After hanging up Xu Sheng’s phone, Ye Fei showed a look of thought.

The song “A Laugh in the Sea” naturally goes without saying, it is a classic in the classic, and it is more than enough to accompany the movie.

Ye Fei was thinking about the movies he was going to shoot, that is, the films “I Am Not a Medicine God”, which was the highlight of the next brilliant entertainment.

“I Am Not a Medicine God”, “Red Sea Action”, and “The Wandering Earth” have a total of three movies, and the cumulative box office in the past life is close to 10 billion, and the income is very considerable.

And these three movies are double explosions of box office reputation, especially “I am not a medicine god”, which is a rare good movie, which is of great significance.

At present, the three movies of “I am not a medicine god” are filmed at the same time, “I am not a medicine god” is the fastest progress, and the film emperor Huang Zheng is invited to star, Huang Zheng is still an artist under Brilliant Entertainment, and director Zhang Muye is also an artist under Brilliant Entertainment.

It can be said that this movie is a film led by Brilliant Entertainment.

At present, the film shooting is basically a film, and in this parallel time and space, the review speed of the film is very fast, and with the relationship between the Ye family, it is naturally a green light.

This “I am not a medicine god” will be released soon.

Ye Fei was already a little impatient.

After all, this is the most important step in his entertainment empire planning, and whether he can open the door depends on this time.

The next day, Ye Fei made a special trip to Brilliant Entertainment to explain the matter and supervise the progress of those films by the way.

The final result made Ye Fei very satisfied, and at the latest two weeks, “I Am Not a Medicine God” can be released.


Having finalized the general matters, Ye Fei was in a good mood.

Time flew by, three days passed.

These days, Dr. Wu Shen has been investigating all kinds of things that Chen Luoyan has done, and even Dr. Wu has visited the Su family and made amends to Old Master Su Xiaokun.

In fact, with the ability and strength of Wu Shenyi, he did not have to do this, but Wu Shenyi’s character really did not have to say, he personally came to the door to apologize to the Su family, so that Su Xiaokun was also eliminated and reconciled with Wu Shenyi.

In this regard, Ye Fei really had some admiration for Wu Shenyi.

After all, Dr. Wu Shen put down his body and apologized to the Su family instead of Chen Luo.

Dr. Wu also learned the truth of the matter from Su Xiaokun, and he sighed and was even more disappointed in Chen Luo.

Su Xiaokun’s character and character are also very clear to Dr. Wu Shen.

Su Xiaokun never told lies, and his words were extremely credible.

Knowing what Su Xiaokun said, Dr. Wu Shen had basically determined Chen Luo’s affairs.

Next, Dr. Wu only wants to investigate whether Chen Luo is related to the arson case in the end, and finally determine whether Chen Luo should die or not.

If Chen Luo really was this arson case, then Chen Luo’s death was deserved, and he blamed himself!

Even if Ye Fei didn’t move, then Wu Shen Doctor would still have to clean up the portal.

At the same time that Wu Shenyi was investigating this matter, Duan Ling Shiyun and Duan Lingshiyun had also been following Wu Shenyun’s side, and Duan Qizheng was feeling guilty, he was guilty that he had not stopped Chen Luo, and now he knew that Chen Luo had made so many mistakes.

At first, Ling Shiyun still regarded Chen Luo as a master brother, but now Ling Shiyun disdained to be with Chen Luo.

It is a shame to have a brother like Chen Luo!


Ye Fei learned about Wu Shenyi’s movements in the past few days, and after knowing that Wu Shenyi had visited Su Xiaokun, Ye Fei was immediately relieved.

Wu Shen Doctor went to Su Xiaokun, and the result can be imagined.

Ye Fei finally had time to spend this time, and he immediately asked Mu Zizhen to go shopping.

Mu Zizhen’s injuries were almost healed, and she re-served as a troop instructor, so she did not have time for the time being, let Ye Fei walk around the mall first, and it would take her a while to rush back.

Idle and bored, Ye Fei also wandered in the mall.

However, Ye Fei soon found that his choice was a mistake, because Ye Fei’s appearance was too high, most of the shopping in the mall were women, and almost everywhere Ye Fei went, he was accompanied by eyes.

There were even Huaichun maidens who took the initiative to come up to talk to Ye Fei, and Ye Fei was difficult to deal with, and finally took the best policy.

Leaving the mall, Ye flew to the street outside.

Just at this moment, Ye Fei heard an exclamation around him.

“An old man has fallen!”

“Not good, Kombata 120”

“Whoever hit 120, this man blackmailed…”

Only to see a series of exclamations coming from around him, Ye Fei’s people around him were all looking at a certain place in front of him.

Ye Fei took a look, and sure enough, there was an old man on the ground who fell, this old man looked to be about seventy years old, and he was followed by a little girl of about ten years old who looked like a pink carving, which should be the granddaughter of the old man.

When the little girl saw the old man falling, she was so anxious that she shouted at her grandfather at the side, and at the same time reached out to help the old man up.

Most of the others watched from the sidelines, not because they didn’t want to call an ambulance, but there were too many examples of blackmail, so everyone was just watching from a distance.

When Ye Fei saw this, his heart moved, and he immediately stepped forward and said, “Wait! ”

Ye Fei stopped the little girl, only to see the little girl look at Ye Fei with a puzzled face.

Ye Fei looked at the old man lying on the ground, carefully observed for a moment, and then said: “It should be an acute stroke, little sister, don’t touch your grandfather first, give it to me.” ”

Ye Fei said, taking out the silver needle he had brought with him.

The old man suddenly fainted, unconscious, accompanied by crooked mouth corners, obviously a symptom of acute stroke, which is a very dangerous disease.

Ye Fei’s silver needle had already been disinfected, and he used the silver needle to pierce the acupuncture point, and used the Suzaku fire needle to apply the needle at the old man’s Hegu, Quchi, Neiguan, Waiguan, Shoulder Hip, Foot Sanli, Shangju Void, Taichong, Xiexi, Kunlun, Yanglingquan and other acupuncture points.

After Ye Fei had now entered the martial arts and entered the chemical strength, his strength was even higher, and he also had a deeper grasp of the silver needle acupuncture points.

The crowd of onlookers next to them only felt dazzled, watching Ye Fei quickly apply the needle, and their eyes were shocked.

About ten minutes or so.

The old man slowly opened his eyes and gradually regained consciousness, although he was still a little slurred, but he was rescued by Ye Fei.

There was an exclamation all around.

It’s a godsend.

At this moment, not far away, two figures were also watching this scene, it was Wu Shen Doctor and Ling Shiyun!

Wu Shenyi stared at Ye Fei with complicated eyes.


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