And those students at the bottom, at this time, look at the tutors under the stage with different eyes, revealing infinite surprises.

According to this situation, doesn’t it mean that all four ministers will be masters?

Even the Minister Mentor of the weakest Tactical Department is a Grandmaster, and so must be the others!

Thinking of this, my heart also calmed down, and being able to have face-to-face contact with the master-level tutor was also the most attractive place for the four martial arts academies.

Glancing at the change in the expression of the new student in the audience, Wang Xuan did not say anything, but continued.

“The rest of the students, do you see over there?”

At this time, he pointed to a five-story tower not far away.

“It’s called the Tower of Heaven, there are five floors, from top to bottom, the top floor can accommodate 50 people, of course, this corresponds to the disciples who can become ten teachers on the stage.”

The fourth floor can accommodate 450 people, and those who can stay on it can enter the Martial Arts Department.

There are five hundred people on the third floor, and those who enter can enter the alchemy department.

The second floor also has a quota of five hundred people, representing the armed forces.

As for those who failed to go up to the first layer, they were all classified in the Tactical Department.

Now you can choose the number of layers you want to enter according to your own needs, remember, you only have half an hour.

Half an hour later, which floor to stay in, which part it is! Begin! ”

After saying that, Wang Xuan didn’t give them time to think about it and started directly!

The new student in the audience was just a stunned god, so he rushed to the tower.

In such a situation, you don’t have to think too much, but those who can go up first have advantages, it is difficult to break in, and it is easy to hold on to the rush up below.

Although I have just seen that even the head of the Tactical Department is a master mentor, who can come here is not Tianjiao?

Would you be willing to enter a liberal arts class? Even the alchemy and armed forces are also in the direction of liberal arts.

Therefore, the position of this martial arts department naturally had to be contested, especially the top 50 places, which made them blush.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining 1420 people all rushed over, and Bi Hao also laughed bitterly and ran over.

Of course, he doesn’t have that many ideas, if he wants to take the first, rush to the top.

Therefore, although he started late, once he exerted his strength, his body was like electricity, and the last one came first, but he ran into the tower in the lead.

“Sleeper! This kid is a leopard? Run so fast! ”

At this time, the few people who had been running in the front saw Bi Hao, who had instantly surpassed them and flashed into the tower, and couldn’t help but drink and scold.

Wang Xuan and the instructors on the stage watched the live broadcast leisurely, because at this time, they all came to the side of the playground, where there was a large LCD screen playing the situation inside the tower.

The first person to see was Bi Hao, because he was the first person to rush into the tower.

Only to see him cross the first floor in a few flashes, reach the top floor in a few clicks, and then find a corner to lean against the inner wall of the tower, sitting cross-legged, with a leisurely look.

From the playground to this tower, there are also nearly a thousand meters, and Bi Hao only took a few tens of seconds to run over, the speed is not to say that it is absolutely the top among non-martial artists, and even the speed of those one-star martial artists is only so.

The key is to see how calm and relaxed he looks, obviously he has not used his full strength.

At this moment, the eyes of all the tutors couldn’t help but light up, and coupled with the fact that Bi Hao’s name and student number were displayed on the screen at the same time, it was even more obvious to everyone.

“Oh, this boy is Bi Hao, who is the first in the national martial arts examination?” Not bad! At this time, Wang Xuan nodded and said.

“Yes, at that time, I still had a hard time receiving it, Headmaster, you don’t know, for him, I and the old stubborn people of the other three schools have fought a big fight, I was trying to eliminate the crowd, it took the strength to suckle, and I snatched ,…… from their hands.”

At this time, Chen Hao then said it, a burst of merit, that is to say that the sky is falling, almost did not say that he was injured in the line of duty and died.

Wang Xuan glanced at him without any expression.

“Sample, come with me to this set?” Want to cheat more rewards? When I’m stupid? “His heart is dark.

If he really had said that, really started a real fire, and had already told himself to wipe his ass, would he have come back safely?

The few people who went to recruit students this time were no worse than Chen Hao, especially Liu Long who went to the Kyoto Martial Arts Academy this time.

If there is a real fight, Chen Hao can’t be his opponent, how can he grab it? It must have been Bi Hao’s willingness or some other reason to give Chen Hao a hand.

Since it wasn’t because of Chen Hao’s efforts to recruit the demon students, naturally they wouldn’t give too many rewards, and it was useless to say that the sky was falling wildly.

Seeing Wang Xuan like this, Chen Hao also smiled curtly and closed his mouth.

This vice principal is a notorious iron rooster who is not pulling out a dime, and it seems that it is not good to fool around!

At this time, the other freshmen also rushed into the Tower of Heaven, and the fierce battle began!

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