The two Demon Sect masters were full of anger and directly slaughtered them.

The domineering nature of the knife just now shocked the two of them.

They could feel that the breath that Bi Hao showed at this time was only the beginning of the five-star period, but the combat power that erupted could actually kill the eight-star early stage in a second, which made him a little unacceptable.

It’s not that they haven’t seen the cross-level challenge, but it’s a bit too much!

But their common sense told them that even if the other party was in the evil spirit, it was only the beginning of the five-star period, and this sword was probably exhausted most of his source power, and it should not be able to be used again.

Indeed, after the knife was cut out just now, Bi Hao’s face turned pale for a moment.

After all, he was the first time to fight against the Eight Star Sect Master, and there were two stronger Sect Masters staring at him, so he naturally went all out.

Therefore, the source force was indeed emptied of most of it at once.

Naturally, the two of them felt it, so they didn’t hesitate to kill them now!

If you change someone else, you will really be helpless.

Unfortunately, he is Bi Hao!

“System, replenish the source force!” Bi Hao communication system.

In an instant, the consumed source power was instantly filled, and the knife just now injected 4 million source power, so a knife killed that person in a second.

At this time, the wealth value of 4 million was reduced, and Bi Hao’s source power was replenished again.

Seeing the two pounced, Bi Hao made another sword, this time the target was replaced by the eight-star peak, still injecting 4 million source power.

With the knife just now, he could feel that he had injected too much, and the full attribute attack of the ordinary eight-star peak was only 3.5 million.

The initial eight stars are only at 2 million, in fact, just injected 2.5 million can be killed, a bit wasteful.

Therefore, this time he still only used 4 million source power.

“Boom!” Exactly the same as the knife just now, the knife suddenly appeared and was cut out in an instant.

“No, how can that be?” The eight-star peak who pounced on him was full of despair, and his eyes were in disbelief, and he exclaimed.

As soon as the words fell, they were breathed through the body by the knife and cut in half again.

But this time it was different, even if he was cut in half, his body could still move, which looked very strange.

The severed internal organs and bones actually emitted a layer of visible gold, adsorbing each other, as if repairing the cracks that had been cut open.

“What!!!” This time, it was Bi Hao’s turn to be surprised.

The Seven-Star Sect Master had extremely strong self-healing ability, but he knew that if he was cut in half, he would never survive, even if it was the same as the previous Eight Star Beginning.

However, the strong man of the Eight Star Peak was cut in half, and he did not die immediately, and even the body that was cut off actually showed signs of repair, which was also incredible.

Then, without him thinking too much, the attack of the Nine Star Grand Master behind him had arrived.

Bi Hao turned back with a knife, completely using the essence of the blocking word decision, unloading the force, directly pulling away from the Nine Star Strong, looking at the body that had been cut open.

At this time, the two halves of the body had slowly joined together and were rapidly repairing the cracks.

“Ahem!” Bi Hao snorted coldly, and once again produced a knife, one knife could not work, just two knives, he did not believe that he could not die.

This time, he once again replenished all the source power and directly slashed again!

One knife, two knives, three knives… Enough to cut out 6 knives, the body has been cut to pieces.

At this time, the kind of traction golden light disappeared, and the fragments of the corpse finally seemed to have lost all vitality, motionless!

Bi Hao was relieved at this time, killing this eight-star peak strongman, and it cost 42 million wealth points to recover alone.

“, what a loss!” Bi Hao snorted, and the Nine Star Grand Master on the side had already looked stupid!

According to the reason, the strong people at the peak of the eight stars are almost the existence that cannot be killed, even if the nine stars shoot, as long as they are not strong above the late stage, it is difficult to kill them.

The cultivation of the eight-star strong person is the spiritual mind, and when it reaches its peak, the divine soul first appears, and if the body dies and the soul is not destroyed, it can always be resurrected.

And just now, Bi Hao was also because of the continuous use of knives, and finally killed the person’s spirit body, which would make him unable to repair and cause death.

This also doomed that person to be unlucky, to meet Bi Hao, if he ran into other people, it would be impossible to shoot the knife so many times in a row, each time reaching 4 million source force.

And Bi Hao is a man who opens and hangs, as long as the wealth value is enough, he can recover infinitely and constantly slash, so naturally it is too late to recover.

At this time, Bi Hao also held his sword and looked at the last strong man in the early Nine Stars.

“Bastard!” The Nine Star Strongman scolded, not knowing whether to scold Bi Hao or the person who gave the error message.

However, Bi Hao took the opportunity to recover to the peak, planning how to kill this person.

“You really surprised me, but you still have to die!” Although angry, it also shocked Bi Hao’s abnormal combat strength.

However, after all, he was the Nine Star Grand Master, and from the attack just now, he could feel that Bi Hao’s biggest attack seemed to be 4 million source power values.

Such a value can be fatal to the Eight-Star Martial Artist and even the Eight-Star Peak Martial Artist.

However, there is still a lack of self, although it can cause harm to itself, but it will definitely not be fatal.

After finding out the reality, he had a bottom in his heart and began to explode.

At this time, a long gun appeared in his hand, and he did not have to use weapons at all for the strength shown on the killing data.

But now it was different, this boy had killed two Eight Star Sect Masters in the blink of an eye, and the speed of this consumption recovery was simply against the sky.

He couldn’t fight with Bi Hao slowly, and the protracted battle was obviously good at the other side, although he didn’t know why the other party was like this.

Therefore, he was ready to kill with one blow and directly took out his weapon.

The Nine Star Grand Masters all had their own pride, and when dealing with warriors below their own realm, they did not care to use weapons, even if they were Demon Sect people, which was the pride of being a warrior.

But now, being so stubborn will only worsen the situation and be detrimental to yourself.

“Uh-huh!” A gun fluttered, and the whole gun shot out like an angry dragon and went straight to Bi Hao.

“Oh!” Bi Hao’s horizontal knife blocked, emitting a crisp sound of metal intersecting.

“Huh? Sure enough, it was a pint of divine soldiers! The Nine Star Sect Master exclaimed again, and greed appeared in his eyes.

From the video data returned, they learned that this boy had a divine soldier, but the specific grade was unknown.

The Divine Soldier is also divided into nine products, the first product is the second, and the nine products are the strongest.

However, even if it was a single product, it was not something that ordinary masters could get, and even some Nine Pin Grand Masters did not have it.

Just like the number 20 in front of him, the spear in his hand was just a super S-class alloy weapon, worse than the divine soldier.

However, because of the strength of the strength, it still suppressed Bi Hao!

The force of this shot was extremely fierce, and he only took several steps back before he unloaded the force.

Fighting hard, it seems that his strength is still lacking, Bi Hao frowned, and his eyes narrowed!

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