Ye Fei stared at Chen Luo, narrowed the chill in his eyes, and said lightly: “The meaning is that I can give you a glimmer of life, but there are conditions.” ”

“What conditions, you say.” Chen Luo clenched his fists and glanced at Ye Fei’s men left and right.

Although Ye Fei’s bodyguards were many, he was not afraid at all, after all, Chen Luo was a master of internal strength, and his strength value was also quite terrifying.

Except for Ye Fei, the others couldn’t stop Chen Luo at all.

If Ye Fei’s requirements were too harsh, Chen Luo would not stop and Ye Feiyu would die and break the net.

Chen Luo’s heart had made a decision, and he was ready to burst out at any time.

Ye Fei’s voice was not loud, his eyes looked directly at Chen Luo, and he said, “The conditions are very simple, we fight two times a life and death fight, you win, I will no longer pursue your business, you lose, the consequences you know.” ”

Ye Fei made a request.

Life and death?!

Chen Luo didn’t expect Ye Fei to make this request, he took a deep breath, but he was thinking about the possibility of this matter.

In fact, the current situation is already too bad to be worse.

Chen Luo was blocked by Ye Fei at the airport, and Ye Fei would not let him go.

What’s more, Ye Fei also had evidence of Chen Luo and his men about this arson case, and the problem was even more serious.

Chen Luo took a deep breath, his face was calm and he did not speak, weighing it in his heart.

Since Ye Fei dared to make a request, he also said that if Chen Luo won he would not be blamed in the past, how could there be such a good thing?

The only possibility was that Ye Fei thought he would definitely win!

Chen Luo was not stupid, he looked at Ye Fei’s confident look, plus Ye Fei and Chen Luo had exchanged hands before, Chen Luo immediately knew what Ye Fei’s thoughts and attitudes were.

In this life-and-death fight, Ye Fei just wanted to kill him.

Chen Luo’s fists were clenched, his bone joints were white, and his squinting eyes were full of anger, but in the end he did not have a seizure.

Ye Fei used Yang Mou against Chen Luo, and Ye Fei clearly told Chen Luo about his current situation, and gave Chen Luo two choices in the bright and just way.

The first way is to put Chen Luo in prison, and then sentence Chen Luo in a bright and just way.

The other is that two people live and die, both high and low, but also decide life and death!

Faced with this choice, what else can Chen Luo do?

Choosing the first way, he will undoubtedly die, advanced prison, and finally wait for trial, will certainly not escape the death sentence of the Control Yuan, after all, this time the matter is too serious.

Even if his master Wu Shen Doctor personally went out on horseback, he might not be able to save him!

Choosing the second way, there may be a glimmer of life.

Ye Fei ostensibly let him choose, but in fact he had to choose!

Chen Luo was silent.

Just then, Ye Fei’s mobile phone rang.

Connecting to the mobile phone, I saw that it was Bai Lai’s phone, Ye Fei directly pressed the speakerphone, and Bai Ruoxi’s soft voice came from the mobile phone.

Bai Ruoxi said softly, “Ye Fei, the matter has been settled.” The men I sent arrested Chen Luo’s accomplices in Cangshi, a total of four people… They are hiding in the remote suburbs of Cangshi, the address you gave is correct, they have all been arrested. ”

Hearing Bai Ruoxi’s words, Ye Fei showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, Bai Ruoxi’s call came at a real time, it was simply to send God to assist.

“Okay, I get it.” Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi chatted briefly for a few words, then hung up the phone, looked directly at Chen Luo, and said lightly: “How are you thinking, Chen Luo?” ”

Chen Luo’s face was extremely gloomy, and after he heard Bai Ruoxi’s call, he knew that he had no room for maneuver in this matter.

Even his four subordinates were arrested, and the most crucial evidence of the arson case was already in Ye Fei’s hands.

Whether it is human or physical evidence, it has gathered.

Chen Luo can’t turn the tables!

He asked with a somber face, “Ye Fei, you said that we are both alive and dead, as long as I win you, you can let me have a way to live, right?” ”

“That’s right.” Ye Fei bowed his head slightly.

“I can’t believe what you say, but is there anyone else who testifies?” Chen Luo stared at Ye Fei deadly.

Ye Fei smiled, Chen Luo’s words undoubtedly told Ye Fei of his choice, and Chen Luo was also forced to reluctantly agree to Ye Fei’s conditions.

But Chen Luo could not believe Ye Fei, and he wanted to find someone to testify.

Ye Fei said, “It doesn’t matter if you believe me, how about asking Ning Yufei to testify?” Set up life and death at the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall in Ming Ye and sign the life and death certificate. ”

Ning Yufei’s reputation, Chen Luo was still very clear.

After all, Ning Yufei was famous in Yandu, both black and white were extremely famous, and the martial arts world was also very famous, and more importantly, Ning Yufei’s reputation was very good, and Chen Luo was more assured.

“Okay, if you fight at Ning Yufei’s Hongshan Martial Arts, I promise you.” Chen Luo gritted his teeth.

In fact, Chen Luo also had a small calculation in his heart.

Since the last time he fought Ye Fei, Chen Luo’s injuries were now basically healed.

Moreover, since this period of time, Chen Luo himself did not dare to be careless and did some restorative training. Chen Luo thought to himself that his strength was definitely one point stronger than before.

As for Ye Fei…

The last time Chen Luo fought Ye Fei, it was largely because of his contempt for Ye Fei, so Chen Luo lost the opportunity to fight Ye Fei.

He would never make the same mistake again this time!

“Then please.” Ye Fei said lightly.

Chen Luo and Ye Fei moved to the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall to find Ning Yufei!

Ning Yufei received a call from Ye Fei and learned that Ye Fei and Chen Luo had come to the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall, and Ning Yufei personally led someone to greet them.

Ye Fei and Chen Luo were witnessed by Ning Yufei, and the two signed a life and death certificate.

The so-called life and death situation is also very simple, generally it is a treaty signed when the underground black fist is also very simple, that is, the two sides do not limit the fighting techniques, can not use weapons, in the competition ring a duel, life or death.

Signing the life and death certificate, this means that even if Ye Fei kills Chen Luo in the ring, no one can say anything!

Similarly, this is also an opportunity for Chen Luo, his only life!

The two sides signed a life and death form, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth were aroused, and the direction of the matter was currently in his expectation.

Chen Luo may have thought that Ye Fei was arrogant and arrogant, but in fact, for Ye Fei, it was the fastest way to solve Chen Luo!

The two sides signed a letter of life and death, and under the witness of Ning Yufei, the battle between Ye Fei and Chen Luo was about to erupt!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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