Rusiya’s heart was alarmed, but before she could make any moves, her abdominal armor was instantly broken, and blood splattered everywhere!

One shot, serious injury!

“This, what is this movement.”

The knights were shocked one by one, only hearing their voices, and without seeing their attack, a big knight was seriously injured and fell to the ground!

Is this what His Majesty the King relies on?!

It turned out to be so powerful!!

And Rusya fell to the ground, covering her abdomen with her hands, looking down in disbelief, why, why she was suddenly injured.

Only hearing the voice, could it be that this ancient source has reached the strength of the legendary twenty-one paladins…

“Hang her up and hang her on the walls.”

As soon as Gu Yuan beckoned, two knights tied Rusiya and then hoisted her.

With the life force of the Great Knight, this level of injury is enough to incapacitate her, but it is not fatal.

Look at the unconscious big knight who is hoisted.

This is the end of going against His Majesty the King!

Such a thought arose in the hearts of the Los Knights.

What is the fear of the Nord army!

“Knight of Los Dynasty, nine deaths without regret! Defend Los City to the death! Swear to the death to guard Your Majesty!! ”

“Swear to coexist with Los City!”

I don’t know who led them, hundreds of knights roared out one after another.

“Woo ——!”

At this time, there was a sudden sound of a horn in the distance.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The Nords have stormed the city! ”

The shouts of panic sounded, and the drums of war beat instantly!

“Behead all these damn Nord barbarians!”

“The Knights of Los are invincible!”

“For Your Majesty!”

Under the roar of the knights of Los Lands, the defense of the city walls began.


The rain of arrows fell on the head of the city, and because the distance was too far away, they began to release arrows, so not much fell on the head of the city.

And because of Gu Yuan’s order, the American soldiers had knights in full armor holding large shields to escort, so there was nothing wrong.

“Your Majesty be careful!”

A knight guarding Gu Yuan raised a large shield one person tall in front of Gu Yuan, blocking the rain of falling arrows.

“Good, what’s your name.”

Gu Yuan asked casually.

“Your Majesty, the subordinate’s name is Lotis.”

The knight replied with sincere trepidation.

“After destroying the Nord Kingdom, I will make you a viscount.”

“Your Majesty.”

The Knight of Lotis was overjoyed in his heart and quickly thanked him.

The Nord army was set up one by one, the Nord nobles led their army to push the siege ladder to attack the city wall, waves of arrows rained down from the city, many Nord soldiers fell to the ground with arrows, but more Nord soldiers pushed the siege ladder one after another.

“Attack! Offensive! The first person to climb the city wall, I will reward a thousand gold coins! ”

“Attack the city wall, destroy the country of Los and capture the king of Los Guyuan alive, I will personally execute him!”

King Nord rode on his horse and shouted, commanding the army.

“Knights, withdraw from the wall defenses! My mercenaries, get ready! ”

With Gu Yuan’s order, the US companies were all ready.

And the knights of Los reluctantly gave up the defensive positions of the city wall one by one.

Although Rusya was seriously injured by a shot before, none of the knights saw how Rusya was seriously injured, so they did not know that it was actually the gun in the hands of the American soldiers.

They also thought in their hearts that these strange sticks could be used to fight?

Just kidding.

But thinking about it again, Gu Yuan was their King Majesty, and it was impossible to harm them.

In the spirit of loyalty to Gu Yuan, these knights can only do as Gu Yuan’s orders.

“Huh? Your Majesty, take a look! The soldiers on their walls were all withdrawn, replaced by some strange people, not wearing armor, and seemed to be holding something strange in their hands. ”

A knight of the Nord army pointed at the head of the city and shouted.

With their eyesight, they can see the situation above the city even if they span thousands of meters.

“Huh? What is this situation? ”

Rager IV was stunned, a little confused why Gu Yuan did this.

The next moment, he laughed heartily and said, “It seems that this little child of Gu Yuan gave up resistance!” ”

“If he surrenders and wants me to kill him, then he is wrong!”

