I still love you, dear brother-in-law

161 chapter 161 : demon killer sword

then there was a small voice, Lily felt someone was calling her. raven?

'lily ',' lily '

Raven Sound! 'Where is Raven?'

'you can hear me, you go ahead to the front, I'll catch up with you 'Lily tells karen, Raven tells them to leave. karen and lily disagree about that but the raven still forces them to go ahead without it. finally the two girls moved forward without raven.

there was a sad feeling in the lily's mind in front of it.

Karen and Lily just walked for a while and saw a light from the sky shining on a sword that matched the picture on the door that the lily chose.

demon killer sword, why is every sword of legend found like this? or is there nothing more special in the chest? Lily said in her mind.

karen stopped walking, Lily also stopped because of it. he saw karen daydreaming at the sight in front. "Why?" Lily asked.

"I felt I had seen this scene before" karen said as he folded his hands. it looks like he's remembering his past memories. seeing that lily let karen, and saw the sword in front of him.

Unlike the demon killer sword that is mose and we carry it, this sword is very different in color and has a long rope like made of very fine jet black hair.

the color of the sword is black but if there is a light bias there is purple and blue with a fine line motif inside, very beautiful and very cool. even though there is no decoration of a golden dragon like that of a fake demon killer sword, this is far better than that.

"Lily, I've seen a sword illuminated like this. It's just that the sword is like a raven, big and long," said karen who had remembered. the lily who heard it looked surprised, wasn't there a choice of images?

Has Karen been here before?

then Lily realized something, karen and raven were not at all similar. both of them are clearly not sisters in this world, raven can't talk and face always doesn't change, like a living doll. from the beginning lily felt that karen's energy which was a woman was very strong like a woman hero like in the story.

Are there women in the real myth?

if that is true because I have gone so far and got the sword.

and the sword is ...

'raven '

When Lily called the name Raven the sword glowed, like agreeing to what Lily thought.

like a lily's hand with a magnet, the sword floated toward lily. Lily took the demon killer sword which was none other than Raven.

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