Bi Hao’s defeat of Grandmaster Liu Mang caused a stir for a while.

The students in the whole venue looked at him differently, most of the geniuses had pride, and no one in the same grade actually disobeyed anyone.

Even some people who seem to be much ahead at the moment are not worth studying in their eyes, and the samurai is not a sprint race, it is a marathon.

It depends on who is more durable and more able to endure hardships.

Which of the geniuses who can be selected for these famous schools does not have superior natural qualifications?

The transcendence of the present does not mean the future, so everyone will not be convinced of each other.

But for Bi Hao, they were left with only worship and admiration.

Because he defeated the Sect Master, defeated the Seven Star Initial Sect Master at the level of the three-star early martial artist, or defeated the opponent with the spiritual attack that the master was proud of, it was simply a myth!

So, the title of God B, he deserves it!

Of course, as a party to Bi Hao, he was extremely dissatisfied with this title.

Although it is said that people do not pretend to be forced to be teenagers, where in life is not forced?

I also like to pretend to be forced, but hanging a B god font name is also a bit too much.

However, the trend of the times, everyone is on their feet, is he still holding a big knife to force others to change their mouths one by one?

Today’s game is also admired because of Bi Hao’s victory, and tomorrow is the top five competition.

As soon as Bi Hao’s matter was over, he directly slipped away, taking Wang Haoran and Liu Ming into the ward, he didn’t want to listen to Wang Xuan’s nagging.

“Rats! Thanks! Wang Haoran patted his shoulder and smiled happily.

“Thank you! But you boy, you have to grasp the cultivation, it’s too weak! Bi Hao said with a sigh of disgust.

“Depend! You think I’m you? I am not as perverted as you, but my teacher said that my progress is already fast enough in my generation, of course, it is incomparable with your demons. ”

Wang Haoran said dissatisfactorily, but there was still a trace of envy in his eyes.

It’s good to be a demon! Not only was his own improvement fast and his strength strong, but he had just seen that Bi Hao’s mentor and headmaster were extremely short-sighted, and they almost directly fought with the headmaster of the magic capital.

Of course, his mentor also guarded the short, but he didn’t look at the demons enough.

“Oh the sadness of the weakness!” He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

People dared to be tough, and that was because the strength of Wang Xuan and others was there, and they were not afraid of the Demon Capital.

But they are heavenly, but they are far from it!

It seemed to see Wang Haoran’s loneliness, Bi Hao frowned, his brother is a cheerful person.

But now after this game, there seems to be some depression, but he can guess his thoughts.

So, he directly stuffed a handful of elixir into the past.

“Cultivate well, I’m optimistic about you!” My brother is no worse than anyone else! ”

“Rats, this, can’t make it!” I can’t cultivate much faster after taking this, or you use it yourself, you become strong early, the brothers can also benefit, and after the good guys go out, they can also borrow your name and pretend to be forced! ”

When Wang Haoran saw Dan Yao, he immediately wanted to refuse, but his heart was warm.

He knew the value of this elixir, although they were all poinsettias, there were also about twenty of them here.

In their academy, it is not that there is no elixir, but as long as they are new students, when they are promoted, they will receive two elixirs assigned by the academy.

“I’m not bad at elixir! You can use it with confidence! Take my name to force nothing, you yourself have to be strong, I will not be by your side every day, in case you encounter a strong enemy, you still have to face it yourself! Oh ~ I said big man, don’t cry, like a! ”

As he spoke, he found that Wang Haoran couldn’t stop crying, and Bi Hao had a black line.

Liu Ming looked at the two people in front of him, and his heart was also moved, it was good to have such a brother!

The next day, the venue was full, as it had been the previous days.

The only difference is that this time, there are a lot of banners and cheerleading groups in the audience.

When the tutors and students saw what was written on the banner, they couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“B God mighty, Nanjiang Wu Academy will win!”

“God B, my love for you is like the water of the Yangtze River!”

“God B, we support you! Victory is always yours! ”

“God B, I’m going to marry you!”

There were some similar banners on the field, and even many young girls, who did not know whether they were spontaneously organized or how to drip, actually changed into a uniform sexy dress, where they shouted “B God, we love you!” ” words.

Those masters are also a black line, is this a school season league or an idol concert?

Only a few days, Bi Hao actually circled countless fans, is the audience so fond of watching the master being beaten?

At this time, the first-year team of Nanjiang Wu Academy also entered the field.

Bi Hao took the lead and brought Wang Sisi, Meng Qing and a total of ten people to the venue.

Suddenly, the whole audience was in an uproar, and the sound of cheers and screams came and went.

What is even more exaggerated is that the vendors selling food at the venue here actually changed the packaging of the goods overnight, although there is no photo on it, but they are engraved with the word B god.

What “B God potato chips, crunch! “B God beef jerky, eat a slice you can beat the master!” “B-God Telescope, you deserve it!” Wait a minute.

Bi Hao, who was watching, was also speechless, secretly saying that these bastards had printed their names without his permission, should they ask them for royalties?

“Cough, quiet!” At this time, the emcee came forward and coughed.

“Today is the top five in the first grade group, as the host Kyoto Takeshi Academy is the champion, the remaining four colleges draw lots, two or two, the winning two groups will face off again, and the winner will compete for the championship title at Kyoto Takeshi Academy!”

“Start the draw now!” After a brief introduction, the draw began.

As for the decision of the Kyoto Martial Arts Academy to avoid war, it has always been handed down.

Every Champion Academy will have such a privilege.

The crowd did not disagree and went forward to draw lots.

Opening the sign, Nanchuan captained Jinlan Academy, and Nanjiang naturally faced Tianxiang Academy!

In this competition, the Modu Martial Arts Academy simply did not come to participate, and even Ge Long and other Modu instructors did not have this area to watch the battle.

I really couldn’t afford to lose this person, the magic capital had never been like this time, not even the top five, not to mention that this time the school’s masters had defeated the students.

What competitions do players who have not participated in the competition come here to watch? It’s not a good idea to be greeted by the whole audience!

When they arrived at the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy, all the girls of Tianxiang smiled bitterly.

Nanjiang can have a B god, even the grandmaster can defeat, they still have half a chance of winning.

However, in the end, it is also the scarf who does not let the eyebrows, these girls are not ambiguous, and quickly accepted the reality.

One after another came to the stage to fight with the people of Nanjiang, because Bi Hao was the pressure line, and Meng Qing and Wang Sisi did not take the lead in the scene.

So at the beginning of this time, the audience also noticed that these female warriors, don’t look at some of them are petite, but when they fight, it is called a fierce.

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