Ye Fei used Bai Ruoxi’s laptop, only to see his skillful operation, his fingers were flying on the computer like a dance, seeing Ye Fei’s movements, Bai Ruoxi’s eyes showed a thick color of surprise.

Ye Fei’s speed was really too fast.

His hacking skills are perfect.

Bai Ruoxi had not seen a computer master, but someone like Ye Fei had really never seen it.

Ye Fei used the computer to remotely set up a virus on Chen Luo’s electronic device, and monitored Chen Luo’s every move through the electronic listening device.

After taking care of this, Ye Fei was also slightly relieved, and said, “Well, as long as Chen Luo has action, he will definitely show his horse’s feet.” ”

“Well, it depends on whether Chen Luo is the mastermind behind this fire.” Bai Ruoxi said softly, “Actually, you are a bit adventurous this time…”

Ye Fei smiled and said, “If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you will get the tiger.” ”

Chen Luo was not difficult for Ye Fei to deal with, especially when Ye Fei now had the upper hand.

But the real trouble is the network of relationships behind Chen’s body.

Especially after destroying Chen Luo, the person Ye Fei was likely to deal with was Wu Shen Doctor!

Wu Shen Doctor is a high-ranking person in the whole book of “Genius God Doctor”, Chen Luo is his closed disciple, and if Ye Fei kills Chen Luo, the next person to deal with is likely to be him.

Therefore, Ye Fei must have a reason for the great light, so that no one can fault it, so as to kill Chen Luo!

Otherwise, with Dr. Wu’s connections and networks, it would be a bit tricky.

“Chen Luo’s villa has actually been put into some eavesdropping equipment, everything is in place, only the East Wind is owed.” Ye Fei said lightly.

“You are so well prepared, no wonder Chen Luo is not as good as you.” Bai Ruoxi said softly, “Chen Luo lost unjustly.” ”

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked, and he wrapped his arms around Bai Ruoxi’s small waist and smiled lightly: “First of all, if you don’t talk about these things, I just want to ask you if you think about it these two days?” ”

Bai Ruoxi’s face was slightly red, and the two had officially established a relationship since that thunderstorm night.

However, the closeness of the two at that time was limited to hugging and kissing, and there was no further action.

“Nothing.” Bai Ruoxi raised his face and said deliberately, “I didn’t miss you.” ”

Although this was said, a smile appeared on Bai Ruoxi’s face, and the smile could not be hidden.

In fact, although Bai Ruoxi said that he did not think about Ye Fei, in fact, in the past few days, he always thought of Ye Fei’s figure, and even when she just returned to Yandu, she did not fall asleep all night.

The next day, when Bai Ruoxi went to the company, he even took a nap during the meeting, which made the executives of the Bai Group wonder.

Mr. Bai has always worked seriously, and it is simply unheard of that he actually snoozed in meetings.

Ye Fei saw it and wrapped his arms around Bai Ruoxi’s waist,.” It’s not early in the morning, let’s rest. ”

Bai Ruoxi’s face was slightly red, slightly silent, and she tilted her head sideways, unwilling to be with her.

Noticing Ye Fei’s look, Bai Ruoxi also knew that he would not be able to escape today.

But she didn’t want to run away either.

Bai Ruoxi moved his lips and whispered, “You go to the bath first…”

Hearing this, Ye Fei’s eyes lit up and he immediately went to take a bath.

Soon, Ye Fei came out of the bath and put on a bath towel, and the corners of his mouth revealed a narrow smile, staring at Bai Ruoxi.

Immediately afterward, Bai Ruoxi bit his mouth and went to take a bath as well.

Ye Fei lay in Bai Ruoxi’s bedroom, waiting for Bai Ruoxi to come out of the bathroom.

He glanced at Bai Ruoxi’s bedroom and found that the style was still a bit girlish, mainly blue and white, looking clean and refreshing, which was very in line with Bai Ruoxi’s own characteristics.

Ye Fei lay on the bed, and after a while, he found that Bai Ruoxi had walked up to him wearing a bath towel.

In the darkness, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi embraced…


At this point, the other side.

Chen Luo sat alone in the villa’s room, he took a sip of his cigarette, swallowed the clouds, squinted his narrow eyes, and his eyes were full of endless pride!

“Hey, Ye Fei, Ye Fei, you have today, you have today!” Chen Luo was full of pride, and after he saw the TV news, he knew that his plan had succeeded.

Yes, Ye Fei guessed a little well, this fire was Chen Luo’s mastermind!

Chen Luo this guy took painstaking efforts, he was also crazy to retaliate against Ye Fei, at all costs, and finally created this fire!

As it turned out, the effects of this fire were staggering.

Chen Luo was very excited.

He saw the news reports and knew that Ye Fei was missing in this fire, and the body of suspected Ye Fei was also found at the scene, waiting for final confirmation.

Upon learning this news, Chen Luo did not immediately believe it at first, and then he sent people to keep an eye on the Ye family and found that Ye Fei’s parents were also grief-stricken.

There is also Mu Zizhen of the Mu family, I heard that after Mu Zizhen returned to the Mu family compound today, he has been closed doors…

Including the two women Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu, they also went to the scene of the incident for the first time…

This kind of sign finally made Chen Luo sure that Ye Fei was really cold!

Chen Luo was immediately excited, although he took a huge risk, but in the end his plan was successful, he successfully killed Ye Fei!

“Ye Fei, Ye Fei, I didn’t expect you to end up killing me, hehe…” Chen Luo was very proud, he thought about it, and immediately made a phone call.

Chen Luo’s fire this time was also carefully planned, employing several people to set the fire in secret, plus the use of the flammable characteristics of the hotel’s insulation layer, which caused this fire.

Chen Luo made a phone call to the other party and said a few code words.

Chen Luo was also very cautious, using code words, after a few sentences, Chen Luo secretly transferred 5 million yuan to the other party’s account, and also the gold of this matter.

After this, Chen Luo was even more triumphant.

But he didn’t know that all this was under Ye Fei’s control.

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