“That’s Soul Condensation Fruit!!!” The crowd screamed.

That’s right, the blue light at the bottom of the pool is the luster emitted by the Soul Condensation Fruit.

However, after the shock, everyone looked at Bi Hao and couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts.

This deep pool was hundreds of meters long, and it was actually evaporated by Bi Hao’s unknown power in an instant, which was terrible!

Even Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao, who were reincarnated, were all shocked, and this ability was probably not something that the power of the Nine Star Peaks could barely do, right?

“Bi Hao, what did you use just now…?” Chen Xi still couldn’t help asking.

“Oh! Seeing the ice flame that the big snake just spewed out felt something, and it improved my death inflammation! ”

Bi Hao shrugged his shoulders and casually prevaricated.

“What!!!” Speaking unintentionally, the listener is shocked.

Can this elemental power be improved at will? Even as a reincarnation, I have never heard of it!

The two women stared at Bi Hao with a puzzled face, not believing his words, but this was actually what they saw.

For a moment, both women were confused.

Can this elemental power really improve? It seems that they didn’t think of this layer before!

Bi Hao didn’t care if they believed it or not, and went directly to the bottom of the pool.

Chen Xi’s few people did not go down, and the Soul Condensation Fruit was also attractive to them, and the attraction was huge.

However, they knew very well that if it weren’t for Bi Hao, under the eyelids of these nine-headed demon dragons, there would be no possibility of getting this fruit at all.

Since it was the Nine-Headed Demon Jiao that Bi Hao had killed, naturally this fruit was also his, even if they wanted it anymore, they couldn’t take it.

For Bi Hao’s strength, they once again had a new understanding, especially that Liu Zhen.

At this time, he was completely devoted to Bi Hao, leaving only reverence and envy, and did not dare to have a trace of jealousy and hatred.

Jokingly, the beginning of the Five Stars was so perverted, comparable to the existence of the Nine Stars Peak, even the Nine-Headed Demon Jiao with a powerful talent element was not his opponent, if he still dared to hate him, wouldn’t it be a long life?

Coming to the bottom of the pool, Bi Hao observed this condensed soul fruit at close range.

The fruit is not large, just like a grape, but the outer color is not green nor purple, but blue.

And here, Bi Hao counted it, there were a total of 20 fruits, it was simply a great harvest!

One can increase 10,000 spiritual power, doesn’t this mean that it can increase the value of 200,000? How far does that have to be deformed?

However, I have to leave one for Wang Sisi, well, by the way, leave one for Lao Bai, this Bai Hesheng is really good to himself, and he can also help him appropriately.

Without hesitation, with a big wave of his hand, the eight fruits were directly involved in his storage space.

From refining the Spirit Essence, he knew that his storage space could store any spiritual objects, and there was no need to worry about damage.

Those so-called notions that certain elixirs needed to be stored in a specific environment were completely useless to him.

Scanning around, he found that it was still relatively quiet, and simply decided to enhance his spiritual power here, originally this was the territory of the nine-headed demon jiao, plus the beast group had been shocked by him, and in the short term, he was not afraid of anyone to disturb him.

After talking to Chen Xi and the others, they also got their consent, and they were also ready to use the Hui Ling Essence to restore their memories.

If you go back to the city, the movement is too great, so it is better to cultivate and recover here.

As a result, Liu Zhen naturally became their man of the wind, of course, he was happy to do this now.

Seeing Bi Hao’s strength, he even wanted to be his little brother.

Such a perversion, not in his growth period of good contact, when he grows up, can he still hold the thigh?

So everyone began their own cultivation.

Bi Hao took out a condensed soul fruit, played with it in the palm of his hand a few times, and swallowed it in one bite.

A cool feeling, straight down from the throat, the whole body is cold.

Immediately afterward, a cool breath rushed straight to the door of the brain, and the whole person was an excited spirit.

“Boom!” My brain began to muffle and scream, occasionally accompanied by a feeling of drumming.

At the same time, Bi Hao actually found that his cyclone had also changed a lot.

At this moment, one of the cyclones in his body began to expand, and the rolling force continued to pour in.

“Huh? Can this concentration fruit also promote the cultivation of cyclones? ”

This discovery actually surprised him, originally he also wanted to wait until the skull quenching was completed before taking this condensed soul fruit.

However, after thinking about it, I still wanted to try it beforehand, after all, I heard Chen Xi say that some people had taken this thing when they were 4000 years old before, and they had succeeded.

At the same time, some people’s spiritual strength has reached the peak of the eight stars after reaching 10,000, and at that time, taking this condensed fruit has also failed.

Thinking about it this way, whether the skull is quenched or not seems to have a relationship with the success of taking this condensed fruit is not what they say is inevitable.

With the help of the system, coupled with his own strength, he felt that he could try it.

At least he doesn’t worry about becoming an idiot after failing, because he has communicated with the system before swallowing.

The system clearly stated that as his host, even if his body was completely destroyed, the soul could still be preserved, without any scruples!

With the guarantee of the system, Bi Hao naturally became bold, who is willing to wait if he can be strong earlier?

At the same time, I can’t help but sigh, it is good to have a system!

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 100!】 Cyclone 1 quenching is one percent complete. 】

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 100!】 Cyclone 1 quenching is two percent complete. 】

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 100!】 Cyclone 1 quenching is three percent complete. 】


Except for the feeling of a little bulge in the middle, there was no other pain and discomfort, which made Bi Hao more down-to-earth.

Time passed, and half an hour passed.

[Ding, the Soul Fruit has been fully absorbed, the host’s spiritual power has increased by 10,000, and the No. 1 Cyclone Quenching has been completed by 100%!] 】

With the sound of the system, Bi Hao’s eyes opened, and a ray of essence flashed.

At this moment, everything within a radius of 1 kilometer centered on Bi Hao seemed to be in front of him.

The spiritual power reached 20,000 Bi Hao, and at this time it was equivalent to having a divine mind similar to that of a cultivator, and all the wind and grass were well aware of the power of the mind.

And one of his cyclones was also just finished cultivating, so didn’t that mean that as long as he swallowed ten of them, while his spiritual strength increased by 100,000, his ten cyclones could also be completely refined?

I was excited to think about it, just now this one only took him half an hour.

After glancing at Chen Xi and the others not far away, they were still absorbing the Spirit Essence, and it seemed that it would take a lot of time.

Therefore, he really swallowed a Concentration Fruit again and began to cultivate.

However, the only regret was that Bi Hao found that this cyclone could not be refined, only once.

But think about it and be relieved, others only have three cyclones at most, but they have ten cyclones, all of which are refined, which is equivalent to the three refinements of others.

What’s more, apart from him, no one else could perform three refinings.

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