Ye Fei and Wu Shen Doctor, as top divine doctors, both knew this.

That is, even if Ye Fei used the Suzaku Fire Needle, he might not be able to save Ling Shiyun.

Even Dr. Wu Shen didn’t have hope for this, he just wanted Ye Feiduo to be in contact with Ling Shiyun. If the two can be happy with each other, then it is logical to use the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.

Dr. Wu Shen had such a plan.

Although Wu Shenyi is old-fashioned, but human life is close to heaven, Ling Shiyun’s innate deficiencies may only be able to make up for by relying on the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, which is also the result of Wu Shenyi’s review of multiple materials.

Ye Fei looked at the Wu Shen Doctor next to him, and he said, “Well, I’ll try my best.” ”

“Okay, please.” Wu Shen said, “Ye Gongzi is indeed benevolent, before it was the old decay, I blamed Ye Gongzi.” ”

Ye Fei shook his head, then said, “Then ask Aunt Ling to follow me into the room.” ”

Ye Fei looked calm.


Although Ling Shiyun’s face was slightly red and she was a little embarrassed, she still agreed to come down.

Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun went to the room.

At this time, Wu Shen Doctor was watching Ling Shiyun and Ye Fei enter the room, and Wu Shen Doctor was waiting outside, not anxious.

Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun arrived at the bedroom, and Ye Fei knew that Ling Shiyun was afraid of the cold, so he closed the door and window.

Ye Fei’s intimate actions made Ling Shiyun’s heart flutter slightly.

Immediately afterward, Ye Fei said to Ling Shiyun, “Miss Ling, take off your coat, then sit down, and I will diagnose your pulse.” ”

Ye Fei also needed to determine how Ling Shiyun’s condition really was.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, and she sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her slim jade hand, and gave Ye Fei a pulse.

Ye Fei diagnosed Ling Shiyun’s tangential pulse.

In fact, Ling Shiyun’s physical condition, Ye Fei did not know much, he diagnosed Ling Shiyun’s pulse, he saw that Ling Shiyun’s pulse was weak, Ye Fei also detected some of these situations.

Ling Shiyun’s physical condition was indeed not good.

According to the current situation, Ling Shiyun’s physical condition can be said to last at most two years, her qi and blood, her body are very weak, and she is extremely weak.

Every cold winter is extremely difficult for Ling Shiyun.

Ye Fei saw Ling Shiyun’s pale face, and only her shadow was reflected in her flexible eyes.

Ye Fei sighed and said, “Miss Ling, your physical condition is indeed not optimistic, if it were not for Dr. Wu Shen to heal you, you would only be afraid…”

Ye Fei didn’t say much, but the meaning was already understood.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, she bit her lip and whispered, “I know”

Ling Shiyun was well aware of her current situation.

Ling Shiyun’s current situation, her body is extremely weak, and she is even coughing up blood these days. If it weren’t for Wu Shenyi’s insistence on conditioning her body, I was afraid that Ling Shiyun would have been long ago.

Ye Fei said lightly, “Then I will first use acupuncture to help you adjust it, you lie on your stomach, I will use Suzaku Fire Needle first.” ”

Ye Fei said, he took out the silver needle, with a serious attitude and meticulousness.

As a doctor, Ye Fei’s attitude was absolutely serious, and he was undistracted, he disinfected the silver needles, took a towel and hot water, and prepared acupuncture for Ling Shiyun.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, her face was slightly red, she took off her coat, and then lay on the bed, revealing a piece of fragrant shoulders and snow skin, and let Ye Fei acupuncture.

Ye Fei’s acupuncture techniques and acupuncture points are different from those of Wu Shen Doctor.

This is also one of the mysteries of the Suzaku Fire Needle.

After all, the Suzaku Fire Needle is the legendary acupuncture method, Ye Fei uses the Suzaku Fire Needle to find the key acupuncture points and meridians, and then pinch the needle with two fingers, and with a slight shock, it pierces into the acupuncture channel.

Ling Shiyun’s body trembled slightly, only to feel that her body was hot, and a stream of hot air came out of the shoulder well hole, and Ye Fei’s needle pierced into her shoulder well hole.

Ye Fei’s acupuncture technique is very special.

His acupuncture techniques are very mysterious, looking completely different from other acupuncture techniques, and the Suzaku Fire Needle is more brilliant with the Qi Imperial Needle, that is, with Qi control, so that Ling Shiyun’s body has a subtle change.

In a short period of time, Ling Shiyun felt a little more warmth in her body.

Ling Shiyun’s physique is yin and cold, she is very afraid of cold.

And Ye Fei’s Suzaku Fire Needle just happens to be able to restrain Ling Shiyun’s physique, because Ye Fei’s Suzaku Fire Needle is a fire attribute, according to Chinese medicine, that is, full of yang qi.

Therefore, Ye Fei’s Suzaku Fire Needle is definitely an excellent means of treating Ling Shiyun.

If it is about prescription medicine, on medical experience, Ye Fei may not be as good as Wu Shen Doctor.

However, in terms of the art of acupuncture, Ye Fei, who was proficient in the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, was not inferior to Wu Shen Doctor, and could even surpass it!

The Suzaku Fire Needle in Ye Fei improved Ling Shiyun’s body, although it was only a slight transformation, but it also made Ling Shiyun feel incredible.

Next, Ye Fei stabbed at the other acupuncture points on Ling Shiyun’s body with the Suzaku Fire Needle, which was also extremely accurate.

The acupuncture points that Ye Fei pierced with the Suzaku Fire Needle were all important acupuncture points for the human body, and soon, Ling Shiyun’s back had been stitched by Ye Fei for at least ten stitches.

Immediately afterward, Ye Fei also used other techniques to cooperate.

Gradually, Ling Shiyun felt a hot feeling rising from her body, and Ling Shiyun immediately felt the warmth in it.

This heat made Ling Shiyun’s cold hands and feet seem to have a little more warmth.

After about half an hour of acupuncture, Ye Fei pulled out the silver needles on Ling Shiyun’s body one by one, and asked with a smile: “Miss Ling, how do you feel?” ”

Ling Shiyun raised her head, her face was slightly red, the contact with Ye Fei just now was actually very private, even Wu Shen Doctor had not treated her in this way.

Ling Shiyun put on her clothes in a bit of a panic, covering her fair and beautiful skin.

Because Ling Shiyun has been in the indoor home all year round, Ling Shiyun’s skin is surprisingly white, simply crystal like jade, very moving.

Ling Shiyun put on her coat and whispered in surprise: “Ye Gongzi, your acupuncture skills are very powerful, even my master’s acupuncture skills have not given me such a feeling, I think my body is not so cold…”

Ling Shiyun’s face showed a heartfelt sigh of admiration!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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