Bi Hao stepped on the high-speed train to Kyoto, and when he left the school, he could sense Wang Sisi hiding in a corner watching him.

In the end, he still couldn’t help but not say hello and resolutely left.

Let her have some pressure, she will continue to get stronger, then the enemies she naturally encounters will become stronger and stronger.

As a woman of her own, she may sometimes face many unexpected situations in the future.

And he can’t be by her side all the time, so getting stronger is a must.

Not only her, but also herself, only by becoming the strongest can she deter those who are small.

With his own strength, after coming into contact with the real world of the warrior, he knew that the world was not as peaceful as it seemed.

Undercurrents are surging and dangers can be seen everywhere, not knowing because they were not strong enough.

The train was speeding fast, and Bi Hao sat in front of the window with many thoughts.

Suddenly, he felt several wisps of seemingly invisible sight scanning his place from time to time, and he couldn’t help but become alert, and the powerful spiritual power spread out silently.

“Number 20, find the target!” The position of car 4 23A. ”

At this time, he heard the sound of thin mosquitoes.

“Huh? Isn’t that where I am? Bi Hao’s eyebrows were raised, these people are targeting themselves?

Without waiting for him to think more, suddenly the automatic doors at both ends of the carriage were opened, and two people came in, directly blocking the door.

Together with the person who had informed before, at this time, the three of them locked on Bi Hao at the same time.

The next moment, the breath on the three of them exploded in vain, and they pounced on him in an instant.

“Die!” A hoarse whisper sounded like from hell, and a wisp of black light flew directly towards Bi Hao’s head.

In an instant, he found that these three people were strong, and the shot was an eight-star peak, using a dart-like dark weapon, with a swift shot and a sharp angle, and the darts were spiral straight into the back of his head.

Bi Hao reacted instantly, and without seeing the shaking, he had already moved out of his seat and pounced on the other man.

He was also the weakest of the three, only the Eight Stars Beginning, and his eyes were always guarding the last man, which should be the 20th of the previous informants, because he could feel that this person was the strength of the Nine Stars Beginning.

“Ahem!” When the men in the early days of the Eight Stars saw Bi Hao pounce directly on him, he snorted coldly, and even had some contempt on his face.

Although he was the weakest of the three, he was not the one that this little doll could fight against after hundreds of battles.

It is also because of the rich experience, although the face is hung with disdain, the hand is not sluggish, and the shot is the full strength.

The full combat power of the Eight Stars Initial Stage exploded in an instant, and a palm greeted Bi Hao.

Surrounded and killed by the three people, Bi Hao naturally did not dare to have the slightest difference, although his own strength was great, but this was the first time he had faced the siege and killing of the three Sect Master Realms, and there was also a Nine Star Grand Master among them.

Seeing this person slap with full force, Bi Hao immediately made a decision and directly exploded with full force.

Directly he stomped on the ground with one foot, the speed increased again, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the man and punched out at the same time.

“Thang Long – Dragon Heaven!” It was the strongest move in the Shenglong Fist.


“Click!” With a muffled sound, accompanied by the sound of broken bones, the man in the early stage of the eight stars flew out in an instant.

The arm he had just struck had deformed and twisted.

His pain could be seen in his pale face, and his shock could be seen in his stunned eyes.

However, he had obviously been in the battlefield for a long time, and the moment he just slapped his fist and touched it, he felt that something was wrong, and he forcibly withdrew his strength and retreated in an instant.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have just been discounted by a punch, and I’m afraid that this punch would have made him lose his combat strength.

After receiving such a punch, his arm was broken, but he did not shout out a cry of pain, clenched his teeth and opened the distance with Bi Hao, not fighting hard with him.

At this time, the two people behind them had also come in a siege, forming a siege again.

“Ahh!!!” These are long talkers, but in fact, they shoot out from the darts, Bi Hao dodges, and then collides with the eight stars of the initial strength only in an instant.

At this time, the passengers in the carriage reacted and screamed one after another.

Bi Hao saw this, directly broke the roof of the car with one punch, and jumped up.

The cabin space was originally small, and there were other passengers, plus the three people surrounded, it was really impossible to perform.

Besides, among these three people, there was a Nine Star Initial Grand Master, who didn’t seem to be the kind of strong person who had just entered the Nine Stars.

“Whoosh!” As soon as he stepped on the roof of the car, the three masters followed closely behind, jumped up, and formed an encirclement again.

However, this time, the position changed slightly, and the injured Eight Star Initial stood with the Eight Star Peak.

The Nine Star Sect is one person on the one hand.

“Who are you?” Bi Hao shouted coldly that he had actually been surrounded and killed by the three masters, and his hand was really big.

“Ahem! Dead people don’t need to know that much! Kill! ”

The one of the Nine Stars opened his mouth, did not answer his question, and directly rushed to kill him.

Bi Hao saw the situation, did not hesitate, did not face him head-on, and directly rushed towards the two eight-star strongmen.

Nine stars, for a while and a half he was not sure to take it, but eight stars, he could kill!

The next moment, Bi Hao directly drew his sword, “Destroy the heavens – slash the reincarnation!” ”

“Boom!!!” A flash of sword light suddenly appeared, instantly slashing at the Eight Star Initial Strongman.

This time, Bi Hao did not have a trace of his hand, and directly exploded with full force, which was the strongest knife up.

“No!” Until this time, the man who did not even hum his arm was discounted finally changed color and exclaimed.

This knife made him feel the breath of death and could no longer be calm.

However, at this time, it was too late to try to dodge again, and at once it was cut in half, and the knife qi passed through the body.

On both sides of the body that were cut off, each eye was infinitely dilated with pupils, full of infinite fear!

“What!!!” At this moment, the remaining two people moved at the same time, and this result was completely unexpected by them.

The information shows that although this boy is a demon, he is barely relying on his spiritual strength to crush the Seven Star Sect Master, how can he now actually kill the Eight Star Initial Strongman with one sword?

That’s right, these people were the same people of the Demon Sect, who received the A-level order to come and kill Bi Hao.

However, since Bi Hao did not have any background, even A-level instructions were the lowest among them.

Therefore, only the Nine Star Initial Sect Master was sent, but according to the original information, this was enough.

However, for the insurance period, in addition to one Nine Star Initial Grand Master, there were also two Eight Star Sect Masters.

However, they never expected that this Bi Hao would have such a powerful strength, which was already a hundred and eighteen thousand miles away from the data.

This is a frontal killing of the Eight Star Sect Master, or a knife in a second!

The shock and anger in the hearts of the two can be imagined!

“Damn, the intelligence is wrong!” The strong man of the Eight Star Peak hated the voice.

“Ahem! Go back and settle accounts with them again, kill! The Nine Star Strongman also snorted angrily and directly killed him.

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