Chen Luo’s entire body was thrown out by Ye Fei, and he hit the octagonal cage hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes went black.

Chen Luo was hit hard!

This immediately made Chen Luo spit out blood, and Chen Luo struggled to get up, doing his best not to let his body fall, but to no avail.


Ye Fei threw a punch, and Chen Luo dragged the injured figure and couldn’t stop it at all.

And Ye Fei finally had the opportunity to vent the anger in his heart, recalling all the bad deeds of Chen Luo in the original book, as well as the previous contradictions between the two people, Ye Fei was ruthless.

Chen Luo was also completely unable to resist Ye Fei’s fierce attack in a hurry, and the whole person fell down heavily, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

However, despite this, the killing intent in Chen Luo’s eyes was still the same, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Fei, and he was almost eager to swallow Ye Feisheng alive.

Chen Luo’s eyes were full of killing intent, he knew that Ye Fei would never let him go, and he would not let Ye Fei go.

Chen Luo was not willing to fall down, and he moved quickly, as if he had stuffed some special pill into his mouth.

Chen Luo ate a special pill left to him by his master Wu Shen Doctor, which could enhance his strength in a very short period of time, stimulate the meridians and internal strength, but it would also lead to great sequelae, and he could only rely on a wheelchair to survive even if he lived for the rest of his life.

But now that 100,000 people are in a hurry, he can’t care about so much.

Chen Luo now had the determination to die, and he wanted to kill Ye Fei!

When you are dying, you must also pull the leaf flying cushion back!

Ye Fei noticed Chen Luo’s movements, and after Chen Luo swallowed the pill, the internal strength of his whole body did increase, but Ye Fei was resolute.

Chen Luo was now completely injured, and if Chen Luo had swallowed this pill with the determination to die at the beginning to fight Ye Fei, Ye Fei might still be a little jealous of him.

But now…

Chen Luo will die!

Chen Luo forcibly supported his body and continued to punch Ye Fei.

Only to see Chen Luo roar wildly, his body was stable, his whole body muscles were tense, and a fist rushed forward.

This punch was as fast as lightning, smashing like a cannonball, tearing through the air, and exerting the strength of Chen Shi who was so strong at this moment to the extreme.

Ye Fei faced this punch, but said coldly, “If you are not dead hearted, I will send you on your way.” ”

Sending you on your way!

Ye Fei’s words were also extremely domineering, he moved his hands, said it was too late, it was fast, and he actually grabbed Chen Luo’s arm steadily and clasped Chen Luo’s arm.

Chen Luo’s face changed.

Just now this punch concentrated Chen Luo’s last strength, after he took the pill, his strength recovered a lot, and he felt that this punch was a punch with great internal strength.

But Ye Fei actually grabbed his arm, and it seemed that there was still room for strength

“A good Ye Fei, his strength is stronger than mine, but I’m afraid that he has already touched the threshold of the Transformation Realm Master…”

“Chen Luoshi inherited Wu Shen Doctor, the force is only stronger than Fu Hongyu, not weak, this punch is even more of an internal strength master, but it is easily cracked by Ye Fei…”

When those martial arts masters in the audience saw this scene, they all had the expression of a living ghost, and their eyes were all staring out.

Chen Luo was also shocked, he didn’t expect that he was forced by Ye Fei to take the pill, or not…

The martial arts master does not come out, who fights with the front!

The masters of the martial arts world couldn’t help but have this thought in their hearts.

Ye Fei grabbed Chen Luo’s arm, and this time Ye Fei did not throw Chen Luo out, but slapped it on the wrist and slapped it on Chen Luo’s heart.

Chen Luo screamed bitterly, and his figure flew out backwards, crashing heavily into the octagonal cage, and this time Chen Luo completely lost the strength to resist.

At the same time, blood came out of Chen’s mouth, nose, eyes, mouth, etc…

Seven tricks to bleed!

Chen fell softly to the ground.

Chen Luo was like gossamer, but those eyes were still full of hostility and looked at Ye Fei, and said weakly: “Ye Fei Dog Thief, it is a pity that he did not kill you.” ”

“Unfortunately, I thought this punch would kill you…”

Ye Fei looked at Chen Luo and said lightly, “If you take the pill at the beginning and kill me with the heart of death, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.” ”

The corners of Chen Luo’s mouth spilled blood, but he didn’t even have the strength to raise his hand to wipe the blood, and his voice couldn’t help but tremble, “Ye Fei, don’t be proud, if you kill me this time, my master will definitely avenge me, and you are absolutely unhappy!” My master’s ability to be an old man’s home is definitely not something you can imagine…”

Chen Luo’s eyes were filled with hatred, and he stared at Ye Fei deadly.

“Is it?” Ye Fei stood with his hands in his hands and said lightly, “I don’t know if your master will tolerate you again if he knows that you have done such an insulting thing as the arson case?” ”

“Well, you’re going to die, and I’m too lazy to argue with you, so let’s go on the road.”

Ye Fei’s voice was soft.

“You…” Chen Luo still wanted to speak, but his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally his breath was like gossamer, and he closed his eyes slightly.

Chen’s eyelids drooped, and his breathing stopped and the whole person fell to the side.

Chen, die!

This struggle between Ye Fei and Chen Luo finally came to an end.

Chen Luo died.

Ye Fei stood on the stage, and he slowly stepped out of the octagonal cage that had long been broken.

Seeing the situation, everyone in the audience was shocked and focused their eyes on Ye Fei’s body.

Some of them were celebrities in the upper circle of Yandu, and some were people in the martial arts world, and they were all shocked to see this scene.

Ning Yufei stood under the stage, she breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Fu Hongyu and Chen Luo being broken by Ye Fei one after another, especially when she saw the battle between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, she was also deeply shocked by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s strength was definitely close to that of a martial arts master, and he could be called the first person of the Inner Strength Martial Arts!

From today on, Ye Fei’s name must definitely be resounding in the martial arts world.

Looking at Yandu, among the younger generation, Ye Fei was invincible.

Of course, although Chen Luo was dead, there was still Wu Shen Doctor behind Chen Luo, and Li Yunfeng would be Ye Fei’s opponents.

Mu Zizhen also slowly withdrew her gaze from Ye Fei’s body, she had already anticipated the outcome of this battle, and she also had confidence in Ye Fei.

From today on, Ye Fei eliminated the great threat of Chen Luo!

“Ding, congratulations host, get 2000 experience points!”

In Ye Fei’s ear, the sound of the system was heard.

Experience explosion grows!


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