“That’s a divine soldier, oh my God, this guy actually has a divine soldier!”

In an instant, the sword caught everyone’s eye.

O Divine Soldier! Even the Sect Master was also hot-eyed, but no one would fight for it.

This Lin Xiaoxiao himself was a terrifying reincarnation, and his father and grandfather in the life behind him were all veritable great masters and had great power.

Rob her of the Divine Soldier? Then there must be a fate to use it!

Moreover, as a reincarnated person, even if the memories and abilities of past lives have not been restored, they have a unique ability to protect themselves.

Even if it was the Grand Master’s fatal blow, it might not be able to kill her.

So once they escaped a disaster for her, could these people withstand the anger of the two great masters of the Lin Family?

“Divine Soldier?” Bi Hao was also stunned and immediately looked over.

Although he himself had a strengthened divine soldier, this was the first time he had seen someone else’s divine soldier.

I saw that sword, the sword was three feet long, the body of the sword was like snow, and on both sides was carved a lifelike five-clawed golden dragon.

And with just one glance, he seemed to be able to feel that the five-clawed golden dragon wanted to break out of the sword.

“The race is on!” The referee looked at the two men and announced directly.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xiaoxiao directly held the sword up, and there was no extra fancy, and a sword stabbed it.

“Boom!” At the same time, the breath on her body exploded.

“Samsung Peak? She’s also the pinnacle of Samsung!! ”

At this moment, the crowd shouted again! Even Wang Sisi became nervous.

Originally, Lin Xiaoxiao had always maintained the strength of the two-star peak, and it seemed that he was hiding his strength.

And against Shang Bihao, she was at full strength at this time.

It is said that it is the peak of the three stars, but in fact, the combat strength of the reincarnation cannot be calculated according to ordinary people.

They were more powerful than the mutant warriors of the Three Cyclones, and at this time, her combat strength was actually comparable to the peak of the Five Stars!

Moreover, this time, in terms of combat strength, it was very close to Bi Hao.

“Huh?” Feeling her extraordinary, Bi Hao also became solemn, and his spiritual power was instantly released.

He wanted to stop her attack, but unexpectedly, at this time, Lin Xiaoxiao also burst out of her spiritual power.

“Buzz!” The two spirits collided first, and a low hum popped away from the two at the same time.

“What!!!” Bi Hao exclaimed, he didn’t expect that Lin Xiaoxiao’s spiritual strength was actually comparable to his own.

And Lin Xiaoxiao crossed a smile at the corner of his mouth, swung his sword up again, and stabbed Bi Hao’s right side fiercely!

A collision let Bi Hao know that the other party was not easy to deal with, but it made him excited.

From the promotion of martial artists to the present, although he has grown rapidly, the martial arts are also mastered and tended to become incarnate.

However, what is missing is actual combat, and those students in the school are not his opponents, so naturally they cannot give him a role in tempering.

As for those masters, their strength is too strong, and they are basically looking for abuse, and only by finding an opponent with similar strength can they play a real real combat tempering.

And now, this Lin Xiaoxiao in front of him was really the opponent he desperately needed!

At this moment, Bi Hao’s whole body became excited, his eyes were hot, he laughed loudly, and swung his knife up.

“Oh!” The tip of the knife intersected, a crisp collision sounded, and the two men immediately exchanged a move.

“Pedal pedal!” The two of them each took a few steps back, but this time Bi Hao took half a step back than Lin Xiaoxiao.

And the S-class saber in his hand already had a small gap.

“Sigh, what a divine soldier it is!” Bi Hao couldn’t help but wonder, but it made him even more excited.

“Hahaha, go on!”

Laughing, Bi Hao swung his sword up again, and Lin Xiaoxiao’s eyes flashed coldly and directly greeted him.

And so the Great War began.

In the ring, in mid-air, the two men went up and down, fighting inseparably.

Even if they couldn’t fly in the air yet, their mental strength was very strong, and they could actually leave the air empty for more than ten seconds.

After that, their moves were exhausted, and countless sword qi and sword qi were intertwined, which was not spectacular.

At this time, there was a silence in the audience outside the stadium, and all of them opened their eyes in shock and stared at the battle in front of them.

Half a ring, someone let out an exclamation.

“This, that’s the game I want to see!” Loved it! ”

“Wow!” At this moment, the entire audience seemed to be affected by the butterfly effect, and a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and there was an uproar.

“It’s great, they’re so good, I’ve watched the league several times, and it’s the most amazing thing about today!”

“Yes, compared to previous matches, this time the tickets are too much to spend!”

“In the end, God B, it turns out to be such a cow!” He hadn’t used his full strength before! ”

“But no, that woman’s name is Lin Xiaoxiao, right?” Not only is it beautiful, it turns out to be so strong! It’s awesome! ”


The audience was all hot at once, and everyone’s face was full of excitement when you said anything to me.

The fight between the two of them has exceeded their imagination, it is completely like watching a martial arts movie, and the sword and light sword shadow is just like those special effects, dazzling and wonderful.

The cheers were one after another, and even those masters on the stage couldn’t help but sigh.

Even more enviously looking at the principals and tutors who led the team in Nanjiang and Nanchuan, it was good to have such students!

The fierce battle continued, Lin Xiaoxiao was also in high spirits at this time, this was the battle she needed!

Bi Hao did not disappoint her, so under another confrontation, the two retreated and stared at each other.

Then she smiled, and this smile opened like a short flower, so amazing that it attracted the amazement of all those who saw it.

Looking back at a smile, I’m afraid it’s to describe her smile at this moment!

“You, did not disappoint me, next, I will attack with my strongest sword technique, if you can resist, then I concede!”

After playing for such a long time, if he did not use this move, Lin Xiaoxiao knew that it would be difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in this way, and it could only wait until one of them consumed completely unsourced power, physical strength and mental strength to decide the victory or defeat.

But she didn’t want that, so she decided to simply point it out and score a sword with a sword.

This sword was the strongest attack she could use at the moment, and it would condense the spirit of her body, and she would be emptied of it when she came out.

Therefore, if Bi Hao can block it, she will lose, and if she can’t stop it, she will naturally win!

“Be careful, if you can’t stop it, don’t hold it up!” Will die! In the end, she still reminded her and slowly began to draw her sword!

Seeing the situation, Bi Hao also shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

By now, he also understood that it was not that he had offended her before he was named and challenged, but that she regarded herself as a whetstone.

But why don’t you need such a person to be your own whetstone?

“Hum!!!” As Lin Xiaoxiao raised his sword again, the entire sword body shook violently.

Two lifelike five-clawed golden dragons, as if constantly chanting, slowly materialized.

“A sword to slash the heavens!” Lin Xiaoxiao’s lips opened slightly, and the original light voice became hollow.

As soon as the five words came out, a substantial sword light exploded in vain, and with her wave of her hand, it came towards Bi Hao.

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