“Oh? Does Mr. Ye really have a song? Cen Qingxuan couldn’t help but be surprised, her eyes fixed on Ye Fei’s body, and her eyes flowed.

She pursed her lips, feeling quite surprised.

But Lu Lingjun, Lu Lingjun’s face was full of surprise, and his cheeks were red, which was caused by excitement.

Lu Lingjun asked curiously, “What song did you write again?” ”

Ye Fei was not in a hurry, the corners of his mouth smiled lightly, and the topic turned around: “Miss Cen, the movie you made is the movie version of “Smiling Proud of the River”, right? ”

“Yes, the main part of this movie is basically finished, and it is the work of Xu Sheng, director of Xiangjiang.” Cen Qingxuan said softly.

Ye Fei bowed his head slightly.

Xu Sheng, the director, he also knows that the fame is still relatively large, and the Xiangjiang people are considered to be domestic first-line directors.

Xu Sheng’s film “Smiling Proud of the River” is very loud, and it is said that the quality of the film is quite good, and Cen Qingxuan plays the heroine in it.

Cen Qingxuan’s aura is very suitable for this type of martial arts film.

It’s just that at present, the crew of “Smiling Proud of the River” has a worrying problem, that is, they can’t find a suitable theme song.

In fact, it is not that there is no suitable theme song, mainly the director Xu Sheng is too nitpicky, he himself has extremely high requirements for many details of the film, and he is never willing to do it.

Even the theme song, he always wanted to find the most suitable song.

The most difficult thing is that the theme song of the movie “Smiling Proud of the River” needs to be Chinese and Cantonese due to the different regions where the film is screened.

That is, a song must meet both Chinese and Cantonese singing!

Moreover, as a martial arts movie, “Smiling Proud of the River” also needs to have a very jianghu atmosphere, a lot of charm, and extremely high requirements.

A good theme song can definitely give the movie a finishing touch, and even play a great role in publicity.

Therefore, director Xu Sheng almost searched for those composers and lyricists in today’s music world, just to seek a good song, but he never found his own satisfactory theme song.

Therefore, Cen Qingxuan could also be regarded as an intentional examination of Ye Fei.

Who made Lu Lingjun say in her ear how good Ye Fei was, and still had a look of adoration on his face?

Ye Fei saw Cen Qingxuan’s eyes, and couldn’t help but laugh secretly, he couldn’t imagine that one day he would actually be jealous of women, it was really…

However, this time he came to help Lu Lingjun break the siege, and he smiled lightly: “Listening to you say so, I do have a song here, which should be suitable for the movie “Smiling Proud of the River”. ”

Cen Qingxuan pursed his lips, held his chin, and asked, “Is it?” Then I don’t know if Ye Zong can sing it? I’d love to hear it. ”

“Then I’ll try.” Ye Fei did not refuse.

Suddenly, Cen Qingxuan and Lu Lingjun both looked at Ye Fei, and both women were quiet.

Not only that, not far away from Yang Xiaohua, some of his stars also gradually moved towards Ye Fei’s side.

Ye Fei is the boss of brilliant entertainment, Lu Lingjun is the most popular singer in the current music world, and Cen Qingxuan is not to mention, she is an international superstar.

The three of them get together, each with a topical degree, and of course attracts the attention of the stars around them.

Ye Fei caught a glimpse of the stars around him, and he smiled lightly, cleared his throat, and opened his voice first.

Singing is not difficult for Ye Fei, his voice and skills have been systematically transformed, and even surpass professional singers, otherwise how can he guide Lu Lingjun.

Ye Fei’s eyes surrounded Cen Qingxuan, Lu Lingjun, and Yang Xiaohua and several other stars next to him, and he slowly opened his voice and sang unhurriedly.

Only to see Ye Fei open his voice, his clean and clear, but with a little vicissitudes of the voice is extremely penetrating, into everyone’s ears.

“The sea laughed, gushing tides on both sides of the strait. Floating and sinking with the waves only remember this dynasty ~. ”

“The heavens laugh, the tide of the world, who loses and who wins is known.”

“The country laughs, the smoke and rain are far away, and the waves are sweeping away the red dust and how much do you know…”

As soon as Ye Fei opened his voice, his extremely charming voice merged into the song, as if singing the ancient rhyme in the song.

Suddenly, Cen Qingxuan’s delicate face could not hide the color of surprise.

Yes, Ye Fei sang the famous divine song “A Laugh in the Sea” in his previous life!

The song “A Laugh in the Sea” is a well-deserved golden song, which has won countless awards, and this song has been sung as a classic for more than 20 years, and it is still the deepest memory in the hearts of countless people.

With Ye Fei opening his voice and singing the lyrics of this song “A Laugh in the Sea”, it is like a melodious melody, accompanied by a strong ancient style and ancient rhyme, as well as the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

The song has ancient style and ancient rhyme, and the words have the shadow of the sword and sword of the jianghu!

Ye Fei, with his vicissitudes and pure voice, also vividly expressed this song “A Laugh in the Sea”.

As soon as this song came out, only the opening part of the ‘A Laugh in the Sea’ was heard, and the heroic and swinging songwriting made Cen Qingxuan’s heart vibrate, his face complex, and he pinched the corners of his clothes.

Lu Lingjun’s eyes were full of surprise and his eyes were bright.

As for Yang Xiaohua, his mouth was slightly open, completely stunned.

The other stars looked at each other and looked at each other in a daze.

Ye Fei continued to sing, but as soon as his tone turned, he immediately changed to Cantonese, and there was no sense of violation, only to hear him sing: “Cangsheng laughs, no longer lonely, pride is still foolishly laughing and laughing ~…”


Hearing this, Cen Qingxuan’s face was already hard to hide the color of surprise.

Because Cen Qingxuan discovered at this time that the song sung by Ye Fei could actually be sung in Cantonese and Chinese at the same time, and the lyrics were unified, which could be converted into Chinese and Cantonese versions at the same time!


A song can even be changed without changing it, you can sing both Chinese and Cantonese?!

You know, Chinese and Cantonese rhyme feet are different, in order to rhyme with songs, many songs, although the tune is the same, but Chinese and Cantonese lyrics are completely different.

But Ye Fei this song, a word can be applied to both Chinese and Cantonese!

Cen Qingxuan’s gaze at Ye Fei completely changed.


Although Cen Qingxuan is a film queen, she is also proficient in music, and her singing level is also extremely high, and when she heard Ye Fei sing this song “A Laugh in the Canghai Sea”, she knew how powerful this song was.

This song completely calmed her down!

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get 300 experience points from Lu Lingjun.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get 300 experience points from Cen Qingxuan.”

Experience points soar!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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