A group of more than 20 people led by these new students rushed into the tower and went directly to the top of the building.

The rest of the people behind them were a little slower than them, and at this time they were all blocked at the door of the first floor of the tower, and the first round of competition began before they entered the tower.

More than a thousand people punched me and kicked me, and the beating was called a lot of fun.

Suddenly, the sound of punches and kicks, scolding, and wailing was chaotic.

Just like that, before they entered the tower, some people fell to the side and fainted.

What’s more, there was a little fat man, who actually fell down because he didn’t stand still, and was directly trampled by the people who rushed from behind, causing him to faint.

Seeing this scene, those teachers were crying and smiling, what is this called? Such a fat man can actually reach the admission line of Nanjiang Wu College.

Later, I turned over the information of this fat man to know that this fat man was called Gu Ming, a non-martial artist of the second cyclone, a Nanhe person, and his father was actually the richest man in the local area, sitting on tens of billions of assets.

Its countless industries, can be regarded as a famous entrepreneur in Nanhe, mixed with the wind and water.

Therefore, from a young age, I gave this boy a good elixir to consolidate, and the foundation was well cultivated, but this figure looked like a life that was too comfortable and full of body.

“Another rich second generation!” The crowd shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

It is precisely because each session has such a rich second generation and a second generation of Wu, so Nanjiang Wu College has a detailed sub-discipline behind.

Because of these second generations, many of them are in vain, and the early stage is piled up by drugs.

Because their family has strong financial resources, they can enjoy this kind of training from a very young age, and they can reach the admission line of famous schools.

However, such a person is not really suitable for later stage cultivation, of course, there are some exceptions.

Therefore, those who later found that they did not meet the standards after entering the school, instead of letting them waste their time doing something that they could not do at all, it was better to train them to become talents in other fields while teaching them to become warriors.

Moreover, the establishment of the college also needs some sponsorship, and it is not enough to rely on the government and the Education Bureau to support it.

Well, such students can’t be the pride of their schools, but at least they can maintain some school expenses.

And as these students and their parents, they are happy to do such things.

Good villain Nanjiang Wu College is one of the four famous schools in the country, their children graduated from here, after the collapse of the pipe is a few star martial artists, just hanging this name is like gilding, the future docking for their own family business is also very helpful.

No matter what, in the school for four years, you can also mix with some tutors and students, there is really something in the future, you need to ask for help, the tutors and classmates of these schools may not see death and not be saved.

Therefore, these parents are also aware of it and are very happy to sponsor Nanjiang Wu College.

Moreover, this Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy is a well-known calf protector, a graduate who hangs up his name, and others really want to think about the consequences if they want to move.

It was just a small episode, and the instructors just shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and then they all looked at the tower.

At this time, the battle at the door had extended to the inside of the tower, and many new students rushed up.

At present, the fourth layer has the most people, and everyone wants to try to climb to the top, so they are all crowded on this layer, but the first layer can hardly see the personal shadow.

After all, they are all arrogant, and no one is willing to fall behind, of course, they must get rid of the fat Gu Ming who has fainted.

At this time, most of his body was lying within one floor, and a small part of his body was exposed outside the tower door, motionless.

“Huh?” Several of the masters on the stage raised an eyebrow and sighed softly.

The crowd looked back in confusion and followed their gaze, “Sleeper! ”

A foul mouth popped out of their mouths!

It turned out that the fat man who seemed to be motionless actually moved a few steps into the tower at this time, and his two small eyes were always paying attention to the movement of the second floor.

“Lean, this little fat man is actually pretending to be dizzy!”

“Yes, I said, I remember that before he fainted several meters away from the tower gate, how did he suddenly lie at the tower door again, feeling that this boy pretended to be faint to avoid the battle and secretly climbed over?”


In an instant, black lines exploded on the heads of all the instructors!

But then there was a bitter smile, at least this little fat man would use his brain.

At this glance, most of the others were blue in nose and swollen in the face, but he was not injured except for some shoe print dust on his body.

At this time, this little fat man had actually quietly climbed up to the second floor.

“Hey, this little fat man has a bit of a doorway, and he should have practiced the kung fu of breathing.”

At this time, another master whispered.

Yes, although everyone’s attention is squeezing upwards, if there is no certain ability to breathe, it is really impossible to successfully climb to the second floor under the eyes of so many geniuses.

And the fat man was still looking for a gap to climb, and at this time, he had climbed to the second floor to the third floor of the stairs.

There happens to be a vacant space here, and it is covered by stairs, which is not very conspicuous.

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