Ye Fei withdrew his gaze from Chen Luo’s corpse.

Yes, at this moment, Chen Luo has become a cold corpse.

Chen Luo looked at Ye Fei with vicious eyes all the time, but at this moment, his pupils were dilated, his eyes were blank, and he was obviously too dead to die.

Removing the threat of Chen Luo, Ye Fei raised an eyebrow and exhaled.

To be fair, Chen Luo, the protagonist, is not difficult to deal with, and what is really difficult is the forces and backgrounds behind Chen Luo.

The Wei family, the Zheng family, the Lei family, and so on, these Yandu giants are like Chen Luo’s protective umbrellas, all protecting Chen Luo.

If Ye Fei hadn’t removed Chen Luo’s protective umbrellas one by one, he might not have been able to do this.

Of course, Chen Luo’s biggest patron and background was his master Wu Shen Doctor.

Wu Shen Doctor is a high-ranking person in the world, and he is a master of both medicine and martial arts.

He’s the real hard to deal with.

However, despite this, Ye Fei had already had some ideas, and he had even thought about how to deal with Wu Shen Doctor.

Dr. Wu Shen is different from Chen Luo.

Chen Luo was narrow-minded, and his eyes would be rewarded, and whoever offended him was bound to get into trouble.

However, Dr. Wu Shen is a high-ranking person in the world, and his character is high, and he can indeed be called a famous doctor in the world.

Compared with Chen Luo, although Wu Shenyi’s strength was far stronger than Chen Luo’s, Ye Fei also had a way.

Ye Fei walked idly and walked down the octagonal cage ring.

The moment Ye Fei stepped out of the ring, he heard the applause around him like thunder, and the applause rang out.

The applause was thunderous.

These spectators at the scene did not hesitate to applaud and exclaim, and applauded one after another, praising Ye Fei immensely.

The cheers at the scene continued.

Anyone who saw such a wonderful game would cheer Ye Fei in return.

Ye Fei destroyed Fu Hongyu and Chen Luo continuously!

Fu Hongyu and Chen Luoke are all masters of internal strength, especially Chen Luo, who has solid basic skills and strong strength, especially powerful.

However, the two of them were easily defeated by Ye Fei, and the strength displayed by Ye Fei was already close to the Realm Master.

Looking at the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom, there were very few Transformation Realm Sect Masters.

What’s more, Ye Fei was still so young!

Ye Fei looked to be in his twenties, a few years away from being thirty years old, and his strength was already so deep that he wondered if he would become the youngest Transformation Realm Sect Master in China in the future?

If this is the case, then the Yandu Martial Arts Realm will change from now on.

Therefore, all the on-site audiences looked at the light with great shock and exuded a strong sense of awe.

Ye Fei got out of the ring, and he walked over to Mu Zizhen in the audience.

At this moment, Mu Zizhen revealed a shallow smile, and Ye Fei blinked.

Ye Fei looked at Mu Zizhen and asked, “Didn’t it scare you?” ”

In fact, the scene just now was a bit bloody, after all, Ye Fei’s palm shattered the internal organs, causing the meridians to be broken and the seven tricks to bleed.

Ye Fei also knew that the scene was indeed a little bloody, so he asked Mu Zizhen like this.

Of course, Mu Zizhen is not an ordinary woman.

She smiled lightly and said softly, “I was really scared, but I was frightened by your strength, and you actually made progress…”

Mu Zizhen was surprised by Ye Fei’s strength improvement.

Indeed, Ye Fei’s strength had improved rapidly, and before he was only a martial artist with great internal strength, he was now close to the Transformation Realm Master.

Although this may seem like a small step forward, it is actually a world of difference, and the gap is huge.

In this regard, Ye Fei also smiled and said, “It’s just a little bit lately, and it seems that the effect is not bad.” ”

“Not only is it good, under the Master of the Realm of Transformation, you should be the first person in the martial arts world.” Mu Zizhen blinked, “Unfortunately, my injury is not good yet, otherwise I really want to ask for advice.” ”

Mu Zizhen is also the strength of the inner strength, not inferior to Fu Hongyu and Chen Luo, and she is also obsessed with martial arts, and she is very curious about how strong Ye Fei really is.

Mu Zizhen’s injuries had not yet healed, but since the last time Ye Fei had given her the healing medicine, her injuries had basically recovered from the same, but she couldn’t go all out, so as not to implicate the injuries.

“When you’re fully recovered, let’s try it.” Ye Fei smiled and took Mu Zizhen’s hand.

“Okay.” Mu Zizhen gladly agreed, and she stood by Ye Fei’s side, and the two of them were like a pair of Bi people.

Mu Zizhen said softly, “Actually, the bottle of healing medicine you gave me has a very good effect, and it would be great if it could be used in the military.” ”

“That bottle of medicine…” Ye Fei was about to speak, when he saw Ning Yufei coming.

Ning Yufei walked towards Ye Fei, and behind Ning Yufei, followed by an old man over a hundred and a half years old, who was Ning Yufei’s bodyguard.

This old man has clear eyes, introverted breath, looks like an old dragon clock, but his limbs are flexible and his breathing is steady, and he is obviously a master.

Behind Ning Yufei, it was not only this old man, but also eight or nine masters, most of these masters were in their thirties and forties, some were even older, they were all powerful and powerful, the temples were high and bulging, and the muscles on the body were clearly defined, so it could be seen that they were all masters.

At least a warrior with more inner strength.

Ye Fei’s heart was clear, these people should be the martial arts masters of Yandu.

“Yan Du shaped Yi Fist descendant Ding Yicheng has seen Ye Gongzi.” One of the men with a rough face held his fist to Ye Fei and said solemnly.

“Yandu Eight Pole Quan Guo Dazhi has seen Ye Gongzi.” The other person is more than one meter nine, slightly fat, large, and looks imposing.

“Qingteng Wuguan ‘Wei Laowu’ has seen Ye Gongzi.”

“King Zunyi of the Tengda Martial Arts, has seen Ye Gongzi…”


These people all reported themselves to the door, one by one, their voices were loud, and they shook their fists at Ye Fei, and their words were all quite in awe, and they all looked at Ye Fei.

When Ye Fei saw these people report to their homes, he was roughly clear in his heart, but his mouth asked, “What are you doing here?” ”

Among these martial arts masters who reported to their families, Ding Yicheng, who was in the form of a fist, was obviously the leader, only to see him take a step forward, and said loudly: “Ye Gongzi’s kung fu, I have seen the admiration for it, and I have great admiration for you.” Especially when you destroyed Fu Hongyu, you gave us a fierce breath in the Yandu martial arts community! ”

“Ye Gongzi, from today onwards, we, the brothers of the Yandu martial arts community, should respect you!”

“Exactly, with you in mind!”

Ding Yicheng and the others all held their fists to Ye Fei and spoke in unison.

Those people in the upper circle of Yandu around them could not help but be shocked when they saw this scene, and the gaze that looked at Ye Fei was even more in awe.


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