The cultivation continues…

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 50!] Cyclone 2 quenching is one percent. 】

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 50!] Cyclone 2 quenching is two percent complete. 】


But this time, Bi Hao found that the value of this spiritual power increase was less!

It turns out that one is the most effective, and the effect of swallowing later will get worse and worse?

However, the effect of the cyclone quenching did not seem to decrease, which was also somewhat comforting.

Anyway, there are 20 fruits, first use 10 to complete the cyclone quenching!

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 50!] Cyclone 2 quenching is 10 percent complete. 】

【Ding, absorb the condensed soul fruit, increase the spiritual power by 50!] Cyclone 2 quenching is 11 percent complete. 】


After another half an hour, the second Soul Condensation Fruit was absorbed and Bi Hao’s second cyclone was also quenched.

And this time, his mental strength only increased by 5,000.

Without hesitation, just swallow another one to continue.

In this way, the time passed quietly, and it was almost 5 hours in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Chen Xi’s four people opened their eyes one after another, and the Hui Spirit Essence in front of them was almost exhausted.

At this time, they were absolutely different from before, and they were filled with a deep charm.

Their eyes reveal an incomparable depth, like a black hole, which is elusive.

The face of the iceberg goddess Lin Xiaoxiao was even more cold, giving people a feeling that it was not terrible.

Although Chen Xi was still a Lolita look, it added a bit of magic, so that people could see at a glance that this little girl was not good.

And Zhao Lei actually lost all his hair during this period, becoming a big bald head that was as smooth as a mirror.

Zhang Weaving crackled with a loud noise all over his body, instantly completing the golden transformation of his bones, and his spiritual strength also rose by leaps and bounds.

At this time, her face also had more silence.

Then, I felt the four of them erupt with violent momentum at the same time, and their ranks were soaring.

Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao actually directly broke through to the peak of the Six Stars, while Zhao Lei reached the late Six Stars, and Zhang Weaving also reached the Six Stars Stage.

The speed of this promotion is simply staggering, and Liu Zhen who looks envious, this is the benefit of the reincarnation, it is simply open.

If Bi Hao wakes up, it is estimated that he will also be shocked to drop his chin, which is simply more perverted than the system, and he has not been so fast in promotion.

Of course, it’s not that they are better than the system, it’s just that people are reincarnated, the prerequisites are against the sky, of course, they have limits, when they reach the level of past lives, their speed will slow down.

But Bi Hao is different, he has a system, but he can maintain a hundred times faster growth without limit.

After another ten minutes, Bi Hao, who was meditating, finally opened his eyes.

“Whoosh!” At this moment, two rays of light burst out from his eyes, and a huge mental pressure instantly spread.

At this time, Bi Hao, the ten cyclones had all been refined, and their attributes had increased dramatically.

And his spiritual power had also reached a terrifying value.

These ten condensed soul fruits added 10,000, 5,000, 3,000, 2,000, 1,000, 500, 300, 2 hundred, 1 hundred, and 50 in turn for him.

At this time, his spiritual strength had already reached 3,2150, far exceeding the strong one in the early Nine Stars.

You must know that breaking through 10,000 spiritual power can reach the Nine Star Condensed Divine Soul.

However, Bi Hao had now broken 30,000, but he did not feel his own spiritual soul condensation, but the spiritual power in his brain domain was something that could not be thought of before, but now it was like substance, visible to the naked eye.

In his mind, at this time, a thick white fog had formed, and under the thick fog, a small pool had formed.

Such an alien appearance is simply unheard of, and the spiritual power can be turned into a substantial pool of water and thick fog, which shows the horror of the intensity of the degree.

In addition to the surge in mental strength, the biggest unexpected gain was that in such a short period of time, even ten cyclones had been quenched.

Originally, Bai Hesheng had told him that according to the degree of his demon, it would be difficult for Bi Hao to quench his bones and the internal organs and even the meridians.

Even if it was the refining of the skull and the condensation of spiritual power, the old man had never worried.

But the only thing that worried him was the condensation of the cyclone, because the boy had ten cyclones.

Without refining a single cyclone, the difficulty increases exponentially.

However, even Bi Hao did not expect that in addition to increasing spiritual power, this condensation fruit could also refine the cyclone?

Don’t people who have used this elixir before know? Or do they know but don’t say it?

Or is it only him?

In fact, he was right to think of the last point, and indeed only he could do it.

When this condensed soul fruit was first swallowed, he had communicated with the system to strengthen this fruit a hundred times.

Although the system prompt was strengthened, if swallowed, the mental strength could only increase so much.

In the words of the system, spiritual power is a special thing, and there is a limit to growth.

Therefore, the value of the spiritual power provided by the fruit did not skyrocket, but it alienated the fruit, and all the energy that was strengthened was transferred to the quenching cyclone.

This led to his cyclone quenching so fast and smooth, allowing him to achieve the effect that no one could do in more than five hours, even months or even years, decades.

This is what he learned later when he communicated with the system again, and he couldn’t help but sigh again that the life of Kaihang was cool!

“Since even the cyclone has been quenched and reached the peak of the five-star, let’s simply break through directly!”

Thinking of doing it, Bi Hao closed his eyes again and entered the breakthrough.

Chen Xi and the others opened their eyes before seeing him, felt the strong mental pressure, and were about to go forward to inquire, but saw that he closed his eyes again.

So I stopped and watched.

“Is he going to break through?” Well? He’s already a five-star peak? Feeling the sudden violent breath on his body, Chen Xi said in surprise.

“Isn’t it? Two and a half months ago, he was only in the early stage of three stars, and before seeing him in the early stage of five stars, could this condensation fruit swallow still increase the level? ”

“More than 5 hours, the initial five-star reaches the five-star peak? Is he still human? I remember he had ten cyclones, right? More than 5 hours to all the quenching? ”

The more several people said, the more shocked they became, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

This is simply counterintuitive and unheard of, is the effect of this contemplative fruit so powerful? Can you also quench a cyclone? And the speed of this quenching is so fast?

A series of questions filled their minds, and although they knew that Bi Hao was very evil, they still subconsciously pushed this alien phase to the Gaze God Fruit.

Because they really don’t believe that even if a person is a demon, he can be a demon to such a state?

Therefore, they came to the conclusion that this condensation fruit must have mutated and produced other effects.

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