Ling Shiyun was extremely impressed by Ye Fei’s acupuncture skills.

Ye Fei’s acupuncture skills were not even inferior to Wu Shen Doctor in Ling Shiyun’s view, even more powerful than her master Wu Shen Doctor!

Ling Shiyun now only felt that her whole body was warm, and there was an indescribable comfort, like the feeling of soaking in a hot spring or a hot bath.

Ling Shiyun’s face was also slightly rosy.

Of course, this is only one acupuncture, and the speed of Ye Fei’s treatment can’t be so fast, but it just has some effect.

Ye Fei said seriously, “If your physique needs to be cultivated, it will take a long time… And with your current physical condition, even if I use the Suzaku Fire Needle to help you cultivate every day, it will only help you increase your life expectancy by three or five years at most. ”

Ye Fei was telling the truth, and he didn’t talk to Ling Shiyun about those imaginary things.

With Ling Shiyun’s condition, it is pointless to hide her anymore, and even Ling Shiyun herself is very aware of her current situation.

When Ling Shiyun heard this, she also nodded her head lightly and whispered, “I know, Ye Gongzi, in fact, I am already very grateful to you.” I almost died from birth, when I was a child, I thought I couldn’t survive, and as a result, I can live to this day, I am very satisfied, live for another three or five years, I still earned. ”

Ling Shiyun revealed a sweet smile.

Her smile is clean and the person is strong.

In fact, Ye Fei had some admiration for Ling Shiyun.

Unlike Luo Weiyu, who was injured by an accident, Ling Shiyun was told from a young age that she was weak and even in danger of life at any time.

And Ling Shiyun herself is not to mention, Ling Shiyun is often on the verge of life and death.

When she was a child, Ling Shiyun often had a cold and fever, a small cold and fever, for her physique is like a serious illness, every time she is cured of illness, she has a kind of happiness for the rest of her life, and even sometimes can’t believe that she can survive.

Ling Shiyun had been on the brink of life and death several times, but in the end she was lucky to survive.

It can be said that this girl is quite difficult.

If ordinary people had become like Ling Shiyun, they would either have given up on self-violence and self-abandonment long ago, or washed their faces with tears and complained about the injustice of life.

But Ling Shiyun survived and persevered to this day.

Even Dr. Wu Shen sometimes lamented that Ling Shiyun could live to this day because the Ling family searched for famous doctors and precious medicinal materials, and they did not hesitate to heal Ling Shiyun.

It is even more because Ling Shiyun herself is the result of being strong and optimistic and fighting with the God of Death.

It can be said that Ling Shiyun itself is a miracle.

Ye Fei also admired a girl like Ling Shiyun.

Ye Fei smiled: “It is very good that you can have such a mentality, maybe your illness really has the hope of being cured, and you don’t have to be stressed yourself…”

Ye Fei simply comforted Ling Shiyun with a few words.

Ling Shiyun nodded slightly, and she suddenly looked at Ye Fei with those bright and bright eyes and said softly: “Ye Gongzi, what you said about the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics can consolidate the original Peiyuan and make up for the innate deficiencies, but it is necessary and must be practiced with men and women, is it true?” ”

Ling Shiyun asked very directly.

Ye Fei heard the words, slightly frightened, he looked at Ling Shiyun, said: “Well, it is true, but this is also a forced next move.” ”

Ling Shiyun lowered her neck, her face was slightly red, and said, “I also know that I haven’t been in love yet…”

I haven’t been in a relationship yet.

When Ye Fei caught a glimpse of Ling Shiyun, he saw that her face was full of redness, her cheeks were rosy as water, her eyes were even brighter and shining, her voice was very soft, and her voice was soft and soft.

It can be seen that Ling Shiyun’s yearning for love.

Also, Ling Shiyun’s age of young girls, which one does not yearn for love?

Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile and didn’t say much.

“Ye Gongzi…”


“Ye Gongzi, have you ever been in love?” Ling Shiyun couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Of course. ”

Ye Fei thought of the women around him, each of them was so unique and special, and each of them was unique and charming, which made Ye Fei intoxicated.

Mu Zizhen, Bai Ruoxi, Luo Weiyu, Lu Lingjun, Su Qingzhu…

Ye Fei’s resolute answer made Ling Shiyun feel a little embarrassed, and she couldn’t say what it was like in her heart, she seemed to be relieved, and she felt a little inexplicably disappointed.

Ling Shiyun asked in a low voice, “What is it like to fall in love?” In fact, I haven’t really liked a person since I was a child, so I would like to know…”

With Ling Shiyun’s beauty, there should be no shortage of excellent opposite-sex pursuits around her.

But first, Ling Shiyun stays at home all year round, and there are few opportunities to contact the opposite sex, and second, most of the men around Ling Shiyun know Ling Shiyun’s illness and stay away from her.

Therefore, Ling Shiyun is blank in terms of feelings.

Hearing Ling Shiyun ask this, Ye Fei immediately smiled.

Ye Fei thought about it, and finally replied seriously: “I think that love is like when you think of a person, the corners of your mouth will rise unconsciously, and when you like someone, you will always think back to the bits and pieces of getting along with him.” Your heart will beat faster and you will feel good…”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Ling Shiyun’s eyes fluttered, and she seemed to be even more longing and curious about this matter.

The more she hadn’t experienced it, the more she wanted to try.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Ling Shiyun suddenly raised her head, slightly regretted, and boldly said, “I don’t think I will have a chance to know what this really tastes like in the future…”

Ling Shiyun raised her face, and Xingxing looked at Ye Fei, “I don’t know if I can please help me, I want to try what it feels like to be in love.” ”

“You mean…”

Ye Fei frowned slightly.

Ling Shiyun’s meaning could not be more obvious, this is the meaning of being a couple with him?

And it’s not the kind of pretend couple that is really in love.

Ye Fei looked at Ling Shiyun in front of her, a little confused about her brain circuitry…


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