Bai Ruoxi heard Ye Fei’s arrangement, expressed no objection, and a shallow smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, so he agreed to Ye Fei.

“Well, without further ado, let’s act immediately, I’m afraid of arousing Chen Luo’s vigilance, and the night will be long and dreamy.” Ye Fei whispered.

“Okay.” Bai Ruoxi nodded slightly, and she got up to make a phone call and summoned the security personnel of the Bai family.

There were many security personnel in the Bai Family, especially when Bai Ruoxi was destroying the Violet Organization stronghold, he also had two internal martial artists around him.

With the security personnel of the Bai family, plus two internal martial artists, arresting a few people is simply a hand-to-hand capture, don’t be too easy.

After Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi decided, Bai Ruoxi quickly arranged the matter properly.

Bai Ruoxi’s handling of Ye Fei was of course reassuring.

“Then I’ll accompany you to block Chen Luo first…” Bai Ruoxi whispered.

“Don’t bother, you go to the Bai Group first, I will take care of this little thing myself.” The corner of Ye Fei’s mouth revealed a smile, and he touched the soft green hair of Bai Ruoxi.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Bai Ruoxi also said softly, “Well, I know, you must be careful yourself.” ”

“Rest assured, Chen Luo can’t hurt me.” Ye Fei said confidently.

“Well, I believe you.”

Seeing Chen Luo say this, Bai Ruoxi tiptoed his feet, gently kissed Ye Fei’s side face, and then changed into clothes and high heels and prepared to leave…

However, when she turned around, she was slightly frowning, her steps were slightly uncomfortable, and she only felt a pang of soreness in her body.

Ye Fei quickly supported Bai Ruoxi, and at the foot of Bai Ruoxi, he leaned into Ye Fei’s arms.

“Are you okay?” Ye Fei looked at her with concern.

“You also said that if it weren’t for your last night… I won’t either…” Bai Ruoxi glanced at Ye Fei slightly and hummed softly.

Ye Fei said cheekily, “I don’t want to, I can only say that you are too charming.” ”

Ye Fei savored yesterday’s night and was still unfinished.

Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly, “I’ll go to the Bai Group first, it’s too late.” ”

“Go, be careful on the road.”

Ye Fei watched Bai Ruoxi leave, and he also immediately called Hei Wu and the others, asking the Black Fifth and others to divide into three groups.

A group of people followed Ye Fei straight to Chen Luo’s villa, a group of people went to the airport to block, and a group of people went to the various highway intersections in Yandu!

Three sides to block the old fall!

Chen Luo is difficult to fly even if he inserts his wings today!

Ye Fei was fully prepared, and fortunately, the Ye family’s security personnel could be mobilized by Ye Fei, otherwise there would not be enough manpower.

Ye Fei drove away with another Maserati from Bai Ruoxi in this villa and quickly rushed to Chen Luo’s villa.

Ye Fei arrived at Chen Luo’s villa area, and as soon as he got out of the car, Hei Wu and the others surrounded him.

Hei Wu and the others were close to Ye Fei’s side, and Hei Wu was accompanied by five or six men in suits and leather shoes, all of whom were tiger-backed and bear-waisted, and these people were all elites.

In order to fake the image of Ye Fei’s fake death, Ye Fei took away the surveillance around Chen Luo, after all, if Ye Fei was really dead, these people could not still keep monitoring Chen Luo.

“Young master, Chen Luo has already guarded this area, and we have not seen any trace of Chen Luo, do we want to go to his villa to have a look?” Black Five asked.

“Okay.” Ye Fei bowed his head slightly, and said lightly, “Come with me.” ”

Of course he was going to Chen Luo Villa.

Ye Fei led everyone to Chen Luo’s villa, only to see that the villa door was closed and the maid could not see a single one, and Ye Fei frowned suddenly.

Black Wuyi took the lead and flipped directly over the outer wall of the villa, then entered the room to look carefully, searching for a while before he came out and shouted: “Young master, the person is gone!” ”

Ye Fei’s heart tightened.

Chen Luo really ran!

Ye Fei was a little surprised, Chen Luo actually ran so fast, yesterday this guy was still talking to his subordinates, and today he actually ran?

Chen Luo’s speed was also no one, and fortunately, Ye Fei was moving fast, and he already had a layout.

Otherwise, it is really possible to be quickly escaped by Chen Luo, which is really not worth the loss!

Ye Fei’s eyes showed coldness.

“Go to the airport.” Ye Fei prepared for Yandu Airport at the first time.

Ye Fei guessed that Chen Luo should choose to take a plane as his means of transportation.

“Yes, young master.” Hearing Ye Fei’s command, Hei Wu and the others also acted quickly, and they drove two cars to follow Ye Fei’s Maserati.

Ye Fei asked one of the bodyguards to drive, and he sat in the back seat to go to the airport.

On the way to the airport, Ye Fei informed the two groups of security personnel at the airport and the highway to pay close attention to Chen Luo’s movements.

After this, Ye Fei had been closing his eyes and recuperating.

Just then, Ye Fei received a call.

Ye Feiyi looked at the electric display, and it turned out to be a call from Ning Yufei.

Ning Yufei!

Ye Fei had several mobile phones, and this number was Ye Fei’s most personal number, which was also the phone number that Ye Fei took the initiative to give to Ning Yufei.

What does it mean that Ning Yufei came to call him at this time?

Don’t forget, Ye Fei is still in a state of ‘suspended animation’.

Pick up? Or not?

Ye Fei thought about it and finally chose to answer the phone.

“Miss Ning called me early in the morning, I don’t know what noble work there is?” Ye Fei smiled lightly and asked.

Hearing Ye Fei’s clear voice coming, Ning Yufei’s slightly cold voice came, and she said, “Ye Fei, if you are really okay, I will say…”

Hearing this, Ning Yufei was relieved.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Just to lure some people in.” ”

“Need my help?” As long as people are in the north, I can help you get it. Ning Yufei asked softly.

Ning Yufei’s voice exuded strong self-confidence.

The underground forces and intelligence networks controlled by Ning Yufei were indeed very terrifying, and with the power she controlled, it was very simple to help Ye Fei.

Hearing Ning Yufei say this, Ye Fei shrugged, “No need, if there is a need I will ask you for help, thank you very much.” ”

There are enough people sent out by Bai Ruoxi.

“If that’s the case, then I have something I want to ask you to help me with.” Ning Yufei spoke again.

“You say.” Ye Fei’s voice was faint.

Ning Yufei asked Ye Fei for help, and Ye Fei was definitely going to help.

The last time Violet organized things, Ning Yufei was a big help. Ye Fei must also return the favor.


2 more ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_

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