[ps: The third change, and the fourth more! ] 】

And Gu Yuan knew that thermal weapons were the foundation of the Los Empire, so he had always given a death order, and his grasp at this level was very strict, so there had been no incidents of weapon loss until now.

And the Middle Domain Magic Empire naturally also wanted to obtain the army weapons of the Los Empire, but under Gu Yuan’s resolute attitude, after they signed a covenant with the Los Empire, it was difficult for them to start in this regard.

And 98k rifle weapons, although not difficult to obtain, but actually of little use to them.

And they are all magical countries, naturally have their own arrogance, so they began to immerse themselves in research their own firearms technology.

Let the magic push the bullet-like projectile to shoot.

But although the power of the production is considerable, it also reaches the power of 98K, but it consumes a lot of mana, and it takes one to two minutes to charge.

It is simply impossible to deploy troops on a large scale.

The United States of Slok is the same, using magic to push bullets, making magic guns, although the power is similar, but other places are far from the real rifle, there are many defects.

And they are just starting out, naturally it cannot be like the mature weapons used by the Los Empire.

And their research and development of magic cannons is the same, although they can also shoot shells, but the level is like the ancient cannons of the seventeenth and eighth centuries on the earth in the previous life of the ancient source.

So although all magical countries are conducting magic guns, they are conducting their own thermal weapons research.

However, most of its level, like the seventeenth and eighteenth-century armies of the ancient origin of the previous earth, can be shot in line up like flintlock guns.

Naturally, it is impossible to compete with the army of the Los Empire with World War II-level equipment.

There is a gap of hundreds of years between the two sides in terms of thermal weapons.

After discovering this, all the magical nations finally recognized the reality.

Thermal weapons are not something that can be done if you want to, and what they come up with is simply impossible to confront the Los Empire.

Before, because of their arrogance, they felt that they could make magic firearms comparable to the weapons of the Los Empire, but reality hit them head-on.

After the pride of that magical country passed, after they recognized the reality, they remembered, spies, this special kind of people.

By the time they remembered to send spies, it was too late.

Because the Los Empire began to implement a visa system a year ago.

Moreover, the Los Empire is very strict in defending the border.

However, quite a few spies were caught, but no success was seen.

This time, the United States of Slok changed its plan and let spies blend in with the smugglers, disguised as stowaways, and go to the Los Empire!

Although Hornby managed to reach the Los Empire, it seemed that his luck had stopped there.

As if fluttering on the sea, he used up all his luck without capsizing.

“You guys! Give me a stop! ”

“What for!”

The roar suddenly sounded.

Hundreds of smugglers looked over there in fear, and they saw a huge flying dragon descending from the sky, and from above the flying dragon came three knights wearing full plate armor and two patrol officers wearing military uniforms and half-breastplates.

Those knights were all selected from the previous two million soldiers, and they were also mortals.

Although mortals cannot become magicians, they can still become knights through hard training.

They have gone through layers of examinations and screenings in the Los Empire, not only physically, but also extremely important mental examinations.

Finally, he became a glorious patrol knight of the Los Empire.

They were one of the two million troops who had surrendered before, and they were born as mortals, and they naturally yearned for the Los Empire.

And Guyuan educated them in the Xinao style.

Of the 300,000 knights, only 30,000 ended up becoming patrol knights, and they were the most successful in Guyuan’s Xinao-style education.

Each of them is proud to be a patrol knight of the Los Empire, and they are truly devoted to the Los Empire.

“Patrol Knight, it’s Patrol Knight, let’s run!”

A shout erupted among the hundreds of smugglers, and they immediately scattered!

Everyone tried their best to escape, but they were already extremely tired and could not run far.

Moreover, the Los officer among these patrol knights took out the walkie-talkie and called for support.

Soon, huge flying dragons flew in all directions, and at least hundreds of patrol knights came here.

Soon, they were caught.

No less than one.

And Hohenby was pressed to the ground by a knight wearing a black full-body plate armor in the style of the Los Empire, and he only felt like crying.

I finally floated alive across the sea, but just arrived in the Los Empire and was caught.

God, I’m so hard!

Still, there is hope, they don’t know I’m a spy.

Just wait for the opportunity and you will definitely complete the plan!

They had traveled all the way across the ocean from the northern region to get here, and the Los Empire could not send ships back for the sake of a group of smugglers, because the sea was very dangerous.

Therefore, they will definitely be sent to work like some kind of bad mine, and the labor force will be squeezed.

As long as it is in the Los Empire, there is a chance!

However, Hornby did not know that the Los Empire would not oppress them at all.

And the Los Empire not only does not oppress them, but even really sends ships to repatriate them.

The Los Empire is so rich and willful, and the labor force sent to the door does not want.

Send warships directly and repatriate!

When Hornby and the other smugglers were escorted to the port.

When he saw the huge battleship.

He, truly desperate.

There are thousands of smugglers here at the moment, and they will meet this huge steel battleship and then be sent to their original country.

And Hornby, this poor spy, has not really started his activities, so he went from where he came and went back.

In the middle of the sea, a small island.

The horned demon sat cross-legged on the ground.

He looked at the huge, dark portal-like behemoth in front of him, and finally revealed a hideous smile.

It took twice as long as expected, but it was finally going to work!

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