Ye Fei relied on the Suzaku Fire Needle and saved the old man with divine skill.

Only to see that Ye Fei’s needle casting technique was fast, and the Suzaku Fire Needle was used by him to the fullest.

In a short period of time, Ye Fei had already rescued the old man and temporarily freed the old man from danger. Immediately afterward, Ye Fei made a phone call and asked Hei Wu to send the old man to the hospital.

Although Ye Fei’s Suzaku Fire Needle is magical, this advanced acupuncture method can only temporarily get the old man out of danger, and if he really wants to restore the old man, he also needs hospital treatment.

At the same time, Ye Fei bent down, looked at the anxious little girl, touched the little girl’s head, and comforted her: “It’s all right, don’t be afraid.” Your grandfather is out of danger for the time being, just send him to the hospital in a moment. ”

“Thank you, big brother.” The little girl looks pink and jade, very cute, her face is slightly red, and her big eyes are flashing, as if she can talk.

Ye Fei smiled and touched the little girl’s head.

He stood where he was and waited for a while, and then Black Five drove in, quickly taking the little girl and his grandfather to the car and driving to the hospital.

Ye Fei didn’t leave the place until then.

The other onlookers also gradually dispersed, but some people still looked at Ye Fei and whispered.

“This is just acupuncture, right?” What a powerful look…”

“Even if you look handsome, you are still so loving, and you love it.” Many young girls stared at Ye Fei and said.

“Oh, the old man fell down and dared to save, I really don’t know if he is bold or has a lot of money…”

There were all the onlookers, Ye Fei heard some words from the crowd, he just smiled lightly and slowly walked out of the crowd.

On the other side of the crowd, Wu Shenyi and Ling Shiyun witnessed this scene.

Doctor Wu Shen had also seen the old man who had fallen, and he had wanted to take the initiative to go forward to treat him, but he was preempted by Ye Fei.

At this point, Dr. Wu Shen simply hid in the crowd and secretly observed Ye Fei.

The result surprised Dr. Wu.

Ye Fei’s medical skills are extremely high, especially this acupuncture method, which is even more top-notch. With Wu Shenyi’s skill, of course, he could recognize that Ye Fei’s acupuncture method was a long-lost acupuncture method, like Suzaku Fire Needle!

Moreover, acute stroke is a very bad condition, and Ye Fei can quickly treat it, which is enough to prove Ye Fei’s proficiency in acupuncture.

Doctor Wu Shen felt that even if he did it himself, he was afraid that it would be nothing more than that.

And more importantly, Dr. Wu’s impression of Ye Fei changed instantly.

Ye Fei actually always carried the silver needle with him, and did not retreat in the face of such an emergency, took the initiative to take the initiative, and also treated the elderly, and even finally called the old man to be sent to the hospital.

After this, Ye Fei did not have the intention of Ren, and he silently withdrew from the crowd.

If it weren’t for Dr. Wu Shen and Ling Shiyun seeing it with their own eyes, they would have encountered such a scene.

Before that, Dr. Wu had always recognized it as an arrogant and arrogant rich man, but now he sees…

Compared to his disciple Chen Luo, Ye Fei’s character was much better than Chen Luo’s!

Dr. Wu Shen sighed lightly, feeling that he was indeed careless.

“Hey, Chen Luo’s evil man…” Doctor Wu sighed and was silent without speaking.

“Master, I think you may really blame Ye Fei.” Ling Shiyun whispered next to him, “If Ye Fei is really a villain who manipulates right and wrong, he can’t have taken the move just now.” ”

Healer parental heart.

Real famous doctors, such as Wu Shenyi, are all broad-minded and benevolent, taking it as their duty to treat diseases and save people, so that they can make the actions of Ye Fei just now and choose to treat diseases and save people without hesitation.

Ye Fei’s actions just now were seen by Ling Shiyun and Wu Shenyi, and they felt that what Ye Fei said was true and credible.

Doctor Wu was silent for a moment and said, “Yeah, you’re right. ”

“Master, do we still have to investigate Chen Luo’s affairs…” Ling Shiyun asked.

Wu Shen Doctor sighed slightly, “I’ll see Ye Fei before I say anything, I have a few words I want to ask him.” ”

At this time, Dr. Wu Shen was already extremely disappointed in Chen Luo.


Ye Fei was walking on the street, and suddenly his heart felt something, he looked up and saw Wu Shen Doctor and Ling Shiyun standing in front of him.

Ye Fei was slightly surprised and said softly, “Such a coincidence, the two are also here.” ”

“The old man just saw Ye Gongzi take the initiative to save people, and his heart was kind, which is the state of a healer.” Dressed in a coarse cloth and linen robe, Dr. Wu Shen took the initiative to bow his hand to Ye Fei and first praised him.

Hearing Dr. Wu Shen say this, Ye Fei was slightly embarrassed and laughed to himself: “I didn’t expect that good deeds would be discovered, and I still want to do good deeds without leaving a name.” ”

Wu Shen Doctor took a deep look at Ye Fei and said, “You and I are both doctors, I was still a little dissatisfied the day before, but when I saw him today, I was prejudiced against Ye Gongzi before.” ”

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t deserve the praise of Doctor Wu, I’m just a murderer who killed your disciple.” ”

Wu Shen Doctor was silent for a moment, and then he said, “Ye Gongzi, I have one thing I want to ask you. ”

“You say.” Ye Fei’s attitude was light.

Wu Shen said, “Dare to ask Ye Gongzi about the stitch method he just used, but is it the Suzaku Fire Needle?” ”

Ye Fei glanced at Wu Shen Doctor in surprise and said, “It is indeed the Suzaku Fire Needle.” ”

Doctor Wu Shen should have just taken a look at it from a distance, and he could already see through Ye Fei’s needle casting technique, which was really powerful, worthy of the name of the Divine Doctor.

Wu Shen Doctor was knowledgeable, and the Suzaku Fire Needle could be seen at a glance.

“I once saw the Suzaku Fire Needle in an ancient book, but I only got the fragments, so I only knew a little bit about the needle application techniques, which made this guess.” As if to see Ye Fei’s surprise, Wu Shen Doctor took the initiative to explain, and at the same time said: “This Suzaku Fire Needle is a profound needle method on the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, dare to ask Ye Gongzi, have you obtained the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic?” ”

Doctor Wu asked with great concern.

Hearing Dr. Wu Shenyi’s question, Ling Shiyun froze, and her clear eyes were also fixed on Ye Fei’s body.

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic!

This is a legendary medical book, which is said to be able to make up for the innate deficiencies, and it is a strange book of medical techniques in the Xuanhuang Kingdom, which has long been lost.

Ye Feihuan glanced at Ling Shiyun with deep meaning and said, “Exactly.” ”

In this world, only Ye Fei has the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics can make up for the innate deficiency and can treat Ling Shiyun’s illness.

In other words, in this world, only Ye Fei can cure Ling Shiyun!


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