I still love you, dear brother-in-law

156 chapter 156 : google GPS

ight, right now, straight straight, straight, 'said Lily to the raven, the raven swam following the lily's direction and karen followed her from behind. lily felt she was like a parking attendant or a google GPS that told he where they should swim.

Lily glanced at the big black shadow they were passing, it seemed the monster didn't realize they were passing it. then after swimming again. Lily feels the water starts to turn black? not! there is a pile of small monsters surrounding them !!

Since when?

lily knows why karen ran can't defeat the black mosnter who chased him even though the girl was strong. karen can't see that monster. same as raven don't see monsters, see anything they can't, because they are in water.

raven can you swim by holding me and karen? ' Lily asked seeing their situation.

the raven nodded, lily grabbed karen's hand and tied the karen body with the cork to her and raven. karen had felt confused. but like something happened there was a monster.

Lily didn't tell some of the monsters around them. Lily told Raven to rush to swim quickly now. Lily could feel the difference in raven's speed and her true strength. Raven brings two people behind and swims 5 times faster.

right, up, right, up right, down, down 'lily continues to give komado raven, lucky man is responsive and is never wrong in following instructions that lily gives.

and lily felt she was playing a game.

after several times they took a breath and dived again, lily saw like they couldn't help but beat this one.

Raven prepares your sword, there is one in front that must be defeated so that we can enter into it. ' Raven according to Lily's words, even though she doesn't know where they actually want to go through what and what monsters they have to fight.

Lily brought them closer to the monster and the monster responded and began to move, and changed shape like a picture of a book on the second page. lily wanted to run away, a lot of the big monsters turned into huge giants but seeing him slow, lily told raven to put the sword back.

then swim fast, afterwards like a twist then swoop swiftly into the water, and Lily told her to stop, after stopping raven feeling the stone in her leg and her hand touching the stone wall as well and starting to move forward like climbing stairs.

"We've entered the entrance to the hill, you can drop us off" said Lily as they came out of the stairs and walked on the mainland.

'actually what monster did you say we should defeat him? ' asked the raven while releasing all the ties in their body, after the lily and karen stood on their feet stepping on the land, the ground felt trembling.

then hear water from behind them. there was something like a tsunami attacking the land, but in the eyes of the lily the big creature they had to defeat was standing there.

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