With the roar, a black shadow flew straight up from the bottom of the pool.

“Boom!” The surface of the water exploded, revealing a huge figure.

“This, this is Jiao?”

“Nine, nine heads!!!”

Liu Zhen and the others exclaimed, their faces horrified.

The figure that appeared at this time was actually a huge nine-headed jiao.

I saw that it was dark all over, nearly a hundred meters long, and above its huge body, there were nine heads.

Nine pairs of eyes the size of a brass drum were glaring at Bi Hao, a few humans who dared to break into their own territory and destroy the place where they lived.

What was even more frightening was that the flame of death was completely extinguished when it burst out.

And Bi Hao noticed that the reason why the Death Flame was extinguished was caused by the scales of this nine-headed jiao.

This dragon’s body was actually covered with black and purple scales, and the Death Flame actually flashed a white glow as soon as it touched the scales.

It’s like being suddenly frozen and then vaporizing and dissipating!

“Oh~~~~” The nine-headed dragon roared again, a head with a large mouth, and a white column of air spewed out.

“Flash !!!” Bi Hao gave a loud sigh and jumped directly away from the spot, and several other people also jumped away.

“Boom!” This jump away, the air column bombarded the place where they had stood before.

Only to see that the entire ground instantly froze, and then fell apart and turned into a dead silence.

“This is Ice and Fire Demon Flame!” At this time, Chen Xi screamed.

“What is Ice and Fire Demon Flame?” The crowd looked at her questioningly.

“This is an elemental mutated power comparable to Bi Hao’s Death Flame, but humans can’t understand it, it is the power of the bloodline beast talent, it can freeze everything and burn it up, it is very domineering!”

Chen Xi quickly explained, his eyes showing solemnity.

Originally, relying on Bi Hao’s Death Flame, if other demonic beasts or other attributes came out, there was no need to worry.

However, he encountered a nine-headed dragon with ice and fire magic flames, which was difficult to deal with.

As far as I looked at it just now, this nine-headed demon dragon should be the peak of the eight stars, but it was much more powerful than that of the king.

At this time, the nine-headed dragon did not pause and attacked again.

The Ice and Fire Demon Flame seemed to be spurting out without money, chasing after everyone.

“Withdraw first, this is not the way to go!” Chen Xi gave advice.

Ice and Fire Demon Flame, burning at the touch, and has a freezing effect, once it is stained, although it will not spread throughout the body like the Death Flame, but the frozen part loses its ability to move and becomes a target.

Bi Hao glanced at it, and also revealed his unwillingness, but there was a condensed soul fruit under the pool!

However, this nine-headed demon dragon not only possessed the talent of magic and was powerful, but also because of its huge size, the power reserve was stronger than that of humans, and the staying power was stronger.

Although Bi Hao could use his wealth value to consume with him, the loss was also huge, and the attack speed of the other party was obviously not slower than his own, and if he was a little careless, he might overturn the ship in the gutter.

Only when he was depressed, the system in his brain sounded.

[Ding, scan to the ice and fire magic inflammation, does the host understand and absorb? 】

“Huh? Can I comprehend and absorb this Ice and Fire Demon Flame? Bi Hao was shocked and surprised.

At the beginning, Chen Xi said that humans could not comprehend it, which was a unique innate elemental power of beasts.

【Yes! 】

After receiving the systematic confirmation, Bi Hao’s heart was overjoyed, if he could comprehend this power, then with the blessing of the two flames, wouldn’t he be able to defeat the other party?

“Comprehend!” Therefore, Bi Hao immediately communicated with the system.

[Ding, universal root bone blessing, comprehend the success of ice and fire magic! 】

[Ding, the elemental force is a hundred times more comprehensible, and the ice and fire magic flame control reaches the transformation realm.] 】

[Ding, the host has the Flame of Death and the Fire Demon Flame of Ice and Fire, can be fused, is it fused?] 】

At this time, the system prompts again.

“What! Can it still be integrated? Fusion! “Continuous changes have made Bi Hao very happy.”

[Ding, fusing the Flame of Death and the Flame of Ice and Fire.] 】

[Ding, the fusion is successful, and the host obtains the extinction ice!] 】

“Extinction, extinction of the world???” Hearing this, Bi Hao’s heart was shocked.

Just hearing this name makes the feeling of the cow going to heaven must be very strong.

At this time, the Nine-Headed Jiao was another mouthful of Ice and Fire Demon Flame spewing out towards him, but he no longer dodged, and the corners of his mouth rose up.

“Bi Hao, get out of the way!!!!”

Seeing that Bi Hao suddenly stood still and did not dodge at all, Chen Xi and the others exclaimed in surprise.

“Extinction Ice Fever!!!” Bi Hao ignored it, but directly gave a low drink and slapped it.

“Yikes!!” A beam of light that was thicker than the Ice and Fire Demon Flame suddenly shot out.

This beam of light was black and white, like a fish of yin and yang, intertwined with each other, condensing into one in a spiral form, and crashing into the ice and fire demon.

“What’s that!!!” At this time, Chen Xi and the others also saw this strange pillar of light, and their eyes were confused.

“Boom!!!” The next second, the two beams of light met and collided together.

After a muffled sound, there was no violent explosion, but the Ice and Fire Demon Yan was like a child at this moment, directly swallowed up by Bi Hao’s world-destroying ice flame.

After that, the annihilating ice flame was not weakened by the impact, and the beam of light became thicker and stronger.

It was as if the Ice and Fire Demon Flame had directly turned into its nourishment, and it was even more furious towards the Nine-Headed Demon Jiao.

“Wow!!!!” At this moment, the Nine-Headed Demon Jiao, who had originally looked disdainful and angry, suddenly revealed a humanized panic.

Warcraft is sensitive to danger, especially this kind of crisis that can make it fatal!

It desperately drilled down the pool, trying to avoid the blow.

“It ran!!!” Liu Zhen shouted, his face full of incredulity.

Originally, everyone was helpless, including Bi Hao, who was also blindly dodging before.

However, in the blink of an eye, Bi Hao seemed to have the help of God, and he slapped it in an instant, and even the Nine-Headed Demon Jiao directly turned around and ran towards the bottom of the pool.

“Ahem! You can’t run! Bi Hao hummed softly, his palm moved slightly, and the beam of light was faster, directly bombarding the pool of water.

“Boom!!! Click, click! ”

With a loud noise, the surface of the water exploded, but then there was a maddening sound.

The entire pool of water was frozen in an instant, and even the splash of water that had just been blown up was directly frozen in the air, falling stiffly and smashing into broken beads.

But Chen Xi and the others were shocked to find that the nine-headed demon dragon that had just escaped into the water seemed to be frozen in the water at this time, motionless.

That’s right, at the same time that this world-destroying ice flame bombarded the water, the entire deep pool instantly froze, and these nine-headed demon dragons naturally could not escape.

Bi Hao gasped for breath, looked at everything in front of him, and couldn’t help but laugh again.

Sip on your mouth: “Extinguish! ”

In a word, the whole deep pool shattered, fell apart, and turned into nothing.

Even the nine-headed demon dragon evaporated out of thin air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the blue light at the bottom of the pool was exposed to everyone’s eyes!

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