immediately came to woo Duan Qizheng.

Duan Qi was Chen Luo’s initial patron after coming to Yandu, but now the two of them had the tendency to part ways, and if they could win Duan Qizheng together, Chen Luo would definitely be blown up under the repeated blows he was now suffering from repeated blows!

As long as Chen Luo was in a mess, Ye Fei could grasp his fatal point!

What’s more, Ye Fei had already said that he would let Chen Luozhong rebel and leave.

Now is the perfect time!


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