Wu Shen Doctor came to Yandu.

When Wu Shenyi appeared, Duan Qizheng was extremely excited, looking at Wu Shenyi with reverence and his eyes were slightly red.

Wu Shen Doctor smiled kindly, just patted Duan Qizheng’s shoulder, and said, “What’s wrong Qizheng, a manly man, how about this daughter’s state.” ”

Duan Qizheng said excitedly, “I am happy to finally see Master!” Master, I blame me for not protecting the little master and let him… Hey, I am mainly to blame for this. ”

Duan Qizheng looked extremely regretful and was very annoyed.

Before Chen Luo came to Yandu, Dr. Wu Shen had given an account to Duan Qizheng and asked Duan Qizheng to take good care of Chen Luo.

Duan Qizheng’s words to Wu Shen Doctor were simply like holy orders, and he only took good care of Chen Luo when he heard Wu Shen Doctor’s explanation.

Wu Shen Doctor waved his hand and said, “I have heard about the general things, this time I came to Yandu to seek justice.” I also heard that you and Chen Luo’s evil two people turned against each other and had a big fight? ”

Although Dr. Wu Shen was not in Yandu, his relationship was full of Yandu, and many things did not need him to open his mouth, as long as he wanted to know, someone would tell him immediately.

“Yes, Master, let me tell you more about this.” Duan Qizheng had a respectful attitude and said hurriedly.

Wu Shen Doctor sighed lightly and said, “I didn’t expect that when I was old, there was a separation between disciples, although you are not my own disciple, but you and I also have the name of master and apprentice after all, why is this?” ”

Duan Qi bowed his head in shame, “Master, I don’t want to turn against the little master, but he has done some things that are really excessive.” ”

Wu Shenyi was silent for a while and said slowly, “I know, I heard that the evil man had a conflict with the heir of the Yandu Ye Family, and the two of them formed a vendetta and finally signed a life and death certificate.” That evil man was not as good as a man, so he ended up with a death. ”

Wu Shen Doctor mouthed a ‘villain’ and could hear his dissatisfaction with Chen Luo.

But as soon as Chen Luo died, he immediately set foot in Yandu from that remote mountain city, and it was also obvious that he attached great importance to Chen Luo.

The so-called depth of love, the cut of responsibility.

Doctor Wu Shen still attached great importance to Chen Luo, a closed disciple.

“Yes, in fact, there are still many hidden feelings here, and some things he has done really well are little master.” Duan Qi was whispering.

Wu Shenyi frowned slightly, and said slowly, “No matter how wrong my evil disciple is, there will naturally be legal judgments, and why put him to death?” Now that the white-haired people send the black-haired people, no matter how unbearable Chen Luo is, he is also my apprentice after all. ”

Wu Shenyi’s words were tinged with sighs and sighs, and he was very sorry for Chen Luo’s death.

After all, it was a disciple he had taught by his own hands, and no matter how unbearable Chen Luo was, it was still his disciple!

What’s more, Chen Luo was still his closed disciple, a descendant of Wu Shenyi’s inner inheritance.

“Master, let’s find out about this matter first.” The young girl beside Dr. Wu Shen said softly.

“This is…” Duan Qizheng had also noticed the young girl long ago, and he couldn’t help but ask.

Dr. Wu Shen introduced the two of them and said, “She is your sister-in-law, named Ling Shiyun.” Shi Yun, this is your brother Duan Qizheng, you also belong to the same door, and you will take care of each other in the future. ”

“Hello brother.” Ling Shiyun smiled lightly and was very polite.

Duan Qi was carefully looking at Ling Shiyun, but his heart was shocked, Ling Shiyun? Could it be the girl from the Ling family…

Duan Qizheng had heard rumors that he was a martial arts family in the martial arts world and had a great reputation.

Ling Shiyun is the favorite little daughter of the owner of the Ling family, but she is frail and sickly, and is said to have suffered from some strange disease, and is believed to live to be eighteen years old.

You can see that although the girl’s face is pale, she is far more than eighteen years old.

Duan Qizheng nodded continuously, “Sister Shi is good.” After saying that, Duan Qizheng said, “Master, let’s go to my place and settle down first, and then talk about other things later.” ”

“Let’s stop talking about that.” Wu Shen Doctor slightly bowed his head.

Duan Qi was hurriedly taking Wu Shenyi and Ling Shiyun to the villa, and the look was quite respectful.


Brilliant entertainment.

Ye Fei received many pieces of information in succession and learned the news that Wu Shen had entered Yandu.

The news of Wu Shen’s entry into Yandu had spread throughout Yandu.

Among them, several messages from Ye Fei were sent to him by Ning Yufei. Since Ye Fei helped Ning Yufei solve Fu Hongyu’s trouble, Ning Yufei and Ye Fei had a bit of a cooperative ally.

Ning Yufei also took the initiative to share the news with Ye Fei.

On the desk of the general manager of Brilliant Entertainment, there are various materials of Dr. Wu Shenyi and Ling Shiyun around Dr. Wu Shenyun.

In fact, Ye Fei did not need to read these materials, and through his familiarity with the original book, it was basically clear.

Needless to say, Ye Fei knew a lot about Wu Shenyi’s deeds.

As for Ling Shiyun, Ye Fei was also familiar with it.

Because Ling Shiyun is also one of the heroines of the book “Genius Doctor”, and she is a woman with a tragic fate.

Ling Shiyun was born in the Ling family of the martial arts family, and is the younger daughter of the owner of the Ling family, the pearl in the palm of the hand.

But Ling Shiyun has been weak and sick since childhood, born inadequate, and suffers from some strange diseases.

The owner of the Ling family searched for famous doctors in the world, but still could not cure Ling Shiyun’s illness, and even many famous doctors asserted that with Ling Shiyun’s physical condition, she would not live to be eighteen years old.

However, fortunately, the Ling family owner searched for famous doctors and was still successful, Ling Shiyun’s health improved, and she survived the age of eighteen, but one year was not as good as one year.

Seeing that his beloved daughter’s illness was serious, the Ling family entrusted people to go around and finally found Wu Shen Doctor.

That is, during the time when Chen Luo left the mountain city and came to Yandu, the owner of the Ling family asked his daughter to worship Wu Shen Doctor as a teacher and follow Wu Shen Doctor.

That is to say, Ling Shiyun did not meet Chen Luo, although the two were also nominally brothers and sisters. Therefore, Ling Shiyun’s feelings for Chen Luo were very weak, and she just knew that there was such a master brother.

During this period, Dr. Wu Shen treated Ling Shiyun, and the effect was remarkable, but it was never able to cure Ling Shiyun’s illness.

Ling Shiyun is born deficient, the body is yin, the body is weak, and it is extremely difficult to regulate.

Even Wu Shen Doctor could only alleviate her pain and delay her illness, but it could not cure Ling Shiyun’s condition.

After all, although Dr. Wu is a divine doctor, he is not a god.

When Ye Fei saw Ling Shiyun’s news, he smiled.

He almost forgot that there was such a heroine in the book “Genius Doctor”.

Thinking of Ling Shiyun, Ye Fei suddenly remembered that Ling Shiyun’s illness in the original book was cured by Chen Luo.

The reason why Chen Luo was able to cure Ling Shiyun’s illness was because Chen Luo had the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic”, and the methods left behind by the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” were dedicated to curing innate deficiencies!

And now, the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics are in Ye Fei’s hands!


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