[ps: Second change! ] And four more! 】

When everyone on the continent, all the countries, was shocked that the Golden Lion City was destroyed by a mortal empire with a terrifying weapon that surpassed the power of the Star Sage’s forbidden spell, another news spread.

The Los Empire and the Central Magic Empire have signed a covenant!

Absolutely equal offensive and defensive alliance!

The news once again shocked the entire continent.

Although the Los Empire has weapons that surpass the power of the Star Sage, in the end, they are still mortal countries.

Now, the leader of the wizarding world, the Central Magic Empire, actually signed a covenant with the Los Empire that represents the equality of both sides, which means that the Central Magic Empire does not regard the Los Empire as a mortal country, but is truly equal, facing the Los Empire squarely, and treating him as a country like himself, proud of the entire continent!

“The Los Empire and the Central Magic Empire have signed an alliance treaty, sure enough, we are not mistaken!”

“The Los Empire really represents hope!”

“Long live the Los Empire!”

Among the two million fallen soldiers, one and seven million mortal soldiers each cheered, they were also mortals, and they were truly at home to the Los Empire, which was also a mortal subject.

Han Si, on the other hand, had a smile on his face, and he really didn’t read it wrong.

The decision to join the Los Empire is right, although they are now suspected and not taken seriously, but sooner or later, they will make a move that makes the Los Empire face them up and trust them!

Of the two million fallen soldiers, there were 300,000 knights.

Although they were not as cheerful as those 1.7 million mortal soldiers, those who were dissatisfied with the Los Empire had all dissipated their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Because the move of the Central Magic Empire was undoubtedly announced to the whole continent.

The Los Empire is not a lowly mortal country, but a great empire as noble as them!

Therefore, those knights are the real mustard who have lost their hearts and begin to want to truly join the Los Empire.

Moreover, they followed the army of the Los Empire and also saw how rich and powerful the Los Empire was.

The peasants in the Los Empire were exploited and poor peasants in the ordinary mortal nation.

One by one, they lived even better than the nobles of other countries, and in the Los Empire, they could be regarded as living a human being and living a life.

At this moment, the Los Empire was naturally also respected by countless other mortal countries.

Even the kings of the mortal kingdom expressed their willingness to give up their throne and join the Los Empire, and they were willing to give up all their rights, only hoping to join the Los Empire and become citizens of the Los Empire!

The territory of the Los Empire has once again expanded its population.

Absorbing many mortal countries of the former Gutonsi Alliance Empire as a newborn population, the population of the Los Empire has reached the level of 40 million.

Moreover, Gu Yuan is not hungry, he will really send an expedition team to investigate the roots of those mortal countries.

And unified propaganda policy, Gu Yuan at this time remembered the most powerful place of mustache in World War II in his previous life.

Xinao-style propaganda, speeches.

And Gu Yuan has no other way, the Los Empire is expanding too fast, in order to ensure the loyalty of new citizens, it can only carry out Xinao-style propaganda and education.

However, the rewards are substantial!

The newly joined citizens are already very yearning for the Los Empire, and after joining, the basic loyalty is not low.

And after the special publicity and education of Guyuan, the new citizens have also completely integrated into the Los Empire.

Peace is precious.

A year later.

Los Empire border port coast.

A dilapidated wooden boat staggered here.

“We’ve arrived!!”

A refugee-like man appeared on the bow of the boat.

He let out a laugh of great joy.

“We’re in the Los Empire!”

“It’s finally here!”


From the boat hula came down a hundred people.

Originally, they had more than a dozen ships and thousands of people, but the rest of the ships were all shipwrecked in the sea, and only one of them reached the Los Empire with difficulty.

And their identity has a special title on the earth in the ancient source previous life.


They are all people of some mortal country, even nobles of small countries who have a bad life.

I yearn for the wealth and strength of the Los Empire.

However, after the Los Empire further expanded its territory, it set up borders, and generally without a visa issued by the empire, people from other countries were not allowed to enter the Los Empire.

Such a move, the entire continent is also only made by the Los Empire.

After all, there are too many secrets in the Los Empire, and this is also to prevent the infiltration of spies from other countries.

In the past life of the earth, before World War I, there was no visa to enter the country, and visa entry was originally made by Western countries to prevent spy infiltration.

And now the Los Empire has also come up with such a thing.

And they are all some poor people, how can they get visas?

But they also yearned for the Los Empire, and some saw the benefits from this.

So they formed smuggling groups.

Set off from a mortal country by the sea in the northern region and sail all the way to the Los Empire on a sailing ship!

Thus, smugglers were born on this continent.

In the crowd, a very ordinary looking man dressed like a refugee, but unlike the others, he wore a hat.

Only after he safely set foot on the territory of the Los Empire did he breathe a sigh of relief.

“Finally arrived, it seems that among the dozen people, only I have arrived safely in the Los Empire.”

He looked left and right and pulled down the brim of his hat.

His name is Hornby.

is a spy.

Spies from the United States of Slok in the North.

And the purpose of his coming to the Los Empire is to steal the weapons and equipment of the army of the Los Empire, preferably to be able to steal design drawings and the like.

After the rise of the Los Empire, there were countless countries that feared him, but in the same way, there were also weapons and equipment that the magic country envied the Los Empire.

The Demon Empire in the Eastern Region and the Slok United States in the Northern Region are among the representative countries.

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