Ye Fei agreed, and after eating, he and Mu Zizhen practiced their fists and kicks in the fitness room on Ye Fei’s floor.

After Ye Fei reached the realm of the Transformation Realm Master, his strength had already improved by leaps and bounds.

At present, after reaching the Huajing Sect Master, Ye Fei had not yet fought with anyone, and although this time he and Mu Zizhen were only a tentative confrontation with the strokes, it was also the first time Ye Fei had fought with people after becoming the Huajing Sect Master.

Ye Fei also found out how terrifying his strength was at this time.

After attaining the realm of the Transformation Master, it is indeed another level of strength entirely.

Ye Fei’s five senses and spiritual consciousness were fully enhanced, and the strength of all aspects reached another level and became extremely powerful.

The punches and kicks that Mu Zizhen attacked must be as fast as lightning and thunderous if they were to be seen by others.

But in Ye Fei’s eyes, it was like a slow-motion replay, Ye Fei could easily see through every movement and detail of Mu Zizhen, which was an extremely mysterious realm and feeling.

At the same time, Ye Fei easily coped, counterattacked backhand, and still had the strength to attack Mu Zizhen’s weakest point.

This time, Mu Zizhen had already fallen into the downwind.

I have to say that Ye Fei’s strength growth is indeed terrifying.

A few times down, Mu Zizhen saw the strength displayed by Ye Fei, and she couldn’t help but exclaim in amazement, and at the same time whispered, “If you don’t fight, don’t fight, I have found that the strength of the Transformation Realm Sect Master is really strong…”

Mu Zizhen completely gave up the move with Ye Fei.

Because Mu Zizhen found that no matter how she did it, Ye Fei seemed to be able to predict in advance, and she couldn’t take any advantage at all.

The gap between the two also made Mu Zizhen realize Ye Fei’s strength.

Sure enough, after reaching the Grandmaster, it was another realm, which was like a fish leaping over the Dragon Gate, and there was indeed a big difference.

Previously, when Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen fought, the two could still fight each other back and forth, and it could even be said that Mu Zizhen also had a big winning rate.

But now, Mu Zizhen found himself deeply constrained, and there was no chance of dealing with Ye Fei at all.

Seeing Ye Fei’s red lips slightly pouted, the cute look made Ye Fei smile, he said: “Zi Yuan, do you want me to teach you?” ”

After Ye Fei reached the Transformation Realm Master, his vision was naturally completely different, he was definitely capable of being Mu Zizhen’s martial arts teacher.

Mu Zizhen heard this, but he also agreed to come down: “This is good, you come to teach me to try.” ”

“That’s OK.”

Ye Fei was now teaching some martial arts moves, Ye Fei’s strength was refined, coupled with the changes in the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, so that Ye Fei was now enlightened about martial arts.

Ye Fei taught Mu Zizhen, and Mu Zizhen also followed Ye Fei’s fingers and performed some changes in moves and martial arts.

In a short period of time, Mu Zizhen felt his progress.

It’s just that……

The only thing that was not good was that when Ye Fei pointed out Mu Zizhen, of course, it was indispensable to physical contact. Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei first tasted Yun Yu, both of them had some taste of the marrow, especially Mu Zizhen, who was red in the face and red in the ears, and his eyes were watery.

Moreover, Ye Fei even deliberately stirred up the taste of Mu Zizhen, making Mu Zizhen look at Ye Fei’s face even more red.

Noticing the red halo on Mu Zizhen’s face, Ye Fei smiled and blinked, “Actually, I have a secret I want to tell you…”

“What secret?” Mu Zizhen was suddenly interested and blinked his eyes.

Ye Fei said, “You also know that my medical skills are good.” ”

“Okay.” Mu Zi nodded slightly, very agreeable. Ye Fei’s medical skills were not only good, as far as Ye Fei’s medical skills were concerned, he was only afraid of looking at Xuan Huang Guo, which was second only to Wu Shen Doctor.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “My medical heritage actually comes from a strange book called the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, which you should have heard.” ”

“The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic?” Mu Zizhen blinked his eyes and felt that it was even more bizarre.

Is what Ye Fei is talking about the legendary Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic? Isn’t that just myths and legends? Is this actually real?

Mu Zizhen felt as if he had heard wrongly.

Ye Fei seemed to see through Mu Zizhen’s mind and smiled, “Yes, you didn’t hear it wrong, it’s the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.” ”

“There really is such a thing in this world…” Mu Zizhen still felt incredible, but when he thought about it, he also slightly understood.

After all, whether it is Ye Fei or Wu Shenyi’s medical skills, they cannot be speculated with common sense, and it is indeed not like ordinary medical skills, perhaps there are many unknowns in this world.

Just like Mu Zizhen, these martial arts masters, are not unknowns in the eyes of ordinary people.

Ye Fei whispered a few words beside Mu Zizhen, “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics record a method of male and female cultivation, which can strengthen the body, refine the gods, improve physical fitness, and be very effective for learning martial arts…”

Ye Fei didn’t hide much, and told Mu Zizhen some of the secrets of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

After all, this is a method that requires male and female practitioners, and it will not be able to hide Mu Zizhen at that time.

What’s more, Mu Zizhen is Ye Fei’s woman, and she is also completely trustworthy.

“You mean…” Mu Zizhen thought about it and understood it again in the blink of an eye.

It’s just that Mu Zizhen’s face is even redder, and she seems to feel that there is a fire burning on her face, and her face is red and full of redness.

Ye Fei’s implication was already very obvious.

“Why don’t we try it?” Ye Fei whispered in Mu Zizhen’s ear.

“Today… Late at night. Mu Zizhen bit his mouth, felt the hot air exhaled by Ye Fei, and whispered.

Mu Zizhen’s meaning could not have been more obvious.

With Mu Zizhen’s permission, Ye Fei was immediately overjoyed, and the cultivation of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture was of course a matter of both men and women.

And the best cultivation object was, of course, Mu Zizhen beside Ye Fei.

After all, Mu Zizhen has a martial arts foundation, and Mu Zigen’s martial arts foundation is not low, and the master of internal strength is also a well-deserved master in the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom martial arts community.


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