“Yellow Emperor Neijing” was in Ye Fei’s hands, and he robbed the protagonist Chen Luo’s luck, and this “Yellow Emperor’s Neijing” also became Ye Fei’s private property.

Therefore, if there is really anyone in the world today who can save Ling Shiyun, it is only Ye Fei alone!

After Ye Fei learned the news that Wu Shen had entered Yandu, he calmed down.

Because Ye Fei knew very well that although Wu Shen Doctor was strong, he was not incapable of dealing with it.

Ye Fei asked Hei Wu and the others to pay close attention to the movements of Wu Shenyi, and learned that Wu Shenyi was staying in Duan Qizheng’s villa, after which the news of Wu Shenyi’s entry into Beijing spread throughout Yandu.

When the news of Wu Shenyi’s entry into Beijing spread, the whole Yan boiled over.

Especially the medical masters of Yandu, that is even more so.

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, whether it is a famous doctor or an unknown doctor, there is an endless stream of people who come to visit Dr. Wu Shen.

In just one morning, the threshold of Duan Qizheng’s villa was about to be broken, and the doctors of the entire Yandu were alarmed.

Wu Shenyi’s previous status in the Yandu medical circle can be seen, which is definitely Taishan Beidou.

Not only that, including the Wei family, many magnates in Yandu sent people to visit Wu Shenyi, and also sent invitations to invite Wu Shenyi to a banquet.

Wu Shenyi had only just arrived in Yandu, causing such a shock that Ye Feidu was doubly surprised.

“It can only be said that he is worthy of Wu Shen Doctor, as soon as he appeared, all the major families in Yandu were also alarmed, and Wu Shen Doctor’s connections and network of relationships were indeed unusual.” Ye Fei muttered to himself.

After learning the news of Wu Shenyi, Ye Fei was also vigilant in his heart, and he immediately communicated with the system.

“I said system, let’s talk?”

Ye Fei had not communicated with the system for a long time.

“What does the host command?” The female voice of the system came to the ear.

“I said system, didn’t I say after I got the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics that some of the contents of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics were too profound and needed a month for me to study the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics again? This month’s time has long passed, can the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics continue to be studied? Ye Fei asked.

Ye Fei remembered very clearly that he had originally relied on the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture to master the advanced medical skills and master this skill.

However, the system explained at the time that because some of the contents of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics were too profound, Ye Fei could not study all of them for a while and a half, but only part of them.

Therefore, Ye Fei only studied a small part of the contents of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

The true essence of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, Ye Fei had not yet learned.

You know, the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, that is the Yellow Emperor’s legacy, the ancient book.

Legend has it that there is a great mystery hidden in this “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic”, and it is not just a simple medical book.

So Ye Fei communicated with the system.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, the system immediately replied, “The host has reached the master level and can study the contents of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture again.” ”

This was the answer Ye Fei wanted to hear.

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics are hidden in the secret, and Chen Luo also relied on the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics” to make his medical skills great, and finally even came out of the blue, more outstanding than Wu Shen Doctor.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, can you continue to study the content of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, do you want to learn?” The system asked.

“Keep learning.” Ye Fei answered decisively.

“Congratulations to the host, your medical skills have improved.”

“Congratulations to the host for successfully studying the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.”

In Ye Fei’s mind, various medical skills appeared, including various knowledge and abilities, as well as other methods of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, which also entered Ye Fei’s mind.

Of course, the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics are not just a simple medical book, but in the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics, there are also some special methods of ‘cultivation’, yes, it is a kind of male and female cultivation method.

The “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” contains a special method of male and female cultivation, which is a special cultivation and tuning technique, so as to make up for the innate deficiencies, nourish the yin and supplement the yang, prolong life, and strengthen the body.

This method is also one of the greatest mysteries of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

It can be said that the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, which Ye Fei now masters, is the real Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

The knowledge and skills of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics slowly surged in his mind, and Ye Fei remembered it in his heart, and a trace of joy overflowed in his heart.

Ye Fei’s current Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics were already an upgraded version.

This is also Ye Fei’s future capital to surpass Wu Shen Doctor.

Even if Wu Shenyi’s medical skills were superior, how could he be compared with the legacy of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic?

Ye Fei’s medical skills are now soaring.

Ye Fei digested the content and knowledge of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, and the corners of his mouth hooked.

At present, in the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom, only he can save Ling Shiyun.

It looks like this is going to get really interesting.

“Unfortunately, I still don’t have enough experience points now, if I can upgrade the skills of martial arts and medicine to the god level, it will definitely be very exciting.” Ye Fei said to himself.

The god level of a master skill requires 5000 experience points, while the god level of the god level skill requires 10,000 experience points, and the cost is very large.

However, the speed at which Ye Fei accumulated experience points was very fast, and it was only a matter of time before he could accumulate god-level skills.

While instructing Hei Wu to continue to report on Dr. Wu’s movements, Ye Fei was handling some affairs at Brilliant Entertainment.

Just at this moment, Ye Fei received a phone call.

“Mr. Ye, hello, I am Yang Xiaohua, the agent of Miss Lu Lingjun.” Ye Fei answered the phone and heard a female voice coming from the phone.

Ye Fei heard the words and slightly bowed his head: “I know that you are Yang Xiaohua, what’s wrong?” ”

Yang Xiaohua, she is the agent specially arranged by Ye Fei for Lu Lingjun, and she is also a first-line agent in China, with a very good set of stars.

“It’s Ye Zong like this, Lingjun, he has encountered a little trouble, and I would like to ask you for help.” Yang Xiaohua spoke quickly, with a hint of crying and laughing.

Ye Fei’s brow frowned instantly.

Is there anyone else looking for trouble with Lu Lingjun?

Does anyone in Yandu dare to open their eyes so much?

Who does not know that Lu Lingjun is an artist under Brilliant Entertainment, and the background is Ye Fei.

However, listening to Yang Xiaohua’s tone, it doesn’t look like a serious problem.

“What’s the specifics?” Ye Fei asked.


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