For his behavior, the tutors just had fun and laughed.

On the contrary, at this time, the fierce fighting between the fourth and fifth floors attracted them even more.

At this time, the top floor had reached 50 people, except for Bi Hao who occupied a vacant lot alone, everyone else was guarding the stairwell on the top floor, blocking the impact of the new students below.

Moreover, these other 49 people looked at Bi Hao’s eyes from time to time, and they were actually full of dodging and fear.

The reason is not him, just now, the number of people rushing up can be more than 50 people, everyone has already gone through a fierce battle.

Naturally, someone saw Bi Hao in the corner and rushed to kill him.

Unexpectedly, before the people arrived, Bi Hao’s hands were not raised, and the momentum alone shook them backwards one after another.

In an instant, everyone on the top floor, including the freshmen who rushed to the stairwell, were all shocked for a few moments.

This pressure is no less than the pressure of the vice principal just now, of course, it is not as condensed as Wang Xuan, and the pressure spread out is relatively scattered.

But even so, they can keenly feel the strength of the other party.

In this way, those who rushed forward all stopped, as if they had a tacit understanding, turned around and attacked the others.

Jokingly, such a monster must be the national first martial arts examinee who was rumored to be recruited by the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy this time–Bi Hao.

Although they had not reported their personal names before, they all knew Bi Hao as a person, but they did not expect that it was the person in front of them.

18-year-old, non-warrior, ten cyclones, monsters with stats up to 700.

However, there are also some doubts in their eyes, isn’t it the 700 attribute? However, just now that pressure has at least reached more than 1,000 source force values, right?

However, they are also stunned, but they will not think about it too much, and they will not look for him to target again.

It turned out that when they heard Bi Hao’s name, everyone didn’t care very much.

Now when encountering real people, under this pressure, as long as they are not fools, they will not go up to find abuse.

There is still a chance to stay in this layer with others, if you fight with him, if you are crippled and left the lowest level, there is no place to cry!

As a result, a subtle tacit understanding has been formed on the entire top floor.

Everyone’s fight bypassed Bi Hao, and they didn’t even dare to fight too close to him.

Even those new students who rushed up were only stunned when they saw this scene, and then they only looked for others to fight with the current.

Few of the people who can enter the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy are fools, and there is no need to step on the thunder themselves.

Therefore, Bi Hao’s side became a vacuum circle.

Seeing this scene, the teachers outside the tower smiled bitterly again.

“Warriors must fight, and they don’t even have the courage to challenge at all, this batch of little cubs is not very good!”

Several instructors said disapprovingly.

“Not necessarily, knowing that you can’t do it, not brave, that’s stupid!” At least they are very keen, they can see the situation clearly, and they know that avoiding the heavy is light! ”

At this time, there are also some tutors who give different opinions.

“Look, that little fat man actually climbed to the top floor!”

“Where? I went, and it really was! ”

“Hey, this fat man actually crawled to Bi Hao’s side?” Interesting! ”

Suddenly, a teacher screamed, and the crowd looked speechless.

It turned out that I didn’t know when, the little fat man Gu Ming had actually secretly mixed up with the top floor.

And as soon as he came up, he rushed up and punched him, and Shunshi fell to a corner and pretended to faint.

The student who hit him was also stunned at the time, and he did not expect that he could stun the other party with one punch.

However, there were many new students rushing up in the follow-up, and he couldn’t think much about it and entered the battle again.

Therefore, after the little fat man took a peek, he began to repeat the same trick and slowly moved to the side.

This direction is naturally Bi Hao’s side!

Interestingly, when he moved here, he also blinked with Bi Hao, as if to say: “Hello brother, borrow a safe haven to lie down!” ”

Then, like a fat worm, he arched to his side and lay still!

Of course, Bi Hao also saw him, and at the same time, he was also funny, thinking that this fat man was a bit interesting, but he did not drive him away.

He is not interested in other people, don’t bother him!

At this moment, a petite figure suddenly rushed up.

With a loud cry, several legs were kicked out in an instant, not only kicking down the people on the stairs behind him, but also kicking several people on the top floor.

“Full of people! Who kicks whom!!! ”

At this time, the scene was silent, and everyone looked surprised at this time, but more people looked at her with fear.

The most surprising thing was Bi Hao, because this person may not be known to others, but he knows that she is Wang Sisi.

“Sleeper! Is she so tough? ”

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