Bai Hesheng was already very speechless at this time, and he didn’t bother to interrupt Bi Hao, so he moved a chair and sat down in the corner of the room.

He wanted to see how long it would take for this boy to fully master the basics and unleash the first sword of the Demon Destroying Sword Technique.

He didn’t know that Bi Hao had already strengthened his Demon Destroying Sword Technique a hundred times, and it was now called the Heaven Destroying Sword Technique.

After all, just looking at the difference in the basic chapters is not very big, but although Bai Hesheng knows that the chopping, splitting, and thorning skills in front of him have been completed, there is always a strange feeling in his heart, and if he wants to let himself say something, he doesn’t know how to say it, but he doesn’t feel the same.

In fact, the Heaven Destroying Sword Method naturally will not be the same as the Extinction Demon, and many details have been strengthened and improved.

At the level of this sword technique now, even his master was very clear about the specific subtle differences and magic uses.

At most, the feeling he had was now, knowing that something was wrong, he just couldn’t say it.

Anyway, he couldn’t say it, and he didn’t think there was anything wrong, and Bai Hesheng simply ignored it and watched from himself.

After more than two hours, by this time, Bi Hao had already completed the four key tips of chopping, splitting, stabbing, and picking, almost perfect.

As long as you complete the blocking technique, then even if you face the five-star warrior, you can fight or even win.

Before, he was just a reckless man who could only count the value of combat strength, but now as long as he completed this basic sword technique, he could naturally fight and retreat, and his strength was doubled.

However, this last block is not something that he can practice alone, and Bai Hesheng is actually waiting for now.

The first four tips he could complete had already shocked Lao Bai, but it only took more than five hours.

It had left him speechless, but he just wanted to see if this kid could do it alone? He really didn’t believe in evil.

Fortunately, Bi Hao groped for half a day on his own, although the posture charm was right, but this “block” must be practiced or cast to master the essence, just out of fantasy and alone swinging the sword can not fully appreciate that mood.

Therefore, when he saw that he had been busy for another hour and still had not made much progress, Bai He grew a sigh of relief.

Finally, there were times when this demon could not be completed, and I suddenly felt some comfort.

However, this is also his self-excuse for self-comfort, and no one can practice blocking words by himself so alone.

“Boy, okay, don’t be busy, the blocking word must be practiced through actual combat, and you can understand it again when you practice later!” As for the potential, you must first look at it, know the method, and then find a suitable weapon to start cultivating, this weapon must be able to withstand your source power and spiritual power, not too weak. Your current source power is 100,000, how much spiritual power is there? ”

Bai Hesheng stopped him in time and spoke.

Although he saw that this boy had learned the first four tips of the basic chapter so easily, his heart was a little uncomfortable.

However, after all, it was his own student, or a student with a temper and personality who particularly had an appetite for him, and naturally did not want him to be busy in vain.

However, after he asked about the spiritual power later, he regretted it.

“Mental power? Only 3000 ah, and the source of the increase can not be compared, so weak! Bi Hao said with a dissatisfied face.

Bai Hesheng’s eyes rolled whitely, “Mother, when I didn’t ask, labor is less than 2900, and the stinky boy is still weak at 3000!” ”

However, he continued: “3000 is very good, do you think mental power is a cabbage?” So far, there is no practice of cultivating spiritual power, and trying to improve this thing is accumulated over time and each promotion brings a little increase. Unless…”

“Unless what?” Bi Hao stared at him and asked curiously.

“Unless you get the Heavenly Treasure, otherwise, there is only one way to increase your mental strength slightly, which is also a kind of exercise distribution.”

“Oh? What is that? “Heaven and earth treasure This thing can not be sought, Bi Hao naturally knows, directly ignores.”

“It is to let the strong person constantly put pressure on you, you come to resist the oppression of his mind power, so in the long run, it will increase your spiritual power, but generally the strong do not have this idle effort, so there is basically no play!”

Bai Hesheng said slowly, Originally, which strong person was idle and had nothing to do with you, and accompanied you every day to exert pressure? Besides, even if it is a strong person, this spiritual power is not restored so quickly.

“Don’t talk about this, you currently have 3,000 spiritual power, and you need to find a Sabre of Class A alloy to withstand your source power and spiritual power cultivation!” Of course, it is best to be a divine soldier, but this thing is not easy to find, even I don’t have it! Only in the hands of the Nine Star Peak and even the powerful people above it. ”

“Divine Soldier? Above the peak of the Nine Stars? Bi Hao was stunned and heard a new term.

Before he only knew that the weapons and equipment were divided from strong to weak as A, B, C, D, E and so on, did he still have divine soldiers above the A-level?

In addition, there are higher levels above the peak of the Nine Stars? It seems that he has touched a higher level of news again!

“Cough, you don’t need to think about these now, the Class A alloy is enough for you!” I’ll get you a handful when the time comes!” ”

Bai Hesheng coughed and diverged from the topic.

“Oh? Then thank you old white! ”

“Ahem! Call the teacher! Old Bai rolled his eyes and hummed.

“This is not to call the old white affectionate, and I don’t see that you are not so pedantic and care about the false name of the Lord!” Right? ”

Bi Hao smiled and replied, making Bai Hesheng a black line.

Be more real with you, become pedantic, care about false names.

Not more true, this bastard is screaming, where like a master-apprentice relationship!

Confused and untangled, he said again:

“Even if you have the potential, wait until I get you a weapon, now you try the Demon Destroying Sword Method, slash a knife and see?”

“Nice!” Bi Hao sank into his luck, closed his eyes, and silently ran in his mind according to the first type of knife technique he had seen before.

Then, in vain, his eyes opened, a cold glow flashed, and a knife was swung out.

“Strike a blow to destroy the demon!”

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