“He, he defeated the Grandmaster?”

“I’m not dreaming, am I?”

“Snap ~”

“What are you beating me for?”

“Does it hurt?”

“, you lay yourself down!”

“That’s not a dream!”


Such dialogues and scenes are not uncommon in the audience, making them feel like they are in a dream, and everything seems unreal.

That’s a great being, a great being revered by all.

Actually defeated by a newly enrolled warrior? Has the world changed? Could it be that the guru is actually very weak?

If that Liu Mang knew what everyone was thinking, it was estimated that he would vomit three liters of blood!

It’s not that he’s weak, it’s that this kid is a complete monster.

Even he himself could not imagine that Bi Hao could actually burst out such a powerful spiritual pressure.

His mistake was that he didn’t have a direct melee attack, if it was hand-to-hand combat or weapon fighting, this Bi Hao was not his opponent at this time.

However, he chose the spiritual attack, and he could only think that he was unlucky!

It was precisely because of this that Wang Xuan and others, who were originally nervous, relaxed instead.

However, it is normal to think about it, spiritual attacks are the exclusive domain of the Grandmaster, and it is often possible to deter the other party without effort, and win without a fight.

Changing to a different Sect Master would probably do the same, so for Bi Hao, the bottom of the rank was his best disguise.

Make good use of it, even the master can kill it.

Of course, this was also for him, after all, the Grandmaster’s whole body bones and internal organs and meridians had all been quenched.

Ordinary low-star warriors, even if they stand and let them slash, may not be able to kill them.

However, Bi Hao was different, although he was only in the early stage of the three-star period now, his strength was comparable to that of the early stage of the six stars, plus his spiritual strength was stronger than that of the middle of the eight stars, and the various martial arts were about to reach the realm of transformation, which could still cause fatal damage to the master.

Of course, this was under the Sect Master’s defenses, if he knew his hole card and guarded against it, the current Bi Hao was not yet an opponent.

All the masters in the guest seat looked at Wang Xuan, and doubts appeared in their eyes.

They only knew that this boy was the first in this martial arts examination, Ten Cyclones, and he was a demon.

But to such an extent that they couldn’t imagine what was going on?

Recall what Bai Hesheng said before, this boy is a “reincarnation!” At first, I didn’t quite believe that the reincarnation was the reincarnation of the ancient power, which was so easy to meet.

But now, they have to think about it.

Otherwise, how to explain that an 18-year-old teenager actually reached the beginning of the three-star stage in three months, how to explain that his spiritual power can defeat the master of the early seven stars? How to explain that his sword technique will be close to the realm?

All of this indicates that Bi Hao should be a reincarnation!

Thinking of this, all the Sect Masters looked at Wang Xuan and the others with envy and jealousy!

Only they understood the meaning of a reincarnation, and now the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy was going to take off.

There was only one person present with a gloomy face, and that was Ge Long, the vice principal of the Modu Martial Arts Academy.

Such a powerful demon was actually not in his own academy, but in Nanjiang Wu Academy.

In this game, this Bi Hao had obviously already made a vendetta against their academy, first Liu Hao, and then this Liu Mang.

From this point of view, the existence of this son was also an obstacle for them, which would affect the status of their Demon Capital Martial Arts Academy.

Then before he grows up, he must restrain such a thing from happening.

Seeing Bi Hao under the stage, walking towards Liu Mang, who was obviously not ready to let him go, Ge Long directly flashed away.

However, just as he left, Wang Xuan directly stopped him.

“I said Lao Ge, what are you going to do?”

“Ahem! Let go, although this Bi Hao may be a reincarnation, but this heart is very vicious, they have already won and still want to start, naturally can not let him continue. ”

Ge Long snorted coldly and drank at Wang Xuan.

“Che, you’re also the head of a school, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to say that?”

Before, your students used that despicable means to prevent others from conceding defeat, constantly beating them, and even beating people with their hands and ruining their martial arts careers, why didn’t you say that your students were vicious at that time?

Now Bi Hao is just following suit, you say so? Mean well? ”

“You!!” As soon as Wang Xuan said this, Ge Long was directly choked.

“Besides, your mentor’s quality has been getting worse and worse lately!” Talking is like farting.

Before Tian Zhen wanted to drink to stop the battle and admit defeat, your Liu Mang said that the tutor could not participate in the student battle.

What now? Lick your face and go up to make it up, even if a grandmaster can’t beat our students, it’s already humiliating enough, and it is also worth being beaten!

How? Do you still want to go up and help? ”

Wang Xuan smiled lightly, every sentence was very heartfelt, and Ge Long’s old face turned red, eager to tear him apart.

“, the old man’s school thing, it’s not your turn to point fingers!” After holding back half a sound, he roared angrily.

“How? Is it reasonable or unreasonable? Wang Xuan didn’t care about his roar and said coldly.


“You’re a fart, grinding and chirping, just do it when you’re not happy, are we afraid of you?” At this time, Bai Hesheng on the side said coldly, and his right hand also touched the saber around his waist.

Ge Long, who still wanted to drink angrily just now, raised an eyebrow, glanced at Bai Hesheng’s saber out of the corner of his eye, and actually crossed a trace of fear.

He knew the ability of this Bai Hesheng, who was angry at the beginning of the Great War, and who was angry at the three strong men of the Eight Stars Beginning.

At that time, Bai Hesheng had just stepped into the late stage of the Seven Stars, and now he had reached the peak of the Seven Stars, only one step away from stepping into the Eight Stars, naturally more powerful.

He was just a late eight-star master, this Bai Hesheng really wanted to fight the real fire desperately, whether he could resist the knife that had been holding momentum in his waist, it was really difficult to say.

“Well, don’t fight, Liu Mang, as a Grandmaster, is inherently wrong to rush into student fights, and he deserves to be beaten!” As for Bi Hao, let him stop, here is a live broadcast, pay attention to the impact! ”

At this time, Zhou Yi, deputy director of the Education Bureau, came over and persuaded.

“Well, Director Zhou has spoken, and I don’t care!” It was Liu Mang who was reckless! Ge Long’s eyes turned, and he went downhill.

“Oh, well, we get it!” Wang Xuan also smiled and nodded, this Zhou Yi is a veritable Nine Star Initial Grand Master, and face is naturally to be given!

Therefore, he glanced at Bai Hesheng and signaled that at present, although this old Bai and Bi Hao are mixing their mouths every day, the relationship is the closest, and if he opens his mouth, Bi Hao may accept.

“Bi Hao! OK! Just drop them down, there’s a race down there! Lao Bai glanced down at his mouth and roared directly.

But at this moment, all the masters laughed bitterly, what is this called? Throw it down?

This Liu Mang was really thrown down, and his old face was lost, and even the face with the demon capital was also lost.

“Nice!” Bi Hao had been paying attention to the situation here, and when he heard this, he immediately laughed.

Directly grabbed the two people on the ground, like throwing garbage, directly dropped the ring, watching Ge Long’s fists clenched, teeth clenched, the hatred in his heart!

At this moment, the legend of Bi Hao, the B god, spread on the Internet with the virus.

“The new student of Nanjiang Martial Arts has produced a B god, and he is angry at Liu Mang, the master of the Demon Capital!” It also comes with a photo of him dropping Liu Mang off the stage.

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