“Hello!” After waking up his nose, Bi Hao’s brow frowned, and he seemed to be remembered by someone.

However, he didn’t care, pulling the two of them to continue to stroll, not to mention that the Kyoto Martial Arts Academy built the Kyobu Castle was really good.

When will I be able to have such a city!

“Huh? I heard that the mysterious principal of this Nanjiang Wu Academy is also a student of his own school, or should he become a principal later, and then transform the Nanjiang Wu Academy as well? Get a Nanbu City? ”

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn’t help but light up, feeling that with such a city, he was like an earth emperor, and he seemed to be good!

If only the principals and grandmasters of their school knew about this idea, they wouldn’t know how to feel about it!

Only three months into the school, actually started the idea of school, it is a white-eyed wolf!

The three of them walked around, and they all felt hungry, so they thought of a restaurant and left.

But as soon as he entered, Bi Hao was stunned at the door.

“Oh, rat, how did you suddenly stop!”

Wang Haoran, who did not pay attention behind him, bumped into Bi Hao’s body and complained with a somewhat painful forehead.

At this time, Bi Hao did not care about them, but looked at a table inside with some surprise.

Wang Haoran and Liu Ming saw the situation and looked down, and there were two beautiful women facing each other at that table.

One is pure as a heavenly immortal, and the other is a little Lolita who is extremely cute with her little tiger teeth.

It only takes one glance to attract everyone’s attention, adding a landscape to this hotel.

However, at this time, the diners around them, including the clerks, seemed to be very afraid of the two and hid away.

This scene has formed a strong contrast, making people scratch their heads.

“Chen Xi, please stay away from Bi Hao in the future!”

“Wang Sisi, who are you?” What qualifications do you have to say that? What happened to Miss Ben who was willing to go with him? ”

Hearing the words of the two people, it was natural to guess that these two people were Wang Sisi and Chen Xi.

Because of the scene in front of the hotel before, Wang Sisi had a thorn in his heart, and he always felt that Bi Hao and Chen Xi had an unusual relationship.

Although Bi Hao did not promise her anything, it did not reveal that the two were boyfriend and girlfriend.

But Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy, from the students to the instructors, knew that these two people must be a couple.

Even Wang Xuan also told Wang Sisi that his granddaughter-in-law, he only recognized Bi Hao!

Coupled with the day and night of this time, Wang Sisi is even more inclined to Bi Hao, and regards it as his future man!

Only he can be worthy of himself.

Therefore, before the incident, her heart was not a taste, and she happened to come out to eat and met Chen Xi again.

Except for Bi Hao, Wang Sisi would never twist and procrastinate, and the warrior was originally a decisive personality.

Therefore, she went straight up and wanted to ask Bi Hao about his relationship with her.

Unexpectedly, this Chen Xi seemed to be playing with the atmosphere, from the beginning of the shock to the back of the deliberate bad, but made it unclear.

At this moment, Wang Sisi was annoyed, so there was such a scene.

When Wang Haoran and Liu Ming heard the words in the mouths of the two women, they suddenly looked incredulous.

Wang Haoran exclaimed even louder, “Lean, rat, you are not exquisite?” In the blink of an eye, there are two beautiful women who are jealous of you? Didn’t squeak with the brothers, so unkind! ”

Because the voice was too loud, this voice was naturally heard by Chen Xi and Wang Sisi, who were arguing.

The two women turned their heads at the same time and saw Bi Hao in a daze at the door, and his face rubbed a little, all red.

The next second, as if he had done something wrong, Wang Sisi ran over with his head bowed, “Bi Hao, I, I, heck, anyway, not what you think!” ”

She had the same fierceness as before, directly stomped her feet, and disappeared in an instant.

“Huh? What do I think? “Bi Hao is confused, what is with what?”

Then, little Lolita Chen Xi walked over with a red face and stared at him.

“Cough, take care of your woman, tell her that he is not qualified to manage me, I want to be with whomever I want!” Hum! ”

After saying that, I also glanced at him and walked away.

“Huh? She’s not my woman yet! This…” Just about to say something, when she turned her head, little Lori had already disappeared.

At this moment, Bi Hao was even more depressed.

Wang Sisi is also used to it, and often sees that he has no head and no brain.

But what happened to this Chen Xi? Does that mean to be with yourself?

“Sleeper! Rats, quickly and honestly confess, what are the secret between you and those two women? ”

Before he could understand, Wang Haoran on the side roared out directly.

“How do I know? I also want to ask them! Defect! Bi Hao said with a confused face.

“Sir, do you know those two beautiful women?” At this time, a waiter came over and asked respectfully.

“Huh? Count it as an acquaintance, right? How? Bi Hao was stunned and looked at the waiter inexplicably.

“Oh, just get to know each other, their table hasn’t paid yet!” The waiter said with a professional smile.

“Oh! Yes? Didn’t pay the bill? Depend on! Bi Hao was even more speechless!

Then I saw that this bill actually cost 5,000 yuan, looked at the things ordered above, and sighed again.

This little Lori looks at the figure a little, especially can really eat ah!

(Today’s five more sent, ask for a wave of flowers, votes, monthly passes!) Thank you readers! )

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