Ye Fei knew that it was Mu Zizhen who was helping him.

Of course, Mu Lao also contributed a lot.

However, the most important thing is that the efficacy of Ye Fei’s healing medicine is far beyond that of ordinary healing drugs, which has a great effect on the healing and treatment of wounds, and can indeed come in handy.

After all, in the battlefield is changing rapidly, this healing medicine is a little more expensive, but as long as it can save people, everything is good.

Once Ye Fei cooperated with the Xuanhuang State military, the benefits were beyond doubt.

Making money is still secondary, the key is that Ye Fei will also have more background.

Ye Fei said: “This is easy to do, now Qizheng Pharmaceutical is basically a Ye’s enterprise, I let Qizheng Pharmaceutical Company mass-produce this kind of healing drug, what name is better for it?” ”

“This is up to you, anyway, I just came to talk to you about this, as long as you want, you can mass-produce a batch of them for the military to try, and then sign a contract to purchase.” Mu Zi said.

With the relationship between the Mu family, this kind of thing is a small problem.

As long as Ye Fei’s drug quality is passed, everything is good to say.

And Ye Fei’s drug quality is poor? This was his prescription for improving the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, and even if Wu Shen Doctor was here, he was afraid that he could not find anything wrong with it.

“Well, that’s it.”

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen settled on this matter in three words.

Ye Fei entrusted this matter to Li Xiangyun to do, and he could not trust Duan Qizheng.

However, after Duan Qi was turning to Ye Fei, in order to show his loyalty, he had already handed over most of the shares in his hands to Ye Fei, and it can be said that Ye Fei is already the actual beneficiary of the Qizheng Group, and the entire Qizheng Group is already his.

As long as Ye Fei thinks, Qizheng Group can change its name to Ye’s Pharmaceutical Group tomorrow.

However, despite this, Ye Fei was still wary of Duan Qizheng, and the reason was very simple, Duan Qizheng was after all a disciple of Wu Shenzheng, although he was only a named disciple, but Wu Shenzheng was like a divine residence in his heart.

Once Wu Shen arrived at Yandu, Duan Qizheng would definitely not be on Ye Fei’s side.

Ye Fei called Li Xiangyun and instructed Li Xiangyun to do it, of course, the formula of the drug was always in Ye Fei’s hands.

Li Xiangyun’s performance during this time made Ye Fei very satisfied, and he was still loyal to Ye Fei.

After getting this done, Ye Fei said softly to Mu Zizhen, “It’s really hard for you.” ”

Ye Fei knew very well that if it wasn’t for Mu Zizhen’s help, he wouldn’t have gone so smoothly.

It is precisely because of the relationship between the Mu family and the military that this matter can be logical, and Ye Fei will also have a military background.

“Be polite with me, my injuries are almost good, and then you can remember to teach me martial arts.” Mu Zizhen smiled softly and smiled.

Ye Fei readily agreed: “This is simple, a small matter.” ”

Mu Zizhen smiled lightly again, and said: “Oh, the last time I said that, my parents wanted to invite you to dinner…”

Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, and he was a little embarrassed.

Mu Zizhen’s parents wanted to see Ye Fei, how to say, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were officially announced once during the Wei family’s old birthday, and since the relationship between Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen was determined, it would not hurt to see Mu Zizhen’s parents.

When Ye Fei heard this, he smiled and blinked, “Well, it’s time to meet your parents, so you kidnapped their precious daughter.” ”

Mu Zizhen’s face was even redder, and he glanced at Ye Fei and said, “What is abduction…”

“Oh, it’s not abduction, it’s cheating.” Ye Fei looked at Mu Zizhen with a narrow smile.

Mu Zizhen pouted, red lips are lovely, looks playful and cute, so that Ye Fei is eager to hold her in his arms and bully her.

“When are you going to see your parents?” Ye Fei asked.

Mu Zizhen tilted his head and thought, “Three days later, it just so happens that they have free time on the weekend in three days.” ”

“Okay.” Ye Fei nodded in agreement, and at the same time said, “But you should also tell me some inside information about your parents, what are their interests?” ”

“My dad likes to make tea, my mom likes art more, a little bit more literary… If you want to prepare a gift, don’t be too expensive, as long as the heart is reached. Mu Zizhen seriously helped Ye Fei to consider.

Ye Fei smiled, “The fortresses of the revolution were indeed breached from within, and I know how to do it.” ”

“Then I’m looking forward to your performance.” Mu Zizhen blinked, a look of encouragement.

“After I see your parents, I will let you meet my parents.” Ye Fei laughed.

Mu Zizhen blushed a little and said, “You told your parents about that?” ”

“Yeah, my mom said last time she was going to take you home.” When Ye Fei was serious, he saw Mu Zizhen blushing and was even absent-minded about drinking tea.

After admiring Mu Zizhen’s blushing appearance for a while, Ye Fei sent Mu Zizhen back to the Mu family compound.


The day after that.

Ye Fei was instructing Li Xiangyun on mass-producing healing medicines and striving to get the military’s orders as soon as possible.

But at the same time, Ye Fei also received another message.

That is, Duan Qi is going to Yandu Airport!

Why did Duan Qizheng go to Yandu Airport?

Don’t think about it, there is only one possibility–Wu Shen Doctor has come to Yandu.

This immediately made Ye Fei feel vigilant.


At this moment, Yandu Airport.

An old man dressed in coarse cloth and linen slowly stepped out of the terminal building, followed by a young girl.

Although the old man was dressed in coarse cloth and linen, he was full of energy and had a childlike face. He was full of energy, flexible limbs, and although he had white hair, he did not look old at all.

The young girl followed behind the old man, and she looked around Yandu Airport curiously, her eyes were agile and quiet.

However, although this young girl looked absolutely beautiful, her face was pale, and she seemed to have a sick attitude.

“Master, is this the Yandu capital?” The girl couldn’t help but ask the old man next to her.

The old man smiled kindly, “Yes, we have arrived in Yandu.” ”

“Master!” At this moment, the old man and the young girl just left the airport, they saw Duan Qizheng already waiting, and the moment they saw the old man, Duan Qizheng’s eyes were slightly red, slightly excited.

When the old man saw Duan Qizheng, he was not surprised, but just smiled: “Qizheng, I haven’t seen him for many years, I thought I wouldn’t set foot on the land of Yandu again, and we will see you again after all.” ”

“Master, you have finally come…” Duan Qi was seeing this old man, as if he had the main heart, a big man was extremely excited, his eyes were red, and he almost shed tears.

There is no doubt that this old man is Dr. Wu Shen!


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