Duan Qizheng was a person who didn’t matter to Ye Fei, but it was very important to Chen Luo.

As long as Duan Qi was turning to Ye Fei, it would become the last straw that crushed Chen Luo!

Duan Qi was looking at Ye Fei, and he was silent for a while before he sighed and said, “Ye Fei, you are very well informed. As soon as my front foot came out of Chen Luo’s villa, you received the news, no wonder Chen Luodou can’t fight you. ”

Ye Fei smiled and said nothing.

Ye Fei also noticed that Duan Qizheng’s title for Chen Luo had also changed from a master and disciple to a name, and it seemed that the two people had really gone their separate ways.

Ye Fei smiled lightly, “Chen Luo has a small heart and a deep sense of jealousy, he can only be rich and noble together, not share hardships, Mr. Duan, you should understand it.” ”

Duan Qizheng sighed, and he couldn’t help but say, “Ye Fei, I just want to ask you a question.” ”

“You say.”

“What Lei Haoran did, did you really do?” Duan Qizheng was curious.

Whether Lei Haoran’s thing was Ye Fei doing in the end, Chen Luo’s guess was right?

Ye Fei heard this and simply and generously admitted: “Yes, Lei Haoran’s thing was indeed done by me.” ”

It’s true!

What happened to Lei Haoran was indeed Ye Fei’s doing.

Hearing Ye Fei personally admit it, Duan Qizheng was first stunned, and then he was afraid and shaken.

Lei Haoran’s thing was really Ye Fei’s doing.

In just a few days, the Lei family was devastated because of this incident, Lei Haoran committed suicide, and Lei Shaohui fell from power…

Now in Yanduli, because of this incident, the aftermath has not dissipated.

Earlier, when Chen Luo said that this incident was Ye Fei’s doing, Duan Qizheng was completely skeptical, believing that this matter could not have been done by Ye Fei at all.

But now Ye Fei personally admitted it.

Duan Qizheng was afraid for a while, and only then did he know Ye Fei’s means.

He took a deep look at Ye Fei and said, “It seems that Chen Luo will not be your opponent no matter what.” Alas, this is the end of the matter, and I have done my best for Chen Luo, but unfortunately he does not listen to my advice. Mr. Ye, from today onwards, I will part ways with Chen Luo, and I will follow your lead. ”

As he spoke, Duan Qi was slightly leaning over and bowing his head to Ye Fei.

Seeing that Duan Qi was like this, Ye Fei smiled satisfactorily, and he finally let Duan Qizheng submit to him.

“Well, since Mr. Duan is willing to turn enemies and friends with me, the Qizheng Group will also have a place for you, Mr. Duan.” Ye Fei smiled.

For someone like Duan Qizheng who came to his aid, Ye Fei naturally welcomed it.

Ye Fei gave Duan Qizheng preferential treatment and was prepared to let Duan Qizheng continue to hold a position within the Qizheng Group. Of course, he would not let Duan Qizheng hold real power for the time being, after all, it was uncertain whether Duan Qizheng’s surrender was true or false.

However, Duan Qizheng was the key pawn that led him to destruction.

Ye Fei was going to destroy Chen Luo.

But the question is how did he get rid of him?

The Zheng family was not worried about themselves at this moment, and there were still some families in Yandu who had received the favor of Wu Shen Doctor, although Ye Fei was not afraid of other families at all, and even other families could not keep it

But what Ye Fei wanted was that Chen Luo couldn’t turn over and die completely!

Moreover, he still couldn’t leave too much excuse, and he had to create the illusion that Chen Luo would take a shot at him first, so that Ye Fei could put Chen Luo to death in a bright and upright manner.

Chen Luo has a strong sense of revenge and an impulsive personality.

Once he knew that even Duan Qizheng had turned to Ye Fei, what would he do?

Chen Luo is likely to make extreme moves and retaliate against Ye Fei recklessly!

At that time, Ye Fei would be able to do it and naturally destroy Chen Luo!

“Thank you Mr. Ye.” Duan Qizheng was relieved, when he learned that Lei Haoran’s matter was really Ye Fei’s doing, he didn’t want to offend Ye Fei again.

Now by turning to Ye Fei, he could still save his life.

Ye Fei said lightly, “Mr. Duan will go to the Qizheng Group tomorrow, and I will let people arrange everything.” ”

“Well, thank you Mr. Ye.”

Duan Qizheng was slightly underwhelmed.

Ye Fei didn’t say anything more, got into the car directly, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

Seeing Ye Fei’s Lamborghini quickly leaving the line of sight, Duan Qizheng had a complicated look, he sighed, shook his head, and was full of emotion.


When the night.

Ye Fei called Li Xiangyun, and at Ye Fei’s behest, the Qizheng Group issued a news announcement.

The content of the news announcement is simple: Qizheng Group has hired Duan Qizheng as the honorary chairman.

The honorary chairman is generally a virtual position and has no real power, but the position is very high, which is very suitable for the current identity of Duan Qizheng.

In this way, Duan Qizheng also returned to Qizheng Group as an honorary chairman, which also announced Ye Fei’s acceptance of Duan Qizheng’s surrender.

Of course, at the same time, Chen Luo also got the news.

Seeing this news announcement, Chen’s mentality instantly exploded.

Chen Luo immediately called Duan Qizheng and asked Duan Qizheng what was going on, his words were quite sharp, and he was very annoyed and bad about Duan Qizheng.

Duan Qizheng originally wanted to communicate with Chen Luo normally, but it turned out that Chen Luo was in a rage, and Chen Luo, whose mentality exploded, was venting his anger at Duan Qi, and the two once again broke out into an argument.

In the end, Duan Qizheng admitted that he had turned to Ye Fei and hung up the phone directly.

The anger in Chen Luo’s heart was incomparable, and his mentality completely exploded.

“Ye Fei, Ye Fei, Ye Fei again!”

In the villa, Chen Luo vented, and he finally sat on the sofa with a gloomy look, at this time Chen Luo knew very well that Ye Fei was already shooting at him.

Now Ye Fei had the advantage over him, the Zheng family couldn’t take care of themselves, and the Wei family didn’t help each other.

Whether from medical skills or martial arts or other aspects, he had no obvious advantage over Ye Fei, and his medical skills were even completely weaker than Ye Fei.

Ye Fei wanted to attack him, what should he do?

Or simply start first, don’t do two endlessly…

First of all, let’s take a shot at Ye Fei?!

Chen Luo pondered, and a crazy thought immediately popped up from Chen Luo’s mind.

Chen Luo clenched his fists tightly and gradually brewed up a plan to retaliate against Ye Fei.


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