I still love you, dear brother-in-law

157 chapter 157 : two blind people

"The monster is chasing us, want to beat? or run away?" Lily asked to give a choice to the two sister and brother.

"we finish it" replied karen enthusiastically while holding the big ax that was carried on the back from earlier.

'destroy 'said the raven while pulling the sword on his waist.

Lily sighed, I wish we all agreed to choose to run before.

Lily looks at creatures that only she can see. if this sister could see this creature would they choose to fight too?

"I describe verbally the creature we will oppose, it is a giant crocodile, where crocodiles in general are as high as raven which if you bite a human needs 3-4 bites. The crocodile we have will eat us like eating sushi, the three of us can eat it once "Lily said.

'What is a crocodile? ' asked Raven

"What is sushi? Food? Is that good?" ask, why do you want to know sushi?

lily forgets they are different from her world.

"animal crocodiles that live on water and land, but this seems like the grandfather of the crocodile generation I've seen. The crocodile in front of us is 100 times bigger, blackish purple, with very large teeth. His mouth is very wide, lily pulls his mouth up demonstrating how creepy the crocodile is. "

Raven and Karen are silent. "What reptile is that?" karen asked.

lily sighed. "Let's get rid of it straight away." Lily felt it was useless to explain at length to them.

Lily hopes that one day their eyes will open and can see for themselves what is called a crocodile.

Lily saw that the giant crocodile had risen too, the ground around them trembled. Lily remembered the film Jurasic Park, is she actually fighting the Crocodile or the type of dinosaur?

lily gave the command where they had to wait to attack, the crocodile was like looking at the lily and stepping onto the lily, it turned out his movements were more agile on land. even though Raven and Karen can't see that monster. but they felt something very large moving towards lily.

if there is a giant crocodile moving towards you at high speed what should I do?

Lily really wants to gogling right now.

Lily sees Karen and Raven chasing the creature from the side, Lily directs them to try whether they can cut him from the side. raven slashes the sword accordingly the lily pointing something hard makes the sword almost mental and the hand trembles. Raven is what this animal is, very hard!

Lily told them to retreat while running away from the giant crocodile invasion. but, the crocodile is like looking at a lily and turning in the direction of the lily again. even though near the crocodile there is raven and karen it seems that the crocodile is only targeting lily.

serious? Why? Lily thought as she ran, what did I do wrong with a crocodile?

never eaten lily crocodile, and also killed crocodiles. Lily has only seen through pictures of crocodiles on TV alone or seen directly at the zoo!

Raven and Karen chasing the crocodile, they could see something big crashing around and moving towards Lily. Lily yelled so that she tried her big axe, because it swung and tapped at something she couldn't see, it wasn't easy. Lily looked, because it was like hoeing the ground. nothing hit, lily wanted to cry seeing that.

Lily felt like she had two blind people chasing monsters.

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