With the continuous brushing of the system sound, Bi Hao’s basic chapter continues to be skilled.

Seeing that Bi Hao had begun to cultivate, Bai Hesheng went out again to prepare food for this while, after all, for more than two months, this boy was going to stay here.

However, when he returned here more than two hours later, he was shocked when he first saw the knife that Bi Hao had swung out.

I wiped my eyes and fixed my eyes on them again.

“Sleeper!” The foul mouth broke out again, and he couldn’t remember how many times he had exploded because of this boy.

Although Bi Hao’s knife was swung according to the basic chapter, where was the posture, strength, and spirit that was displayed, like a beginner?

It is no exaggeration to say that he feels that this boy is about to catch up with his basic sword skills.

If it weren’t for the fact that Bi Hao’s source power value wasn’t as strong as his own, this knife would even be stronger than himself.

He could feel that Bi Hao’s spiritual power seemed to be a few points higher than his own.

“Grandma’s, maybe it won’t be long before this boy really surpasses himself?” Bai Hesheng was alarmed.

It seems that he can no longer carry Bi Hao’s neck in the future, and if he is not able to be remembered and hated, he will be unlucky in the future.

A two-star martial artist actually made the Seven-Star Peak Grandmaster feel a sense of crisis, and you can imagine how perverted he was!

“Uh-huh!” Another knife swing.

The whole wooden knife vibrated at high speed, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

“Click!” This time, the wooden knife seemed to be unable to withstand the force exerted by Bi Hao and was directly disconnected from the middle.

“Depend! Demons! Bai Hesheng scolded again.

It had only been more than two hours, and it was unbelievable that the chopping technique in the basic sword technique could be cultivated to such an extent.

That’s right, this basic chapter is divided into five words: chopping, splitting, stabbing, picking, and blocking.

Among them, slashing and splitting one vertical and one horizontal are all ranged strong attack moves, emphasizing a fierce word.

Ask yourself to be heavy, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the full force is exploded!

Thorn and pick are the use of ingenuity to focus on the attack, to break the face, pay attention to a spirit word.

Requires one-hit hits, dexterity and accuracy.

The last block, in fact, is the unloading force, four or two thousand pounds, blocking the strongest attack at the smallest generation price.

Now, Bi Hao had spent more than two hours, and he had already practiced the chopping decision to the equivalent of the transformation realm.

The knife is like a dragon, and the tiger is powerful.

If the chopping technique can be achieved, then the word cutting technique can be completed quickly, after all, it is the same work.

Sure enough, before Bai Hesheng could say anything, he saw Bi Hao take out a wooden knife on the side and split it again.

The first time the knife was split, it already looked like it!

With the root bone of 9999, plus the strengthening of the Gong Fa and up to 3000 spiritual power.

At this time, Bi Hao was simply a plug-in god, and the essence of the comprehension move was only in the blink of an eye.

Only by swinging the eighth way, the second wooden knife broke from it again, and at the same time, this splitting technique was also completed.

Bai Hesheng didn’t know what to say at this time, but fortunately, when Bi Hao took out the third wooden knife and began to practice the tattooing technique, he was not as perverted as before.

At least in the first few times, it still looked relatively rusty, which made Bai Hesheng have some comfort in his heart.

“What kind of monster is this boy?” But his heart was constantly muttering.

Ten cyclones, non-martial arts break through the martial arts on the spiritual power manifestation, forging bone speed is incomparably fast, five times forging bones, attribute explosions, two-star early comparable to five-star initial combat strength.

Now, with the addition of a martial arts genius, his own demonic sword technique is not simple.

Before Bai Hesheng had not received disciples, he had also taught his disciples, but it took more than half a year to practice the chopping and splitting of each basic chapter, and it could not achieve Bi Hao’s effect at this time.

But what about Bi Hao? In just over 2 hours, the use of chopping and splitting is even stronger than his own, and there is no comparison at all!

“This time, the Academy has really received a treasure!” Bai Hesheng couldn’t help but sigh darkly, but there was also a little relief in his eyes.

Since Bai Hesheng stepped into the Sect Master, he had also accepted dozens of disciples before and after, but so far no disciple had been able to pass on the essence of his sword technique, which was also a regret in his heart.

But now, Bi Hao should be able to eliminate this regret, and even he felt that the Exterminating Demon Sword Technique would definitely be blue in Bi Hao’s hands.

As the founder of the Demon Destroying Sword Technique, he naturally hopes that his martial skills will be carried forward.

Just thinking, the “click” came again, and the third wooden knife broke.

Of course, this also indicates that Bi Hao’s tattoo technique has been completed!

At this moment, infinite joy could be seen from his face, because this enhanced Heaven Destroying Sword Technique made Bi Hao like it more and more.

Usually, when it comes to knives, I only know that I am overbearing, indeed, knives are the most domineering! It feels like wild and brave, mighty and incomparable, not comparable to other weapons!

However, after cultivating this basic chapter, he knew that the sword technique was not only overbearing on the surface, but also thick and fine, and it was simply a feeling of omnipotence!

Bi Hao practiced harder and harder, completely unaware of Bai Hesheng’s surprise at the moment, and once again took out the fourth wooden knife and began to pick out the cultivation of the word technique!

(Today’s five more sent, kneeling for flowers, evaluation of votes, monthly pass tip support!) Thanks! )

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