“Order the knights to take the lead in ascending the city head and open the city gate, I will enter the city and cut off the heads of Guyuan with my own hands!”

Rager IV laughed.

As soon as Rag IV’s order came, more than a thousand of the 50,000 troops suddenly galloped out, all of them knights dressed in heavy plate armor!

They are all wearing heavy armor, but they are all galloping, which shows the strength of their physical fitness!

“With an army of a thousand knights in hand, all the surrounding kingdoms will fall to me!”

Rag IV was full of pride in his heart, he had a rampant smile on his face, he seemed to see that after the capture of Los City, he continued to lead troops to continuously capture several surrounding kingdoms, forming a huge empire with no less power than the Gustone Empire!

In the heart of Rag IV, he will serve as the first emperor of his future empire as a hero!

Gu Yuan’s eyes were cold as he kept approaching the city wall in the distance, wearing heavy armor, walking like a fly, more than a thousand powerful knights galloping, his right palm slightly raised.

The next moment falls instantly!

Four hundred semi-automatic rifles on the city wall, more than ten light and heavy machine guns opened fire instantly!


An arrow shot from nowhere hit the breastplate of a Nord knight, the arrow broke in an instant, and the Nord knight was unharmed, he sneered and continued to run towards the city wall.

But the next moment, countless explosions sounded instantly!

It can easily resist swords, bows and arrows, and the iron armor with strong defensive power is like paper paste at this moment!

His breastplate and helmet were instantly broken through by bullets, the armor shattered, blood gushed out, and the whole person was beaten with blurred flesh and blood!

Even the screams were not uttered, and he died instantly.

Nearly 400 semi-automatic rifles, 40 automatic rifles, and more than 10 light and heavy machine guns opened fire at the same time, and their firepower and sound were extremely terrifying.

“This loud noise! It’s so painful! ”

“What is this sound, take off your helmet!”

Above the city wall, the knights of Los who were originally wearing fully enclosed helmets punched as if they were punched, their ears were ringing and they were extremely shocked.

The knights screamed, and in great embarrassment, they removed the full-coverage helmets on their heads that were buzzing with the sound of gunfire, and their eyes were round, and they were breathing heavily.

If they remove their helmets more slowly, they will probably die from the constant reverberation of gunfire inside the helmet!

And this time took off the helmet, the vision was wide, and the scene in front of them suddenly made the Los knights stunned and shocked!

Just for a short while! Less than ten seconds.

Looking at it from a high place, I saw that the heavy armor on the more than a thousand Nord knights who were ready to climb the city wall was like paper paste, each shattered, and blood was splattered!

For a while, the armor under the city wall was shattered, and the corpses were strewn all over the field, like a purgatory on earth!


“What is this thing!”

“Save me! Ahhhhhhh

“Magician! Enchanter! There are magicians on the walls! ”

Wailing, screaming, the mighty knights are like weak lambs, they just want to escape the purgatory on earth caused by this instant!

More than a thousand knights, more than half of the casualties in an instant!

Some Nord knights who survived shouted and ran backwards.

Powerful, terrifying!

Countless powerful knights who had practiced for decades and could easily slaughter hundreds of enemies as easily as cutting melons and chopping vegetables died under the city walls so easily.

One by one, the corpses were shattered by the powerful impact of the bullets, and the fragments of iron armor were scattered on the ground!

“These are all knights of my Nord Kingdom!!”

“These bastards! Where did the Kingdom of Los invite magicians! ”

At the last moment, Rag IV was still full of arrogance, dreaming of ascending the throne as emperor in the future, and at this moment he widened his eyes, howled miserably, his heart ached, and his voice wailed like the blood of a cuckoo!

“Your Majesty, don’t panic! There I am. ”

At this time, a figure in the Nord army shrouded in black robes walked out proudly.

Looking at the countless flame elements floating around, flying up and down, the momentum was terrifying.

[ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for evaluation votes, I want all of this! ] 】

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