“National Division, National Division, it’s over to you!”

When Rag IV heard this, he hurriedly said to Janno.

“Judging by the situation, the Kingdom of Los should have recruited a lot of wandering mages, but they are all a group of rabble!”

Giano stood confidently.

“Hmph, Kingdom of Los Kingdom, not only do you have magicians, but I also have them!”

Rag IV was overjoyed and determined, and a smile appeared on his face again.

Zhan Nuo is a wandering mage, because of the mistake of studying forbidden demon magic, was expelled by the Middle Domain Dragon Mage Academy, in terms of level, he is also quite strong, after graduating from the Dragon Mage Academy, he stayed for more than ten years, but the strength reached the bottleneck and did not advance, so he would take the risk to study demon magic, and the Middle Domain Dragon Mage Academy found that he was expelled.

So Zhan Nuo traveled a long way to the border of the continent, which is here, the land of the countries of the Western Regions.

Magical resources are scarce here, and it has always been a place that powerful magicians disdain.

But there is no way for Janor, with his level, he can only be sought after in this place where there are basically no mages.

So he came to the Nord Kingdom not long ago and was worshipped as a national teacher by the Nord Kingdom Rag IV.

To be honest, when the Nord Kingdom attacked the city, Janno was still very disdainful, thinking that he did not need to make a move, but then the movement on the city wall startled him.

Because of this level, the intensive attack was under his impression that only magicians were qualified to launch.

“It seems that for this battle, I have to turn over all the bottom of my family.”

Janno said secretly in his heart.

He had been in the Middle Domain for many years, and he still had some savings, including one, the scroll of the forbidden spell.

Once cast, the target is within 100 meters of the complete forbidden demon.

“What can I do if there are many mages, as soon as my forbidden spell is cast, you can only obediently bind your hands and capture it!”

Janno is very smug.

The magician has no magic power, which is basically the power of a chicken without a hand.

In this battle, he must show his strength, only in this way can Lager IV completely obey his words, and only then will Lag IV devote his whole country to supporting him alone!

After he waited for the evil magic to make Dacheng, he went back to slaughter the group of Middle Domain Dragon Academy mages who dared to expel him!

Janno stepped out in one step, as if he saw the scene of his future evil magic order Dacheng, completely occupying the Middle Domain, and being the emperor of the magic empire alone.

“Forbidden Spell! Appear! ”

Janno’s figure moved forward in an instant, and he advanced hundreds of meters away from Rag IV’s side.

The magic robe on his body was windless, and a scroll full of densely painted purple runes flew out from the cuff, instantly turning into a stream of light and flying towards the head of Los City!

“What is this?”

Gu Yuan stood at the head of the city and watched suspiciously as the purple light flew in.

The next moment, the purple light turned into a huge purple rune array that instantly enveloped the city, and then disappeared the next moment.

“Hmph, as soon as the forbidden spell order is issued, the victory and defeat have been divided.”

Janno turned and stood very conceited, with a disdainful smile on his face, and turned his back to the city wall.

The gunfire on the city wall stopped, not because the forbidden spell worked, but because all the American soldiers touched their bodies in bewilderment.

They were all ready for the purple light to fly and they died, but this look, as if it was a firework, was useless, just let people watch the movement.

“The movement really stopped!”

Rag IV still thought that it worked, he was overjoyed, and immediately roared: “The enemy mage has been controlled by our national division, everyone, charge!” Take the head of the city!! I’m going to cut off Gu Yuan’s head myself!” ”

As soon as Rag IV’s words came out, everyone’s hearts were shocked, and their morale was immediately high.

More than three hundred knights who escaped by chance, yes, more than a thousand knights went out, so only three hundred escaped back.

They roared one after another, their eyes were red under their helmets, they wanted to avenge their colleagues who died tragically under the city!

“Kill all the Loths!”


The war drums beat instantly, and the 50,000-strong army was like a fierce tiger, and instantly rushed towards the city wall!

There are more than 10,000 people, boundless, and the dense soldiers are like the ocean, this scene is terrifying.

“Hahahaha! Gu Yuan, this time you are still dead! ”

Rag IV burst out again with a wild laugh.

“Fifty thousand people storming the city wall together?”

Gu Yuan stood at the head of the city and let out a hearty laugh, this time the artillery support team could come in handy.

Such a dense formation obviously appeared for the purpose of being bombed.

“Artillery support team, use!”

A virtual screen appeared in front of Gu Yuan that only he could see, and above the screen was the battlefield in front of him.

Gu Yuan concentrated his fire power to mark the place where the purple light appeared before.

If he guessed correctly, that place should be where the enemy magician was.

“Magician, you have to bear the cannon bombing!”

Gu Yuan sneered and gave the order.

In a clearing inside the city, twenty M59 155-mm guns appeared, and the dark barrels exuded endless coldness in the sun!

The next moment, they let out a roar like a god!


What’s more, twenty cannons fired together, and there are ancient sources marking the target, not to mention the power, but also extremely accurate!

Over there, Janno was still standing very smugly, standing in place.

After all, in his opinion, the forbidden mage was like a chicken rib, and his body protection spell was generally weaker magic could not be penetrated at all, let alone bows and arrows.

“On this battlefield, there can no longer be people, and weapons can hurt me!”

Janno laughed heartily, was very proud, and even wanted to go to the city wall to wave in person.


Suddenly, a loud bang exploded not far from him!


Dozens of soldiers were screamed and flown off! The soldier in the center of the explosion was even more fragmented, and the corpses and fragments of armor were spread all over the ground!

Janno was stunned and looked at it.


The sky broke through the sky, and Janno looked at the sky blankly.

I saw a black dot in the sky falling towards him.

This is…. What?

Janno’s brain suddenly went blank.

The next moment, a shell instantly exploded beside Janno.

It’s not magic….

But he could never know what it was.

Janor’s body protection spell broke instantly like a piece of paper.

After an explosion, the wind swept the clouds, leaving only a pile of corpses in place!

This magician from the Middle Domain died here!

This shell not only killed Janno, but also killed more than ten knights around him by the way!

The loud sound of rifles, machine guns, artillery filled the battlefield.

Under the tall city walls, countless explosions raged on, and the soldiers of the Nord Kingdom ran around like crazy, screaming loudly.

Their bodies were pierced by bullets, shattered by shells, and blown off.

Their will, like their bodies, was shattered!

“This… Is this the wrath of God…”

Rag IV looked pale at the purgatory-like scene in front of him in front of him, like the anger of the gods.

Instantly swept through these 50,000 troops.

One moment they laughed heartily, and the next moment the 50,000 troops were destroyed in an instant.

Rag IV completely collapsed.


A loud bang sounded not far from him, and Rag IV’s body was instantly swept away by the air wave generated by the explosion…

By the time he landed, he was already bleeding and shocked to death.

“King Nord died in battle.”

“The morale of the Nord Kingdom collapsed and it failed miserably.”

“The battle is over, and the kill value is being obtained by consolidation: 23678.”

“Get a five-star draw once.”

“Kill Value can be purchased in the Marketplace for technology, weapons, and armies.”

[ps: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections! ] I want it all! 】

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