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“Let’s check out together and give us some of your best food.”

Bi Hao took the bill, shrugged his shoulders and said.

“I’ll go, rat, do you really have a leg with those two?” What a cow! Another day also introduce a beautiful girl to the two brothers? We’re still alone! ”

Wang Haoran squinted his eyes on Bi Hao’s shoulder and said with a grin.

“Go and go, I still have two tui’s, the eight characters have not been skimmed yet, don’t be fooled!”

The long pure one named Wang Sisi is the granddaughter of our vice principal.

As for the little Lori, she was the granddaughter of the president of Kyoto Takegakuin. ”

“What!!!” Hearing this, Wang Haoran exclaimed even more, he didn’t expect the two ladies to have such a head.

Liu Ming’s heart was even wider, it seemed that those two ladies had a good relationship with Bi Hao, since the background was so deep, then the previous Liu Ming’s affair should be no problem, right?

Hearing Bi Hao say this, he was really relieved, and what he was most worried about now was that it was because of his own affairs that dragged Bi Hao down.

Not to mention that Liu Ming’s father was a six-star warrior, even his brother was the captain of the first-year group of the Modu competition.

At this moment, the two forgot their previous worries and chatted happily.

The three of them ate and drank and talked until the hotel was almost closed, and then they left together.

This was also the first time that the three brothers had met in more than three months, and they were very happy and drank a little wine!

Back in the room, Bi Hao unbuttoned and was preparing to take a shower and rest, when he suddenly noticed a black shadow in the room.

“Who?” Bi Hao was suddenly alert and took a defensive posture.

The lights were lit, revealing a familiar face.

“It’s you! Sisi? How did you get in here? Seeing that the person was actually Wang Sisi, Bi Hao looked confused.

“Me, I went to the front desk to get the room card!”

“Huh?” I wondered, how could the front desk give her the key to her own room?

It turned out that this girl actually boldly lied that she was Bi Hao’s girlfriend, and then the front desk saw that this girl was wearing the uniform of Nanjiang Wu College, and there was also a record of check-in, but I didn’t think much about it.

College is naturally a period of love, and martial arts school is no exception.

“You’re here?” Wang Sisi also confessed truthfully, making Bi Hao a black line, which was bolder than imagined!

“You really have nothing to do with that Chen Xi?” Wang Sisi hesitated for half a day and finally asked.

“You came in the middle of the night to ask about this?” Bi Hao was speechless.

Looking at Wang Sisi’s persistent eyes, he sighed helplessly.

“I have nothing to do with her, but I met her once before at the snack street in my hometown, and I didn’t even say hello!”

Hearing Bi Hao say this, Wang Sisi’s face immediately burst into laughter, and he actually jumped out directly, hugged Bi Hao, and looked at his face with a look.

“Gah?” And Bi Hao’s whole body was frozen in place by this sudden scene.

Is this still the twisted and shy girl he knows? In the future, whoever tells himself that this girl is twisted and shy will fight with whomever he wants.

“Ah!” As if he had just discovered his own move at this moment, Wang Sisi screamed and was about to push Bi Hao away.

However, his feet suddenly stepped on the air, and a scream sounded again, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Bi Hao immediately bent down to support him and picked him up.

And Wang Sisi was also surprised and wrapped a circle around his neck.

At this point, the two of them were almost face to each other, and each could feel the other’s gasp.

Wang Sisi was also stunned by this scene, and his face turned red.

As for Bi Hao holding Wang Sisi at this time, he didn’t let go, nor did he let go.

After all, this girl’s hands are still protecting themselves and hanging on their bodies.

In this way, the air seemed to freeze, and the two just looked at each other, stiff.

And Wang Sisi’s fawn-like heartbeat was getting more and more intense, and it was clearly audible.

Her breathing was also somewhat disordered, becoming gradually aggravated, and Rulan’s breath frequently pounced on Bi Hao’s face.

Coupled with drinking some small wine before, Bi Hao at this time also felt hot.

He was not Liu Xia Hui, the tentacle nephrite jade was in his arms, and this lady was born so pure and lovely, and at this time he was a shy look.

Suddenly Bi Hao’s breathing became heavy, and he slowly leaned forward on his cheek, and the distance between the two of them narrowed again.

Seeing the situation, Wang Sisi seemed to know what was going to happen, and his whole body tightened.

But then relaxed, but instead closed his eyes, chin slightly raised, as if to cooperate with the next action.

Suddenly, the door opened!

“Bi Hao, Lao Bai asked me to call you over!”

“Ah!” Wang Sisi’s exclamation suddenly sounded, and Bi Hao and Bi Hao were also panicked and separated, each jumping away for a distance, looking at the door with a flushed face, where it was Liu Qingyun who kicked open the door.

At this time, he was also shocked, standing there with his mouth wide open!

“You guys, this is…?” Liu Qingyun said stunned.

“Snap!” A slap rang out, “You hate! Then Wang Sisijiao let out a cry and ran out.

Covering the crimson slap mark, Liu Qingyun looked bitter, “Who am I provoking?” Didn’t you let me come? ”

And Bi Hao also frowned and glared at him with hatred, and secretly scolded: “Mother, the good things of labor and capital have disturbed you!” ”

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