Ye Fei walked into the VIP hall under the leadership of Yang Xiaohua, and for a time, many stars around him threw their eyes at Ye Fei, focusing on Ye Fei’s body.

Even among these stars with high appearances, Ye Fei is still eye-catching.

In today’s entertainment industry, many male stars on the screen are too feminine and heavy, and there is no difference between them and girls.

And Ye Fei was not only handsome, but also full of masculine qi, sword eyebrows, and Ji Yu Xuanang.

That alone is enough to catch the eye.

Ye Fei’s appearance attracted the attention of many people, including Lu Lingjun.

As soon as Lu Lingjun turned back, she saw Ye Fei, and her agile eyes suddenly lit up, and she waved at Ye Fei, looking very excited.

Ye Fei played the identity of Lu Lingjun’s boyfriend this time, and Yang Xiaohua also greeted Lu Lingjun in advance, so Lu Lingjun was very clear.

Pretending to be a boyfriend again, the last time was to pretend to be a boyfriend for Mu Zizhen, and then the fake drama was really done.

And this time it is pretending to be Lu Lingjun’s boyfriend.

However, this time Lu Lingjun’s suitors were very special.

Ye Fei noticed that the woman next to Lu Lingjun was tall and tall, at least more than one meter and seven in height, with a just right figure, not fat or thin, wearing a red night dress, gorgeous and vulgar, her skin was as white as a jewel, and she was a rare beauty.

At least 9.5 points or more of the daijin.

This woman gives people a sense of coldness, she holds a wine glass, fiery red lips, very moving.

More importantly, although this woman is not very old, she is full of aura and does have a kind of big star style.

She looked at Ye Fei with bright eyes, showing a slight surprise, obviously knowing Ye Fei’s identity.

“Lingjun, I’m sorry, I’m here to sleep.” Ye Fei said very naturally, since he wanted to pretend to be Lu Lingjun’s boyfriend, of course, he had to play without flaws.

Lu Lingjun secretly glanced at Yang Xiaohua at this time, and Yang Xiaohua nodded without a trace, indicating that he had already negotiated with Ye Fei.

Lu Lingjun was relieved, she smiled sweetly, pulled Ye Fei’s arm, very affectionate, and said softly: “You are coming, sit down.” Let me introduce you, this is…”

“No need to be introduced, Cen Qingxuan, who doesn’t know?” Ye Fei sat next to Lu Lingjun and said with a smile.

There were not many people in the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom who didn’t know Cen Qingxuan, but she was the goddess of countless people’s dreams.

Even after Lu Lingjun became a generation of songs in the original book, his fame was slightly worse than that of Cen Qingxuan.

Cen Qingxuan looked at Ye Fei, and she gently opened her red lips: “Hello Ye Zong, meet for the first time.” You are indeed young and promising, and you have long heard of your name, long admired. ”

“Miss Cen is the big name Jiu Yang, meet.” Ye Fei responded politely.

As usual, the business blew a few words to each other, and the two sides said some scenes.

And Lu Lingjun was holding Ye Fei’s arm over Lu Lingjun obviously didn’t know how to pretend to be a couple, she had no experience in this matter, she only knew to look at Ye Fei with those big eyes.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, Lu Nizi was indeed a bit of a natural stupid attribute, not only a road fool, but also a little dazed.

Just as Ye Fei was sighing, Cen Qingxuan opened his mouth first. Her eyes fluttered and she asked, “Mr. Ye, I heard Lingjun say that you wrote the two songs “Meet” and “I Do”? ”

Lu Lingjun had obviously told Cen Qingxuan about this.

The current Xuanhuang national song scene has been temporarily swept by the two songs “Encounter”, and Lu Lingjun’s new album also ranked first in sales, and the album sold well and was very popular.

Therefore, Lu Lingjun almost relies on these two songs to promote the trend of first-line singers.

“Sort of.” The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked, and he answered very modestly.

Cen Qingxuan was a little suspicious.

Because every time Lu Lingjun talked about Ye Fei in front of her, he used a tone of adoration. She also said that Ye Fei has composed at least a few dozen classic songs, including world-class piano music…

Cen Qingxuan also knew that the piano pieces played by Ye Fei were indeed top works.

And the two songs “Meet” and “I Do” are also gold-level songs, which is beyond doubt.

But what made Cen Qingxuan suspect was that there really was such a talented person in this world?

Piano music, songs, and even Cen Qingxuan has heard of some of Ye Fei’s deeds, such as Ye Fei wrote the script, and several movies that Brilliant Entertainment is preparing to shoot, and the scripts are all set by Ye Fei…

And when Lu Lingjun, in order to reject Cen Qingxuan, shyly proposed that she and Ye Fei were boyfriend and girlfriend, it made Cen Qingxuan even more unconvinced.

Therefore, Cen Qingxuan took the initiative to ask Ye Fei.

Lu Lingjun was convinced of Ye Fei, and the last time Lu Lingjun saw Ye Fei’s computer, he heard the classic songs with his own ears.

It was also from then on that Lu Lingjun had a feeling of adoration for Ye Fei.

Cen Qingxuan listened to Ye Fei’s answer, and she said, “Ye Zong, since this is the case, I don’t know if I can dare to invite you a song?” I was recently working on a movie, which is a costume martial arts movie. The film has basically been filmed, but the theme song has not been decided…”

Obviously, Cen Qingxuan wanted to test Ye Fei.

Hearing Cen Qingxuan say this, Ye Fei’s mouth hooked and asked, “What kind of movie?” ”

“The movie version of ‘Smiling Proud of the River.'” Cen Qingxuan answered softly.

In this time and space, there are still some works of Mr. Jin Yong and other famous artists, and “Smiling Proud of the River” is one of the classics, which has been remade into a movie and will be released soon.

Since it is the movie version of “Smiling Proud of the River”, the theme song is easy to handle.

Ye Fei was silent, he couldn’t help but look at Cen Qingxuan, only to see that she was wearing a big red dress, reflecting her snow-white skin, incomparably cold, picturesque, exquisite and moving, full of aura.

Cen Qingxuan’s appearance is indeed very beautiful, and his facial features are almost exquisite that he can’t pick, except that compared to Ning Yufei, he still lacks some flattery, but it also has a fatal attraction to people.

Ye Fei knew that Cen Qingxuan was deliberately trying to embarrass him, he just smiled lightly and said, “Actually, I really have a song.” ”

Ye Fei was embarrassed by Cen Qingxuan’s test, because he had already taken advantage of the opportunity, and after reading the original book, he even knew all the secrets of Cen Qingxuan!

Cen Qingxuan couldn’t get a bargain in front of him!


3 more ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ask for everything_

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