At the moment when Chen Luo was proud, he might never have imagined that Ye Fei had not been buried in this fire at all.

Chen Luo was still immersed in pride.

“It’s just a pity that my current patron is gone, whether it is the Wei family or the Zheng family, they will not care about me now, otherwise it is a good time to fight back against the entire Ye family.”

Chen Luo secretly wondered, although in his eyes Ye Fei was dead, Chen Luo was certainly still unwilling.

With Chen Luo’s hatred for Ye Fei to the bone, he was eager to destroy the entire Ye Family!

Chen Luo’s revenge is very heavy.

Especially after being spoiled by Ye Fei several times, and he looked up to Luo Weiyu and Su Qingzhu… All these beautiful women fell into Ye Fei’s arms, which made Chen Luo even more furious in his heart, and his anger against Ye Fei rose, and he was simply eager to swallow Ye Fei alive.

Chen Luo smoked a cigarette, swallowed the clouds and spat out the mist, squinted his eyes, and his heart was extremely happy.

“But this fire incident is too big, I can’t expose myself, and I don’t have a backer behind me now, which is really troublesome… And Duan Qizheng that guy, he also wants to be tough on him! ”

Chen Luo not only wanted to retaliate against Ye Fei for revenge on the Ye family, but if he had the opportunity, he would also retaliate against Duan Qizheng, Li Xiangyun, and even report to the recovery family…

However, what was more difficult at the moment was that Chen Luoyan had lost his patron, although there were also several families in Yandu who remembered his master Wu Shenyi’s old feelings and had close contacts with him, but those families were still worse in front of the Ye family today.

Chen Luo’s current background and influence are difficult to shake the Ye family, and the fire is not small.

After weighing it up again, Chen Luo’s eyes flickered and he whispered to himself, “Unfortunately, now is the cusp of the storm, I still keep a low profile, find an opportunity to leave Yandu first, it is best to go back to the small town of Longhu Mountain, and first find Master for help.” However, I can’t let Master know what I did in Yandu, otherwise he will definitely reprimand me, and even if he doesn’t recognize me as an apprentice…”

Chen Luo was not stupid, knowing that this fire had committed such a serious matter, when the time came to track it down, the consequences of his revealing horse feet would be unimaginable.

Or go to Yandu to avoid the wind first.

Chen Luo thought of this, so he immediately booked a plane ticket and prepared to return to the small town in Jiangnan Province to avoid the wind.

Wait for this, and then return to Yandu!

By that time, the whole Yan would not have allowed him to gallop through the storm?

The corners of Chen Luo’s mouth drew a proud smile: “Ye Fei, Ye Fei, no matter how powerful your previous means were, were you still overturned by me?” Therefore, this man, in the end, is still competing for the length of his life…”

Chen Luo was overjoyed and eager to laugh three times, in order to express the gloom in his heart during this time.

Chen Luo was excited.


Just when Chen Luo was triumphant, the sky had gradually brightened.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi slept in each other’s arms, and Bai Ruoxi clung to Ye Fei, revealing the arm of Frost Saixue for a while.

Her sleeping posture is very moving, her eyebrows are slightly furrowed, and she is angry. Like a begonia.

Ye Fei got up early, but Bai Ruoxi was very tired last night, and Ye Fei also disturbed her and let her sleep a little longer.

Ye Fei got out of bed lightly, and he opened the computer to check Chen Luo’s movements.

Chen Luo’s electronic products were all there, especially Chen Luo’s mobile phone and computer, and then Ye Fei found Chen Luo’s call record yesterday!

Chen Luo’s call record yesterday night was also checked, and Ye Fei knew through the sound of the listener that Chen Luo was communicating with the other party in code words yesterday.

Ye Fei squinted, with the call record, he also had a way to find the correspondence address of the person who was talking to Chen Luo.

And the call can also be used as evidence.

Through the listening device, Ye Fei found those call records of Chen Luo yesterday and saved the call records as evidence.

Immediately afterward, Ye Fei checked Chen Luo’s bank account again.

Chen Luo’s secret bank account was discovered, and 5 million yuan was remitted into another account through an overseas account.

After Ye Fei found out, he knew that he could track the other party’s address through this account, and it was easy to find the evidence.

Chen Luo revealed his horse’s feet!

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth smiled, so Chen Luo was dead.

As long as Ye Fei had the evidence, Chen Luo would definitely be cool.

By tracking the bank account, Ye Fei could easily find the address of the other party, and when Ye Fei immediately acted, he locked the approximate address of the person who spoke with Chen Luo through the computer.

Soon, Ye Fei was already locked.

The other side has fled to Jiangbei Province!

It seems to be an overnight escape!

The address is a remote rental house in Cangshi, Jiangbei Province.

After Ye Fei found out all this, the corners of his mouth hooked.

At this point, he could say with certainty that Chen was finished.

“What are you doing?” Bai Ruoxi’s voice reached Ye Fei’s ear at this time, and Ye Fei saw that Bai Ruoxi was wearing pajamas, unable to cover his beautiful figure, and walked to Ye Fei’s side and held his arm.

Ye Fei smiled, “Yesterday’s fishing harvest was rewarding. ”

“Got a harvest?” Bai Ruoxi looked dumbly at Ye Fei and whispered, “So fast?” ”

Bai Ruoxi knew very well what Ye Fei meant by ‘fishing.’

Ye Fei nodded, and the corners of his mouth hooked: “I can only say that the guy who blames Chen Luo doesn’t know how to hide himself, although he is cunning, he is still exposed.” ”

To be fair, Chen Luo still knows to hide himself.

For example, when he talks to his subordinates, he uses code words, and the bank transfer is also through overseas accounts, plus Chen Luo is still preparing to leave Yandu overnight…

It can be said that Chen Luo himself is still very cautious.

But killing Chen Luo could not have imagined that Ye Fei was proficient in hacking technology and had long been prepared to monitor everything he was now!

Now Chen Luo has been given evidence by Ye Fei, and he is dead!

Ye Fei said, “I am now going to send someone to arrest Chen Luo, and in addition, I also need to send someone to Cangshi City, Jiangbei Province, to arrest the suspect of this fire.” ”

“I’ll help you!” Hearing Ye Fei say this, Bai Ruoxi immediately said.

Ye Fei was also not polite, and he did not need to be polite with Bai Ruoxi: “Well, you arrange for someone to go to Cangshi, and I will block Chen Luo!” ”



I’m sorry, because the previous chapter was harmonized, I was trying to find a way to pass the review, I was so difficult, the update was very sorry. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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