I still love you, dear brother-in-law

162 chapter 162 : Mario Special Edition

Mario is the mose nolan as well as the mose bodyguard. as the right hand mose nolan and working on the task is certainly not easy for Mario. for example one time when he took leave for a blind date with a girl.

matchmaker found a beautiful girl with long, slim hair like a model, and of course with a big chest that became the magic of Mario.

Mario invited the girl to eat, watch a movie and walk in the park. Mario felt everything that was done was perfect to get the girl to meet again to add a bond of love between them.

and the girl agreed, on the first, second and third dates until the fourth birth with her had been a month and Mario wanted to shoot the girl into his girlfriend. Mario planned a surprise, he took the girl to the park, after a day of playing with the girl in the garden.

Mario asked him to go up to the Ferris wheel, and when he reached the Ferris wheel it stopped. the girl panicked and Mario quietly calmed her and invited her to look outward behind the window, there were beautiful fireworks like they were lit specifically.

after the fireworks are finished, the lala moves again. when the place where they were turning down, there were flakes of flowers that fell like rain, and small lights lit down there in the form of writing do you want to be my lover?

the girl was shocked at all this, she didn't expect Mario to do this for her. when he got under the two of them out, Mario softly said the girl and again asked about the girl's feelings.

the girl cried in tears, but the girl's face looked very beautiful in Mario's eyes. Mario feels he is not wrong to choose with his decision to make this girl as his girlfriend, and Mario is serious to make him his life partner too.

but the girl's answer was no.

this broke Mario's heart, but he still smiled softly in front of the girl. they still went to dinner and Mario let the girl go home as usual.

Mario opened the door for the girl as usual, and the girl thanked him. on a dark night it looked starless, but the moon was still shining accompanying mario who stood firm in front of the girl.

they both stood for a moment, looking at each other. silence, but like a lot to say.

this will be their last meeting. because the girl had refused Mario, Mario of course had to stop chasing the girl, she did not want to make it difficult for the girl who refused her heart and did not also ask the reason.

the wind blows from the girl to mario, bringing the scent of the girl to the smell of Mario, making the eyes of Mario runny. seeing that the girl stepped to the mario, grabbed the collar of her shirt and kissed her lips softly. just a glance, but Mario felt the softness and warmth of her lips.

the girl smiled at her, for the last time then went into her house, leaving Mario alone under the cold night sky. after a while mario got into his car and drove back to the nolan residence.

he must prepare to wake up to work tomorrow, tonight's memories, will Mario save his heart as one of the most beautiful memories of his life.

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