“Ding, congratulations to the host, get 300 experience points from Lu Lingjun.”

At the prompt of the system, Ye Fei was in a good mood, he took Lu Lingjun into his arms, Lu Lingjun’s face was always red, her eyes were slightly closed, and her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, showing the tension and shame in her heart at the moment.

After a long time, Ye Fei let go of Lu Lingjun.

Lu Lingjun blushed, Xia Fei cheeked, slightly hanging his head, looking down at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also chuckled and said, “Lingjun, I now know why Cen Qingxuan likes you.” ”

Lu Lingjun blushed and did not speak, just buried his head in Ye Fei’s heart, heard Ye Fei’s powerful heartbeat, and the corners of Lu Lingjun’s mouth slightly upturned.

In fact, the progress of Ye Fei and Lu Lingjun was still very fast, but the relationship between the two was not abrupt.

Especially Lu Lingjun as a singer, she is very concerned about music, originally before seeing Ye Fei, she especially liked Ye Fei’s piano songs, and then she was shocked by Ye Fei to come up with dozens of piano songs, and gradually had a worship of Ye Fei.

In addition, Ye Fei solved Cen Qingxuan’s trouble for her today, and also played a piano song of “Starry Night” for Lu Lingjun.

This caused Lu Lingjun to fall completely, and it made her feel a sense of fate.

Lu Lingjun’s expression was confused and ashamed, and he did not dare to look at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled and hugged Lu Lingjun off the piano, showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, and knowingly asked: “Do you like the song “Starry Night”?” ”

“Well, this song is the one I came into contact with when I first studied music…” Lu Lingjun said softly, her eyes bright, talking about some small things when she first learned piano to learn music.

Ye Fei listened patiently, Lu Lingjun was different from the other girls he contacted, Lu Lingjun was a bit ‘dumbfounded’, still a road fool, and he didn’t pay much attention to things other than music.

She is like a genie in music, born for music.

Ye Fei also knows that her future will be very eye-catching and become the premier diva in the domestic music scene.

Lu Lingjun’s willingness to communicate with Ye Fei about music was enough to show Lu Lingjun’s closeness to Ye Fei. Seeing her red face, like a porcelain doll, Ye Fei was also in a good mood.

After spending some time with Lu Lingjun in her villa, Ye Fei said, “Then I will go first.” ”

“Okay.” Lu Lingjun was relieved, and a little disappointed.

As long as Ye Fei was around, Lu Lingjun would always be extra nervous.

But when Ye Fei was not around, Lu Lingjun couldn’t help but be lost.

Ye Fei smiled and said goodbye to Lu Lingjun, although he knew the truth of hitting iron while it was hot, but today the relationship between Ye Fei and Lu Lingjun had already improved by leaps and bounds, and it was too late to eat hot tofu in a hurry, that was also true.

Ye Fei left the villa area and returned to his private villa.

One night passed quickly.


Today is the day that Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen agreed to meet Mu Yuan’s parents.

As Ye Fei’s nominal righteousness, Mu Zizhen’s position in Ye Fei’s heart was very important, not to mention that the Mu family, as the top magnate of Yandu, was even more powerful.

Mu Zizhen’s mother was named He Qin, and his father’s name was Mu Lingyun.

Previously, Mu Zizhen had already said to Ye Fei that Mu Zigen’s mother was in the education department, and his father Mu Lingyun was a high-ranking official in the feudal territory, and Mu Ziyuan’s parents were busy with work on weekdays.

Therefore, this opportunity to meet is also very rare.

Listening to Mu Zizhen, this time it was Mu Zizhen’s parents who took the initiative to ask to see Ye Fei.

Obviously, Mu Zizhen’s parents also heard about Ye Fei’s affairs in the Wei family, and even more heard that their daughter had actually made a boyfriend, and they were immediately extremely curious about Ye Fei.

Mu Zizhen’s personality is very clear to them, his daughter has always been above the top, and she has broken the sky and fallen in love?

Therefore, Mu Zizhen’s parents are looking forward to the upcoming meeting.

It was a weekend, and Mu Zizhen’s parents rarely had time.

The hotel is located in Yandu State Guest House, which is a very special garden-style hotel, which is very rare in Yandu, retaining many traditional courtyards and various architectural styles.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen arrived at the hotel one step earlier.

Mu Zizhen is still wearing simple, plain white casual clothes today, tying up a ponytail, holding his hair, and his eyes are bright and moving.

Ye Fei saw Mu Zizhen with a bright smile and waved at her.

Mu Zizhen smiled lightly and took the initiative to take Ye Fei’s arm, and the two seemed extremely close.

Mu Zizhen’s face was raised with a smile, and he suddenly lightly opened his mouth, “I found that since you became a martial arts master, I don’t know how strong your strength is, but your appearance and temperament have become more and more handsome and dashing…”

Mu Zizhen’s words are really good, since becoming a martial arts master, Ye Fei’s skin has completely changed, his appearance and temperament have also been reversed, his temperament is outstanding, and his appearance is even more heroic.

Ye Fei has a bonus of charm value, and the appearance value is already very high, and now it is needless to say.

Ye Fei’s appearance is enough to make people look sideways.

Hearing Mu Zizhen’s praise, Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and smiled: “No way, this kind of thing is born handsome and handsome.” ”

“You…” Mu Zizhen glanced at Ye Fei, and this guy went to heaven as soon as he praised it.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen talked while they went to the hotel box.

After waiting for a while, I soon saw a middle-aged couple enter the private room.

This middle-aged couple man looks elegant, while the middle-aged beautiful woman is very well maintained, and the style of her youth is faintly visible.

Needless to say, the couple is Mu Zigen’s parents, Mu Lingyun and He Qin.

Mu Lingyun and He Qin walked into the room, and of course the two of them saw Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen for the first time.

In particular, He Qin looked at Mu Zizhen’s hand holding Ye Fei.

He Qin was surprised in his heart that his daughter, who has always been estranged and cold, would actually hold a man’s hand, which was really surprising.

Immediately after, He Qin carefully looked at Ye Fei, and the moment he saw Ye Fei, He Qin was slightly stunned, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: Good handsome young man.

Ye Fei’s appearance made He Qin also impressed, and this appearance was a star, and she also believed it.

As the saying goes, the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more satisfied she is.

At this moment, He Qin had a little of this feeling, and she could suddenly understand why her daughter liked the man in front of her.


I wish you all a Happy New Year’s Day_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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