The royal city of the Sters, the city of Mount Worm.

Inside the huge crater, countless smoke rises.

The edge of the upper wall of the crater is marked by numerous raised huge stones, and on top of those stones are stone buildings.

Countless boulders climbing on the volcanic rock wall are all linked by stone paths, which act as roads.

Now, these stone roads are not calm.

“Bang bang!”

Two orc soldiers hid behind the building, took turns going out and firing a shot, then pushed back.


The 98K extremely crisp bolt sounded, and a yellow-orange-orange cartridge case was ejected and fell to the ground.

“How many people are over there!”

A Wall-E soldier yelled at him from the other direction of the building.

“I don’t know, maybe dozens of people.”


Several pitch-black bows and arrows shot into the wall, and the prismatic arrows were deeply embedded in the wall, splashing a few pieces of rubble.

The WALL-E soldier quickly withdrew his head, shouting loudly: “The task of our squad is to take this street.” ”

“These demons of the Stern tribe are elite, although they only have bows and arrows, they are very good at guarding the terrain, the stone path from this boulder to another boulder is very narrow, they hold the only way, what should we do!”

“What about grenades!”

Another orc soldier roared.

“We ran out of attacks on the last stone road, we rushed too fast, logistics supplies…..”

The Nawali orc soldier said halfway, an arrow came, he was startled, swallowed his saliva and continued: “We rushed too fast, the logistics supplies did not keep up, and the grenades are now gone.” ”

“Hahahaha, the breakthrough is indeed a little fast, and this has hit the capital of the Sturt tribe.”

The soldiers of the Navali Kingdom slammed out of the bunker, raised the 98K “bang” in their hands and fired a shot, and a Sturt soldier behind the wooden bunker on the narrow stone road opposite was directly shot in the head, and the Wall-E soldier immediately turned around and said with a laugh.

At this moment, it was not the headquarters of the Kingdom of Los that attacked the capital of the Ste, but a vassal force of the Kingdom of Wall-E.

To say who rushed the most fiercely when fighting for the Los Empire, in this battle to attack the demon homeland, the bravest was not the blood and patriotic soldiers of the Los soldiers, but the vassal troops of the Wall-E Kingdom.

These earth orcs rushed faster than the Los soldiers when they fought.

They want to make battle achievements, and they dream of actually joining the Los Empire.

So they rushed harder than anyone.

The capital of the Stet was attacked by a regiment of the vassal forces of the Wall-E Kingdom.

This two-thousand-strong force has only 98K, MP40, mortars and other lightweight weapons.

They attacked the capital of the Ste, which was guarded by 20,000 people, and actually attacked it directly, and at this moment they were fighting for each street in squads.

They fought this battle extremely hard, after all, 2,000 men faced the enemy 20,000 in a narrow street.

“We must hold here, the only force on our road to the nest, if we can’t hold it, then the cultivation nest will be completely lost!”

On the stone road, behind countless bunkers, a demon soldier named Sturt hid, did he pick up a bow and arrow and shoot towards that side.

A Sturt officer roared loudly.

At the same time, he also secretly cursed in his heart: “These damn Los Empire troops actually fought so fast, if it weren’t for Lord Sturt not in the city, you could have attacked so quickly?!” ”

This stone road is small, as long as there are a few people, with bows and arrows, and armed with weapon handles, they can withstand ten times as many enemies.

These fools of the Los Empire are still tender.

Officer Sturt was very confident, he roared angrily: “Give me arrows, suppress them, don’t worry about arrows, we have enough arrows!” ”


Pieces of arrows flew by, and the WALL-E soldiers of this squad did not dare to show their heads.

“We must take this street to pave the way for the follow-up troops, below, below this street must be an important place for the Sters, so hot, close to the magma surface, it must be the cultivation nest of their Devil’s Gate!” We came, wasn’t that what we came for! ”

The Navali soldiers hid behind the cover, allowing the demon soldiers on the opposite side to fire their arrows, he said loudly.

“Support has arrived!”

At this time, a squad of ten Wall-E soldiers in the rear ran over with 98K in their hands.

“Haha, it’s finally here.”

“Did you bring grenades!”

The Wall-E soldier asked with a laugh.

“We also ran out of grenades in previous battles, but we brought this!”

A Wall-E soldier wearing armor and carrying a bazooka on his shoulder instantly ran out of the bunker and fired directly at the stone road.


With a bang, the bazooka rocket carried a long tail flame and slammed into the middle of the stone road, and several Sturt soldiers screamed and were blown away from the stone road in an instant, and then fell down, falling into the incomparably hot magma below.

“Rush! Rush! Rush! ”

A Wall-E squad leader immediately roared, and then he took the lead and directly attacked the stone road.

“This, what kind of weapon is this.”

The Stern officer’s eyes widened sharply, he was the officer guarding the lowest lair, he had never seen such a weapon used by the Wall-E soldiers.



Gunshots rang out, and a Mingster soldier was shot and fell to the ground.

“Rush me! Crush them all! ”

The Sturt officer roared violently.

Compared to the strength of humans, their demons are all knights, and it is impossible for these human soldiers of the Los Empire to defeat them at close range!

It’s definitely going to collapse!


“Kill them!”

Suddenly, the Sturt soldiers behind the bunker immediately picked up their machetes and charged at the Wall-E soldiers


At this time, a WALL-E soldier armed with an MP40 submachine gun stepped forward and fired at the charging Sturt soldiers.



A Mingster soldier was shot and died.

“What kind of attack is this!”

“Are all these soldiers magicians?!”

The Nast officer stared in disbelief at a soldier who fell on the way to the charge and fearlessly sent him to death.

These are all elites, and they were slaughtered so easily!


A WALL-E soldier raised the 98K in his hand, fired a shot, then pulled the bolt and threw the cartridge case to the ground.

The Sturt officer was shot in the chest.

He who had been guarding the hatching nest at the bottom of the volcano did not know much about the Los Empire.

However, before he fell to the ground, he suddenly realized that it turned out that it was not for nothing that the naval battle on the front line would be so badly lost.

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