Ye Fei saw Fu Hongyu.

Fu Hongyu has broad shoulders, his figure is not too big, his face is Chinese, his face is resolute, and his appearance is average.

But Fu Hongyu was full of momentum, and as soon as he appeared, he let those martial arts masters around him look up at him one by one.

Fu Hongyu himself exuded a majestic momentum, and every step he took, it was like a mountain. Ordinary people can feel the tremendous pressure even as long as they are around him.

Fu Hongyu was indeed a master of internal strength.

He had actually cultivated the internal strength and external release!

The so-called internal strength and external release is an extremely advanced skill, which Fu Hongyu himself has mastered and should not be underestimated.

Seeing Fu Hongyu’s breath shine, he also saw Ye Fei and Ning Yufei from a distance.

Ning Yufei accompanied Ye Fei, and Fu Hongyu looked at Ning Yufei’s look and knew that this night’s opponent was Ye Fei.

In the ring, there were seven or eight women in short skirts dancing in the hot stage, and when Fu Hongyu appeared, they all stopped dancing, bowed to the audience, and then withdrew from the ring.

And Fu Hongyu was standing under the stage, he jumped up and jumped directly into the ring!

Fu Hongyu was at least two or three meters long from the ring, and with the height of the ring, it was amazing that he could jump up to this extent.

Only to see Fu Hongyu jump up high and land steadily, this kung fu has surprised everyone in the audience, and then he sounded like a Hong Zhong, he said coldly: “I am Fu Hongyu, in the name of Master Li Yunfeng, returning from overseas to challenge the major martial arts masters in Yandu!” ”

“The day before yesterday, I lost five consecutive masters of Shape Yi Quan and Wing Chun Quan, and two internal strength masters of the Hongshan Boxing Gym, but unfortunately they are all like turkey tile dogs, which is not worth mentioning!”

Fu Hongyu’s voice was loud and his voice was arrogant.

Hearing Fu Hongyu say this, the martial arts masters in the audience were all excited.

“Oh, the pipe is so big that it really bullies no one in my domestic martial arts community?”

“This… Fu Hongyu did defeat seven martial arts masters in a row a few days ago, such as Zhiyi, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Eight Poles… The masters of these Gate Sects were all picked by him, which was really amazing. ”

“Silence! This Fu Hongyu is the top master of internal strength, Master Li Yunfeng, who is Li Yunfeng do you not know? ”

“Li Yunfeng? Which one is overseas Hongmen? ”

The people who came down from the stage were all people in the upper circle of Yandu, except for a few who watched the liveliness, almost all of them were people from the martial arts world.

The venue was full of people, at least a thousand people, all of whom were taken in by Fu Hongyu’s arrogant attitude at this time, all of whom were whispering and sighing.

In the domestic martial arts world, if the master does not come forward, he is already a top master!

And the martial arts masters, however, are all Taishan Beidou figures in the martial arts world, and there are very few in the whole country.

Therefore, for Fu Hongyu’s provocation, the people in the martial arts circles in the audience dared to be angry and dare not speak up, especially in the past few days, Fu Hongyu simply destroyed the seven masters of the Yandu martial arts circle with a sweeping momentum.

That’s right, seven masters!

In addition to the two masters of the Hongshan Boxing Gym, there were also those who lost to Fu Hongyu!

This is enough to show how Fu Hongyu is.

Therefore, the people in the martial arts circles under the stage were silent, knowing that Fu Hongyu was not easy to provoke.

If the master master is not out, who can help Fu Hongyu?

The martial arts realm is divided into external strength, internal strength, internal strength Xiaocheng, internal strength Dacheng, and the level of the Realm Master, which seems to be only the difference in the level of the warrior, but in fact, each step is very different, and the gap is extremely large.

Seeing the discussion in the audience, Fu Hongyu’s voice was still loud: “Today, Miss Ning of the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall asked me to compete again, I heard that there is a master with a special status, who is a boxer invited by Miss Ning. ”

Fu Hongyu’s words were full of momentum.

As a master of internal strength, he does have the capital to be proud.

Fu Hongyu came to Yandu this time to stand in front of his master Li Yunfeng.

Although Li Yunfeng lives far overseas and is a big man in the overseas Hongmen, he has long been ambitious for the domestic martial arts community and has always wanted to return to China.

In the original book, Li Yunfeng ordered Fu Hongyu to come to Yandu, and he was throwing stones to ask for directions.

Fu Hongyu also lived up to his hopes and turned the Yandu martial arts community upside down, until he met Ye Fei today.

Fu Hongyu stared at Ye Fei with a scorching gaze, his eyes full of defiance.

Ning Yufei said beside Ye Fei, “Mr. Ye, be careful, Fu Hongyu is not easy to deal with…”

Ning Yufei’s only hope was now on Ye Fei’s body!

If Ye Fei lost, not only would the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall sign be gone, but more importantly, the entire Yandu Martial Arts Realm would almost be swept away by Fu Hongyu!

This is also an extremely humiliating thing for the Yandu martial arts community.

“Rest assured.”

Ye Fei smiled confidently.

Seeing the situation, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth also revealed a faint smile, and he also jumped up, got up violently, jumped up, and jumped into the ring!


With a loud noise, Ye Fei’s feet were stuck in the ring like nails.

Ye Fei inadvertently revealed his hand.

Ye Fei stood firmly above the ring, only to see that the whole audience was shocked again.

Only then did these martial arts people understand that this Ye Fei was also a master!

“Good kung fu, but also a martial artist with great inner strength.”

“Isn’t this Ye Dashao, it turns out that his kung fu is so powerful?”

“I don’t know if this person can beat Fu Hongyu…”

Between the words, Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu both stood still on the field, and Fu Hongyu smiled coldly, although he was a little surprised by Ye Fei’s kung fu, but this could not affect his will in the slightest.

“Little white face, you look good, and your skills look a pity, but unfortunately, you are fascinated by the woman Ning Yufei, right?” She actually asked you to come and be my opponent… Rest assured, I will not lay down a dead hand, at most let you spend the rest of your life in the hospital. When Fu Hongyu saw Ye Fei on the stage, he grinned.

When Fu Hongyu came to Yandu this time, he was entrusted by Li Yunfeng to challenge the masters of Yandu’s martial arts circles. Not only that, Li Yunfeng also had a crush on Ning Yufei!

But Li Yunfeng has a habit, he likes to conquer with strength for the women he likes.

Therefore, the reason why Fu Hongyu chose the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall to kick the pavilion this time was to fight for Li Yunfeng and take the first step to conquer Ning Yufei!

Unfortunately, he met Ye Fei.

“Both sides begin!”

The referee was already in place, and as soon as the referee’s voice fell, Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu began to fight!

Ye Fei took the lead and took the lead!


2 More Everything_

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