At two o’clock in the afternoon, the venue was lively again.

This is the Nanchuan Martial Arts Academy versus the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy, and Nanchuan is the place where there are many beautiful women in the flower country.

Although Nanchuan is not a pure women’s college, there are many female warriors in it.

There were ten of them in their team this time, but four of them were female warriors, and all of them looked like water spirits.

Especially Lin Xiaoxiao of their academy, that is called a beauty.

Just that pair of slender and long legs has attracted the exclamation of countless people, and the beauty of that Sai Ruo Tianxian is even more amazing.

Perhaps beautiful women have their own cold arrogance, and they have always treated others with a cold face, a look that no one should approach!

And she is also a mutant, as for the specific mutation, it seems to be a skeleton at present.

Anyway, all the way down, she did not use her full strength, but every shot was a move to defeat the other party, but also a strong strength.

After the two teams saluted each other, they returned to their rest seats, leaving only the players who started on both sides.

Because Meng Qing was injured in the morning, he did not let him start.

Although his upper and lower limbs and bones had already been quenched, there was no major problem.

However, there was still some faint pain in that place, the key was that the kick made him have a shadow, and now it was very awkward to walk with his legs between his legs.

The strongest of the other side currently knows Lin Xiaoxiao and Wang Luo, and neither of them has started.

Seeing that their eyes had been staring at Bi Hao and whispering something, it seemed that they were aiming at Bi Hao’s plans.

However, Bi Hao completely ignored it, and in the face of great strength, all plans were in vain.

Because he is not strong at all.

At the beginning, the players on both sides tested each other a few times and then entered the glue, and both sides were one of the four famous schools.

The strength of the cadets is also equal, they are all one-star mid-level combat strength, but they can’t tell the difference between victory and defeat for a while.

And the more glued, but it aroused the cheers of the audience.

Although the strong second kill, it looks very cool. However, this kind of fight between you and me, fist to fist, is also very bloody.

In the end, after a period of fighting, under the last hard fight, both sides were injured, and they all fell out of the ring and played a draw.

However, with such a result, the tutors have no opinion, after all, the difference between the two families is not very large, and the draw is normal.

The next few consecutive games did not have a draw, and each side had its own wins and losses.

But overall, Nanjiang still won one more point.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao actually took the stage in advance, and did not leave it for the final as the finale, showing that Wang Luo was the finale.

As soon as she came on, she was obviously one-sided, and although those practitioners in Nanjiang were also very strong, they were still much worse than Lin Xiaoxiao, and they were defeated one after another.

At this time, Nanchuan students counted Lin Xiaoxiao, and there were 5 others.

However, Nanjiang Wu Academy only had Meng Qing, Wang Sisi and Bi Hao left.

Without hesitation, Meng Qing came on the field again and looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, “You are very strong, but I don’t want to hit women, you still admit defeat!” ”

“Poof!” Hearing this, Bi Hao almost gasped at the past, is this cargo stupid?

Where did he come from the confidence to say this? Isn’t the lesson learned not enough?

Originally, Meng Qing was silent and widowed, with a calm look, and Bi Hao still felt that he was good.

But now, I can’t look up to him anymore, this guy is so stupid!

Sure enough, hearing his words, Lin Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, did not say a word, and at the moment when the referee announced the start of the game, he directly rushed up and punched out.

“Ahem! Too slow! Meng Hao snorted, and the horse stepped forward, ready to resist!

But unexpectedly, a flower in front of his eyes left only a remnant of Lin Xiaoxiao, and the next moment, the crotch of his pants hurt!

“Ahh!!!” With another miserable scream, Meng Hao fell straight down.

It turned out that Lin Xiaoxiao had quickly circled around his rear, changed his fist to his foot, and hit his gear again.

The old wounds and new injuries made him desperate to die, and he directly passed out.

Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at it expressionlessly and stood in the middle of the stage again, but he held out his finger to Bi Hao.

His eyes stared at him, and Sakura’s lips opened slightly, “I’m going to challenge you!” ”

“Huh?” Bi Hao, who was still feeling cold for Meng Hao, an idiot, raised an eyebrow.

This Lin Xiaoxiao wants to challenge himself? The two have no vendetta, right? When did you mess with her? He thought inexplicably.

In fact, he thought too much, this Lin Xiaoxiao was originally a martial artist, and it was said that her background was strong, and her grandfather was a big guy at the peak of the Nine Stars.

Her father was also a great master in the early Nine Stars, and both served in the military department.

A two-grand master, but extremely powerful, because she was originally a Nanchuan person, so she directly chose the Nanchuan Martial Academy.

And she heard about it from an early age and aspired to become the strongest person in her class.

There is another reason for this, this Lin Xiaoxiao is a true “reincarnation!” ”

Other players couldn’t see Bi Hao’s depth, but she could feel it, because her spiritual strength had also reached 5,000.

In addition, her whole body bones were also all quenched, and the perfection of the quenching was stronger than Wang Sisi.

Even the internal organ meridian cyclone is not much worse than the person who has been quenched.

That is to say, she only lacked the accumulation of source power, and she could directly reach the top of the master without any barrier.

This is the horror of the reincarnated person, and for the practice, she understands it faster than others.

Therefore, in this league, the principal and mentor of Nanchuan College are also extremely calm.

Except for hearing from Bai Hesheng’s mouth that Bi Hao might be a “reincarnation”, they were surprised.

And when this news was known to Lin Xiaoxiao, and seeing the scene where Bi Hao used his spiritual power to crush Master Liu Mang before, she made up her mind to have a good battle with Bi Hao.

What the reincarnated person needs is to fight, and the constant battle can restore her past life memories, and that is when her strength explodes.

And what they want to fight is not to bully the weak, they need the stimulation of the strong.

In particular, Bi Hao, who is also a reincarnation, may be able to stimulate her past life memories.

Of course, this is just her idea, our Bi Hao he is not really a reincarnation!

Seeing that others were going to challenge him in person, Wang Sisi was about to stand up and say something, but he was pulled by Bi Hao.

“Good! I accept your challenge! ”

Saying, he patted Wang Sisi’s shoulder, signaled her not to be impatient, and then turned to the stage.

Just now, he saw the hot battle intention in this Lin Xiaoxiao’s eyes, and he could also feel the extraordinary nature of this woman, the current Wang Sisi would not be her opponent, and it would be in vain to go up.

“Shhh!” Lin Xiaoxiao pulled out his sword, which had never been used, and a piercing cold light flashed.

With the sound of the dragon’s groan, the sword body actually began to tremble slightly, as if it was screaming with excitement.

“The sword has spirituality? This is the Divine Soldier!!! ”

In an instant, the masters on the stage exclaimed!

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