
Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen both practiced the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

Ye Fei’s second cultivation of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture at this time was already a familiar path.

It’s just that Mu Zizhen doesn’t know much about the cultivation methods of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, and he has no medical foundation, so he doesn’t know much about acupuncture points and meridians.

Fortunately, Mu Zizhen had learned martial arts, and he still knew some of them, and under Ye Fei’s teaching, he mastered the essentials.

Under Ye Fei’s guidance, Mu Zizhen reluctantly began to cultivate the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

I have to say that Mu Zizhen’s cultivation of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, under the guidance of Ye Fei, was still very fast.

The inner strength of the two people was running in the meridians in the body, and the feeling of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture cultivation was very smooth, and the true qi was running, just like Tiancheng.

Especially the feeling between the two is extremely subtle.

Soon, a cultivation was over.

Mu Zizhen slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes are bright, and her eyes are flowing, like autumn water.

“Zi Gang, how do you feel?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Mu Zizhen whispered to Ye Fei, “Well… It feels very good, very comfortable, and it seems that there is a slight increase in strength, which is already very rare. ”

Mu Zizhen first came into contact with the cultivation of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, and he felt very magical.

The two of them practiced for a night, but they were not sleepy at all, but on the contrary, their bodies were comfortable and their spirits were full, which was very rare.

Ye Fei smiled evilly and teased, “Yeah, this has only been cultivating for a night, if you cultivate every day, it will feel even more different…”


Mu Zizhen gave Ye Fei a delicate white eye.

However, her mood was obviously also very good, especially after getting closer to Ye Fei, between the ears and the sideburns, Mu Zizhen liked this feeling more and more.

She felt that after a while it would be dawn, and the time with Ye Fei always passed quickly.

“I have to go to the barracks today, and I can’t take two consecutive days off.” Mu Zizhen whispered.

“No hurry, it’s only six o’clock now, and there’s still time.” Ye Fei smiled, and he directly embraced Mu Zizhen and hugged Mu Zizhen’s slender and soft waist.



Mu Zizhen slowly swallowed up, his hair was scattered, his cheeks were rosy, but he had an amazing beauty.

When a girl becomes a woman, the charm exuded between her hands and feet is even more incomparable.

Before that, Ye Fei had always believed that in fact, Mu Zizhen, Bai Ruoxi and Ning Yufei should be considered to be on a par.

But the reason why Ning Yufei was Ye Fei was a very beautiful woman was because Ning Yufei not only looked like a country, but also had a more feminine temperament, and there was an indescribable charm between the raised hands, even charm.

Ning Yufei that woman was a celestial creature.

As for Mu Zizhen, when she completed the transformation from a girl to a woman, she was also more attractive and more feminine.

Although the current temperament in this regard is not as good as Ning Yufei, there is another completely different style, and the two are not the same.

Ye Fei also sensed Mu Zizhen’s change and couldn’t help but smile.

It is interesting to make a woman more perfect with her own hands.


Mu Zizhen was ready to leave Ye Fei’s villa to go to the barracks, before leaving, Mu Zizhen seemed to think of something, and whispered to Ye Fei: “In fact, I think you can be like me, go to the military camp as an instructor, with your current strength, I am afraid that many troops want to beg you…”

When Ye Fei heard Mu Zizhen say this, his heart was moved, and he said, “Actually, you can also consider it.” ”

As an Avatar Sect Master, once Ye Fei entered the army, his status would be completely different.

The treatment of the Realm Master is definitely far beyond imagination!

This will also be very beneficial to Ye Fei.

Mu Zizhen’s suggestion is indeed very good.

At the same time, Mu Zizhen also said: “Recently, the Jiaolong army seems to be looking for martial arts instructors, the Jiaolong army is one of the four special forces in our country, if you are interested, maybe it can really be done…”

Dragon Troops!

Of course, Ye Fei had also heard the name of the Jiaolong Army, which was indeed one of the ace troops of the Xuanhuang Kingdom, and its fame was very great.

It is said that there are four mysterious special forces in the Xuanhuang Kingdom, and the dragon is one of them.

Ye Fei said, “This seems to be an opportunity.” ”

Ye Fei’s eyes narrowed slightly, in fact, he thought of the original book.

In the book “Huadu Soldier King”, the protagonist Li Yunfeng served as the instructor of the Jiaolong army and embarked on the road of glory, which was a very important opportunity for Li Yunfeng.

Ye Fei heard Mu Zizhen say this again, and immediately knew that he could not miss it.

“Well, if you’re interested, I’ll help you ask.” Mu Zizhen smiled.

“It’s okay.” Ye Fei nodded in agreement.

“That’s it, I’ll go first.” Mu Zizhen kissed Ye Fei’s face before he left with a smile.

Seeing Mu Zizhen’s departed back of the Yellow Emperor, Ye Fei smiled heartily, and also recalled the cultivation of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture last night.


Mu Zizhen left, while Ye Fei had nothing to do for the time being, and he was not in a hurry to go to Brilliant Entertainment or Ye’s Pharmaceutical Group.

And just then, Ye Fei heard the doorbell.

At the same time, the housekeeper Ji Yun Er came up to Ye Fei and said, “Young master, there are guests who have come to visit, saying that they have come to visit you…”

Ye Fei felt a little strange, Ji Yun’er didn’t seem to know anyone coming.

Ye Fei let people come first, and only then did he find out that it was Wu Shen Doctor and Ling Shiyun!

These two people actually came to Ye Fei on a special trip.

Ye Fei had only rejected Wu Shen Doctor and Ling Shiyun two days ago, so why did this come again?

Ye Fei was a little puzzled.

Although it was winter, Wu Shen was physically strong, and as an Avatar Sect Master, he dressed very simply, just a coarse cloth linen coat, and even cloth shoes on his feet.

And Ling Shiyun was wrapped tightly, her face was still slightly pale, but there was a kind of soft beauty, especially those eyes seemed to be able to speak, staring at Ye Fei, she seemed to know something.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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