Ye Fei and Chen Luo were witnessed by Ning Yufei, and the two signed a life and death agreement.

When the life and death form was signed, Chen Luo was relieved, he knew that he could leave everything behind and concentrate on preparing for a battle with Ye Fei.

It was his only life!

Chen Luo took a deep breath, and although his face was still gloomy, he was much more relaxed.

Ye Fei saw Chen Luo’s look in full view, and when he saw Chen Luo’s relaxed appearance, he smiled in his heart.

“You both have one day to prepare, Mr. Ye, your battle arrangement with Fu Hongyu is also in the Ming Dynasty, do you want to fight before or after this battle?” Ning Yufei was also asking Ye Fei.

Ye Fei pondered a little and said, “Just before this.” ”

“That’s fine.” Ning Yufei nodded slightly, and at the same time couldn’t help but worry about Ye Fei. Chen Luo and Fu Hongyu were not weak in strength, they were both martial artists with great internal strength, and Ye Fei actually wanted to fight the two of them continuously?

Although Ning Yufei had seen Ye Fei’s strength, she was still slightly surprised.

Ning Yufei herself is also a martial arts master and has a martial arts background. Although Ning Yufei’s strength was not as good as Ye Fei’s, she was well aware of the strength of the Inner Strength Dacheng Martial Artist.

Because of this, Ning Yufei wanted to remind Ye Fei.

And Ye Fei gave Ning Yufei a reassuring look.

Ye Fei had never let go of the martial arts training during this time, and Ye Fei had also consumed some of the experience points to increase in terms of strength and speed, and now Ye Fei’s body attributes were basically close to the limit of the internal strength of the martial artist.

The internal strength is great, almost the top of the domestic martial arts.

One step further, that is the Grandmaster Martial Artist.

And the guru appeared to be the real dragon who saw the head and did not see the end.

Ye Fei was ready to borrow Fu Hongyu and Chen Luo to make himself go further, at least to earn enough experience points and upgrade his martial arts skills!

Before that, Ye Fei had a total of 4300 experience points, and he spent 1000 experience points to increase his speed and strength by 50 points each.

There are currently 3300 experience points left.

Although some of the experience points were consumed, as long as Ye Fei could destroy Fu Hongyu and Chen Luo, it was still very cost-effective.

After Ye Fei and Chen Luo signed a life and death certificate, Ye Fei and Chen Luo gave this life and death certificate to Ning Yufei for safekeeping.

Ning Yufei held the life and death certificate in her hand, she did her official business, and said: “I have put away the two life and death certificates, in order to show the fairness of the game, Mr. Chen, during this period, please stay in my Hongshan Martial Arts Hall, I will protect your personal safety.” ”

Ning Yufei said this politely, in fact, she was also helping Ye Fei to prevent Chen Luo from running away.

Chen Luo’s face changed slightly, but he finally nodded slowly.

Now stronger than the man, he had to bow his head.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked, and Ning Yufei was very thoughtful, so that he was not afraid of Chen Luo running.

There were martial artists everywhere in the Hongshan Martial Hall, and although Chen Luo’s martial arts were of high value, it was not so easy to escape.

After signing the life and death certificate, Ye Fei also left the museum.


Leaving the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall, Ye Fei was finally able to reveal his identity.

In order to hide Chen Fei’s fall, Ye Fei kept on dying and escaped, and many people thought that Ye Fei was dead.

Including Lei Yiming, Bai Yu, Yang Zimo, Zhang Le and others, they were all hidden.

Only Ye Fei’s parents and the women around him knew the truth of the matter, and beyond that, they hid it from everyone.

Therefore, the first thing Ye Fei did when he left the Hongshan Martial Arts Center was to go to the Ye Group and Brilliant Entertainment to report.

Knowing that Ye Fei was not dead, the people around Ye Fei were greatly relieved, especially the brilliant entertainment, and they were full of energy again.

Zhang Minle himself even said to Ye Feilian: “Ye Zong, you have really scared me to death these two days, and the whole company is still counting on you…”

Ye Fei smiled slightly, patted Zhang Mingle’s shoulder, and said: “The company is now very relieved to have you staring at me, speed up the progress, and don’t worry about money.” ”

“No problem, with your words, you just wait!” Zhang Mingle said confidently.

Nowadays, Brilliant Entertainment has received a large amount of money from Ye Fei, and has opened the bow left and right, shooting many movies at the same time, and adding a number of singers and actors such as Lu Lingjun are also in training.

It can be said that at present, brilliant entertainment is developing rapidly, as long as it takes time, an entertainment empire will come into being.

Ye Fei left the company and returned to the villa.

In the villa, Luo Weiyu was quietly waiting for Ye Fei to return in the villa.

When Ye Fei returned, she just hugged Ye Fei tightly and didn’t say a word.

Ye Fei touched her head and smiled, “Think I didn’t?” ”

“Yes.” Luo Wei Yu said softly.

Ye Fei smiled and touched her rosy cheeks, “I miss you too, at noon I want to eat minced meat eggplant, tomato scrambled eggs…”

Ye Fei casually ordered a few home-cooked dishes.

Luo Weiyu blushed and said, “Then I’ll do it for you.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for dinner.”

Ye Fei watched Luo Weiyu go to the kitchen to get busy, Ye Fei sent a message with Su Qingzhu, Mu Zizhen and other women, and then went upstairs to concentrate on practicing boxing.


The time of day passes quickly.

Finally, it was the next night.

Hongshan Martial Arts.

At this time, Mu Zizhen and other women all knew the news that Ye Fei was going to fight with Fu Hongyu and Chen Luo, and they all cared about Ye Fei and wanted to come to the scene to watch the ring match.

Ye Fei eventually only let Mu Zizhen come alone, after all, the others didn’t know anything about martial arts, and Ye Fei didn’t want them to worry too much.

Evening eight o’clock.

The Hongshan Martial Arts Hall is brightly lit.

There are luxury cars parked outside the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall, and many celebrities and martial artists come from inside and outside the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall.

Ye Fei arrived inside the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall, and Mu Zizhen also came soon to join Ye Fei.

Ning Yufei brought people to personally entertain.

The entire Hongshan Martial Arts Hall was full of people and brightly lit.

Above the ring, there are various shows performing hot spots.

When Ye Fei appeared, there was a riot and discussion in the ring, and everyone knew that Ye Fei was one of the protagonists of this night.

This ring game can’t hide from everyone.

Of course, this ring match only said that Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu were fighting, and did not involve Chen Luo.

The battle between Ye Fei and Chen Luo was ranked behind Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu.

Soon, Ye Fei also saw Fu Hongyu.

Fu Hongyu, the apprentice of Li Yunfeng, the protagonist in the book “The King of Huadu Soldiers”, is also Li Yunfeng’s right and left arm!


Ask for everything_

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