“You guys…. Not human…..”

The shot and fallen Stern demon officer widened his eyes and looked at the approaching Warley Orc soldiers, and he trembled and said these words.

“We are indeed not humans, we are a vassal of the Los Empire, the forces of the Wall-E Kingdom.”

“Let you know before you die today who you were defeated by, just by you, you don’t need the adults of the empire to make a move.”

The Navali squad leader sneered, crouched down, drew a pistol from his waist, and shot the Nast demon officer in the head.

After the gunshot, the brain splattered.

In the end, the Stern demon officer could not understand how strong the Los Empire really was.

The forces of the vassal countries alone have already crushed them.


A bazooka blasted the gate of the nest.

WALL-E soldiers armed with 98K guards walked vigilantly into the gate.

“Hahahaha, squad leader, we found it!”

A WALL-E soldier laughed and pointed to five blood-red demon eggs placed on a high platform connected by blood vessels falling from the sky.

The color of the eggs of the Otherworldly Gate is still different for each race.

The Lind are bred to be black, while the Stet are blood-red.

It is probably because there are slight differences in cultivation methods between different demon races.

“Hurry up, hurry up! Take all of this away and then we evacuate! ”

The head of the Wari class laughed, and the earth orc soldiers immediately cut off all the vascular-like things linked to the demon eggs on the high platform, and batches of scarlet thick blood spurted out from the blood vessels, and the WALLI soldiers immediately took the magic eggs away, put them in the package, and then held 98K to cover each other and began to retreat.

In the Demon Mainland, on the battlefield of the Middle Domain, the battle is in full swing.

The ancient source in Los City is happy.

He looked at the window of killing value growth that kept popping up in the system, and the same item in the system mall.

[21st century, millennium (2000) full set of basic technology, price: 120 million. 】

(Original price: 360 million, testing His Majesty’s empire now the highest livelihood technology for the twentieth century Cold War, automatic price reduction.) )

Gu Yuan looked at today’s killing value: 79,360,08 thousand.

And it’s still rising.

The things in the System Marketplace can be kept for a week at most, after which they will be refreshed, hoping to get enough kill value within this week.

At this time, a prompt suddenly popped up.

[The number of lotteries has reached ten, is there ten consecutive draws?] 】

Gu Yuan looked at the system’s prompt, and then determined.

“Ten consecutive draws!”

[Confirm the lottery, the lottery is in progress.] 】

It’s still the familiar picture from the last consecutive draw.

Ten decks of cards suddenly appeared in front of Gu Yuan.

Ten decks of cards rotated wildly in front of Gu Yuan.

Then they stopped one by one, and each flew out to cover up and fly in front of Gu Yuan.

Ten cards cover the arrangement.

Gu Yuan took a deep breath.

Emperor Ou blessed, must pull out good things.

Gu Yuan stretched out his hand and turned over the first card.

[Congratulations on obtaining, artificial satellite launch technology.] 】

Gu Yuan’s hand trembled violently.

This thing, Nima, was the first to give him a big one!

Satellite launch technology.

Although some of the people’s livelihood technology of the Los Empire has reached the level during the cold war between the two hegemonic powers of the earth in the previous life under the accumulation of ever-increasing popular values, in fact, this is an extreme.

The science and technology of the current Los Empire presents two extremes, one is advanced and the other is backward.

For example, the launch of artificial satellites.

The satellite thing, in the previous life of the earth in 1957, a red power was the first to launch successfully, and the Los Empire has not yet had the relevant technology.

This is where the Los Empire lags behind.

And this artificial satellite launch technology also greatly makes up for the shortcomings of the Los Empire in this regard.

Gu Yuan turned over the second card.

[Congratulations on obtaining, Gustav giant cannon manufacturing design drawings.] 】

Gustav giant cannon, barrel up to 32 meters, artillery in combat state up to 53 meters long, 12 meters high, total weight 1488 tons!

The caliber is even more amazingly 800 mm!

It was a crazy creation created by Germany in World War II.

The power is huge, it was used in World War II, on the battlefield, a large area of buildings and permanent fortifications were instantly razed, and a deep pit as large as 4 meter football fields appeared on the position of the SU army, and the permanent fortifications carefully built by the SU army were directly blown through the core, and the 30-meter-deep fortifications were directly blown through!!

However, such a thing is not very useful for the current Los Empire.

Now that all kinds of missiles are being developed, there is no need to waste time building such a behemoth, which Germany spent three weeks in World War II to send this behemoth to the battlefield.

Even when reloading, a tank had to ram the shell and push it into the breech of Gustav’s cannon.

For today’s Los Empire, the cost performance is really not high.

[Congratulations on obtaining, F22 fighter full set of design drawings! ] 】


Groove, good stuff!

Gu Yuan almost didn’t jump up, this Nima, this is an extremely advanced fifth-generation fighter in the twenty-first century.

F22, the fifth generation fighter that Midi began to train in the army in the early twenty-first century.

The maximum speed can reach an astonishing Mach 2.25! That’s 2410 kilometers per hour!

More than twice the speed of sound!

The maximum flight altitude in the air can reach 19,000 kilometers, and the combat radius is 759 kilometers.

It is also equipped with extremely powerful air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground missiles.

And it’s a full set of drawings!

This also means that as long as the F22 comes out, the missiles equipped on it, the Los Empire, can also be manufactured separately!

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