Ye Fei and Lu Lingjun returned to her villa.

Lu Lingjun’s villa was not very large, and compared with Ye Fei’s private villa that could be called a manor, it was of course a small witch.

However, Lu Lingjun has done a very good job in the decoration of the villa, and the details can be seen everywhere in the warmth.

And what surprised Ye Fei even more was that Lu Lingjun’s villa was completely a music exhibition hall, which was equipped with various musical instruments, including pianos, violins, cellos, and some orchestral instruments, as well as many classical instruments of Xuanhuangguo, such as guqin guzheng and the like.

It could be seen that Lu Lingjun was indeed a music fanatic.

It is no wonder that Lu Lingjun can achieve so much in the original book, and she is indeed of a standard after becoming a generation of singers.

Lu Lingjun blinked her eyes, her eyes and Ye Fei stared, and she said softly, “I’ll go and pour coffee…”

Lu Lingjun was still a little embarrassed.

Ye Fei smiled and sat down on the sofa, he saw the furnishings in Lu Lingjun’s home, especially when he saw that there was also a guzheng, but his eyes lit up slightly.

Ye Fei was a little happy to see the hunter, he took the guzheng, tried to play, he spent 100 million yuan to upgrade the system points, and successfully understood the skill of ‘guzheng proficiency’.

Only to see Ye Fei’s big finger slightly extended, the fingers were naturally curved, in the shape of a half-clenched fist, and he used his thumb as the axis to play the guzheng song.

Whether it is holding, splitting, hooking, picking, wiping, picking, or picking, wheeling, shaking and many other techniques, Ye Fei knows it all.

Ye Fei played the guzheng, and a magnificent and leisurely song flowed out of his hand, which was extremely moving.

This guzheng is the guzheng version of “A Laugh in the Sea”!

Only to hear the guzheng song shake people’s hearts, Lu Lingjun heard it in the kitchen, and then followed it up with a soft singing: “A laugh in the sea, a gushing tide on both sides of the strait, floating and sinking with the waves to remember this dynasty.” ”

Lu Lingjun was also greatly touched by this song “A Laugh in the Sea”, she gently followed the humming, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The guzheng version of this song “A Laugh in the Sea” is also particularly beautiful, whether it is the tune or the rhythm, it is magnificent and has a strong ancient style.

Sure enough, this kind of ancient style and ancient music should be played with ancient musical instruments.

Lu Lingjun blinked brightly and was also particularly amazed at Ye Fei’s guzheng playing skills.

In fact, although there are many musical instruments in Lu Lingjun’s family, she is not proficient in every instrument, but more as a collection.

For example, the level of Lu Lingjun’s playing of the guzheng can only be said to be medium to upper, far inferior to Ye Fei’s playing.

Hearing such an ancient style and ancient rhyme of the guzheng playing, Lu Lingjun’s eyes widened, and he also showed a strong sense of admiration and admiration for Ye Fei.

A song is played.

Lu Lingjun also walked out with coffee, and she said, “This song is really good, there is a feeling of ancient chivalry.” I like this kind of national style playing…”

Ye Fei pointed at the coffee and smiled: “At this time, if you change a pot of wine, it will be more like the scene in the martial arts film.” ”

Lu Lingjun couldn’t help but wonder, and the little tightness in his heart disappeared.

Lu Lingjun was shallow, smiling softly, feeling expectant: “Do you want to stop piano music?” I’d love to hear it. ”

Ye Fei nodded slowly, he thought a little, got up and sat down on the piano stool, opened the piano cover, and then after a slight pause, he danced flexibly with ten fingers.

Ye Fei played a piano piece that belonged to this parallel time, a kind of piano song that was not popular and called “Starry Night”.

Ye Fei’s ten fingers fluttered smoothly on the piano keys, accompanied by Ye Fei’s playing, and this song “Starry Night” was perfectly interpreted by him.

Of course, there is a reason why Ye Fei played this song “Starry Night”.

Because this song “Starry Night” has a special meaning to Lu Lingjun, it is the first song that Lu Lingjun came into contact with when he first learned piano and music!

Ye Fei had read the original book, so he was very clear about this.

Lu Lingjun likes to play the piano and loves music more, and her favorite piano song is “Starry Night” except for “Adilina by the Water” that Ye Fei later played.

This song “Starry Night” has a very special meaning for Lu Lingjun.

Ye Fei played this song, which immediately made Lu Lingjun’s eyes incomparably bright.

Lu Lingjun’s heart was filled with a different kind of taste for a while.

This “Starry Night”, she did not listen to it for the first time, but Ye Fei would actually choose such an unpopular song to play, or one of her favorite piano songs, which immediately made Lu Lingjun feel strange.

Is this a spiritual rhinoceros?

In fact, when she asked Ye Fei to play piano music, she wanted to see what kind of piano music Ye Fei wanted to play.

The result surprised her.

A sweet smile appeared on Lu Lingjun’s face, her eyes were focused on Ye Fei’s side face, and she didn’t know what she was thinking, her eyes were floating with shame and joy, and her cheeks were red.

Lu Lingjun was pleasantly surprised that she and Ye Fei’s hearts had a sharp edge, which made her even have a feeling of ‘fate’.

Girls are especially committed to fate.

Ye Fei also grasped this and captured Lu Lingjun’s heart.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get 400 experience points from Lu Lingjun, experience points increase.”

In Ye Fei’s ear, there was no accident that there was a system prompt sound about Lu Lingjun, and Ye Fei finished playing a song.

Ye Fei raised his head and faced Lu Lingjun’s clear eyes.

Lu Lingjun blushed, and he didn’t know what he was thinking, but the look of peach and shame on his face made Ye Fei see a touching scenery.

I have to say that Ye Fei’s piano song is simply touching and invisible.

Ye Fei stood up, the corners of his mouth hooked, looked at Lu Lingjun, and knowingly asked, “What’s wrong with you?” ”

“I…” Lu Lingjun wanted to explain, and suddenly found that the distance between her and Ye Fei was too close, making her face red and her heart beating faster.

But then, Ye Fei picked her up with one hand.

In an instant, Lu Lingjun was held by Ye Fei and sat on the white grand piano.

Ding-dong ding-ding…

The piano makes a pleasant but chaotic sound, like Lu Lingjun’s heartbeat.

Without hesitation, Ye Fei stepped forward to seal her mouth, Lu Lingjun closed her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, showing the shyness, nervousness and joy in her heart.

Lu Lingjun wanted to resist, but he couldn’t resist.

Anyway, it’s him.

Maybe that’s fate.

And Ye Fei got the cheap, and Ye Fei’s ears sounded a prompt sound of the system.

“Ding, congratulations to the host…”

This burst of prompting was clearly telling Ye Fei that Lu Lingjun was already committed.


Ask for everything_

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