Seeing that the name was so windy, Bi Hao’s eyes couldn’t help but glow.

The Grandmaster’s martial arts, this is not something that ordinary martial arts academies can see.

After opening it, he looked through it, and the whole book was divided into three parts, the foundation, the potential, and the sword technique.

The foundation is nothing more than the mastery of the posture and strength of the sword.

Potential, also called accumulating strength, accumulating momentum, is also the art of raising a sword, looking for a sword that is worthy of the hand, returning to the sheath, using its own source power and spiritual power to cultivate.

At that time, the sword will be sheathed and the sky will be broken! Of course, how strong this potential is also depends on the strength of its own source power and spiritual strength.

There is also a note later, this implicit technique is also improved by Bai Hesheng himself for many years, which is very strong!

Seeing this, Bi Hao couldn’t help but glance at Bai Hesheng again.

No wonder this old white man always carried two knives on his back, originally thinking that he was using double knives.

Now it seems that one should be the sword in cultivation, while the other is used in ordinary times.

As his spiritual power grew, he could feel the terrifying power contained in one of the swords on Bai Hesheng’s back.

If this sword is sheathed, it can really kill the eight-star warrior directly.

Then he looked at the sword art chapter, and the sword technique of “Exterminating Demons” only had seven knives.

However, from the above introduction, the power of these seven knives is superimposed.

Based on the first knife, each extra knife will double its power, and by the seventh knife, it will be seven times more powerful than the first knife.

And if the seven knives are continuously swung, this power is directly superimposed, that is, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7, a total of 28 times the power.

However, it is also pointed out above that although the sword technique is his own creation, even Bai Hesheng himself can only cut out the fifth sword.

The next two knives were also theoretically deduced, and he also estimated that he could cut out the sixth sword when he was an eight-star master, and he could cut out the seventh sword when he was a nine-star master.

The main reason why it can’t be cut out is because the more this sword technique goes to the back, the greater the source power and spiritual power, and it does not pay, especially the consumption of spiritual power.

To know the source power consumption, when you reach the Grandmaster Realm, the recovery is very fast.

But this spiritual recovery is not something that can be achieved in a moment and a half.

Therefore, only by waiting for their own source power and spiritual power to be stronger can they do it.

Of course, his fifth sword was calculated according to the power of the Grandmaster, and it was not the same as the power under the Grandmaster.

However, this sword technique was different in Bi Hao’s eyes, and this Bai Hesheng couldn’t cut it out, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t cut it out.

This system upgrade, however, said that this source power and spiritual power can be replenished by wealth points.

Then even if he had exhausted his own source power and spiritual power after cutting out the fifth sword, he could make up for it instantly through the wealth value.

In this way, as long as the wealth value is sufficient, he can be in a state of infinite source power and spiritual power.

Thinking of this, Bi Hao couldn’t help but get more excited, this “Extermination” is simply tailor-made for himself!

“Just browse through it later, practice the basics first!” Don’t be so ambitious! Bai Hesheng looked at Bi Haojin and looked at his own exercises.

Seeing the happy light in his eyes, he could see his love for his sword technique, and his face was also filled with a hint of sniffles.

This Bai Hesheng was also a genius, who had crossed the level many times to kill his opponent, and the level under the previous master could not be amazing.

However, after that, he had killed several eight-star warriors in the Seven Star Realm, which was shocking!

And his sword technique has naturally become the envy of everyone.

However, he still drank Bi Hao’s excitement in a deep voice, he didn’t like that he was so tall and far-reaching, although the sword technique was strong, it also needed to be taken step by step, and the basic skills still had to be practiced.

“Howler!” Bi Hao said with a smile, but the system was communicated in his mind.

“System, give me the enhancement of Exterminator!”

[Ding, strengthen the “Annihilation” success, get the “Annihilation of the Sky”, and increase the speed of cultivating this practice by a hundred times! 】

“Extinction?” In one fell swoop, a lot of information poured into the brain.

At this moment, the corners of Bi Hao’s mouth rose, and he did not expect that this enhancement would actually change this sword technique from the original seven knives to fourteen knives.

And judging from the information in the brain, the system directly improved the original extermination, and even some flaws that even Bai Hesheng did not realize were all made up and more perfect.

“No wonder the enhanced sword technique is called “Destroying the Sky”, so strong!” Bi Hao couldn’t help but sigh.

Immediately, he couldn’t wait to start cultivating the Basic Chapter.

At this time, all the postures in his sword technique, the main points seemed to be created by himself, and he reached out.

Holding the wooden knife that Bai Hesheng had prepared for him earlier, and swinging it casually, people could feel that Bi Hao was immersed in this sword technique for decades, and he fully possessed the style of a generation of masters.

And the system sound in his head is constantly brushing the screen.

[Ding, host cultivation “Heaven Extinction” Basics, experience +100].

[Ding, host cultivation “Heaven Extinction” Basics, experience +100].

[Ding, host cultivation “Heaven Extinction” Basics, experience +100].


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